Telehealth Is Opening the Doors for Patient Eye Health
On Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
Release Date: 09/08/2021
On Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. Technology developed specifically for people with low vision has historically been bespoke, specific, and expensive, requiring the creation of new technology for a relatively small population of users. But recently we’re seeing a paradigm shift from building new vision tech from scratch to building on top of existing technology that most people use daily. In this episode, Dr. Cal talks with Karthik Mahadevan, the founder and CEO of Envision, about how his technology company builds on existing...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. Today, self-driving cars are all the buzz when it comes to cutting edge driving technology that could help people with vision impairmentdrive. But there are other, simpler technologies that are already helping people who are blind or visually impaired navigate behind the wheel - some of which draw on technology that’s been around for hundreds of years! In this episode, Dr. Cal talks with Dr. Henry Greene, co-founder and president of Ocutech about their bioptic driving telescopes. These simple...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. When it comes to navigation technology for people who are blind or visually impaired, many apps utilize voice commands, loud tones or beeps, or haptic feedback. In an effort to create a more natural, seamless experience, the team at BenVision has created a different type of system that allows users to navigate using musical cues instead! For this episode, Dr. Cal spoke with BenVision’s CEO and co-founder, Patrick Burton, along with its Technology Leadd, Aaditya Vaze. They shared about the...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
We appreciate your support for our show — and now, we need your help nominating the On Tech & Vision podcast for the People’s Choice Podcast Awards! We are participating in these awards so we can showcase On Tech & Vision to a broader audience, gain recognition within the industry, and, most importantly, help spread the message about Lighthouse Guild and the role that technology is playing in tearing down barriers for people who are blind or visually impaired. To help us nominate On Tech & Vision, please go online to , where you can register to vote for...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. For hundreds of years, health professionals have dreamed of restoring vision for people who are blind or visually impaired. However, doing so, either through transplanting a functioning eye or using technological aids, is an incredibly complex challenge. In fact, many considered it impossible. But thanks to cutting-edge research and programs, the ability to restore vision is getting closer than ever. As a first for this podcast, this episode features an interview with Dr. Cal Roberts himself!...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. This episode is about how biosensor technology is revolutionizing the field of diagnostic and preventive medicine. Biosensors can take many forms — wearable, implantable, and even ingestible. And they can serve many different functions as well, most notably when it comes to detecting the various pressure levels in our bodies. This episode features interviews with several luminaries working with biosensors. One of them is Doug Adams, a revolutionary entrepreneur who became inspired to create a...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
When it comes to emerging technology, there’s no hotter topic than artificial intelligence. Programs like ChatGPT and Midjourney are becoming more popular and are inspiring people to explore the possibilities of what AI can achieve — including when it comes to accessible technology for people who are blind or visually impaired. One of those people is Saqib Shaikh, an engineering manager at Microsoft. Saqib leads the team that developed an app called Seeing AI, which utilizes the latest generation of artificial intelligence, known as generative AI Dr. Cal spoke with Saqib about how...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. When it comes to art, a common phrase is “look, don’t touch.” Many think of art as a purely visual medium, and that can make it difficult for people who are blind or visually impaired to engage with it. But in recent years, people have begun to reimagine what it means to experience and express art. For this episode, Dr. Cal spoke to El-Deane Naude from Sony Electronics. El-Deane discussed the Retissa NeoViewer, a project developed with QD Laser that projects images taken on a camera...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. When we buy a product off the shelf, we rarely think about how much work went into getting it there. Between initial conception and going to market, life-changing technology requires a rigorous testing and development process. That is especially true when it comes to accessible technology for people who are blind or visually impaired. For this episode, Dr. Cal spoke to Jay Cormier, the President and CEO of Eyedaptic, a company that specializes in vision-enhancement technology. Their flagship...
info_outlineOn Tech & Vision With Dr. Cal Roberts
This podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss. The white cane and guide dogs are long-established foundational tools used by people with vision impairment to navigate. Although it would be difficult to replace the 35,000 years of bonding between humans and dogs, researchers are working on robotic technologies that can replicate many of the same functions of a guide dog. One such project, called LYSA, is being developed by Vix Labs in Brazil. LYSA sits on two wheels and is pushed by the user. It’s capable of identifying obstacles and...
info_outlineThis podcast is about big ideas on how technology is making life better for people with vision loss.
Today’s big idea is: How will remote diagnostic tests change ophthalmology and vision care? It might be a foreign concept for some, but the specialists in today’s episode, Dr. Peter Pham and Dr. Sean Ianchulev, founders of (Keep Your Sight, a nonprofit focused on remote diagnostic vision tests) share how they can conduct more reliable perimetry tests that help detect macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other conditions that lead to vision loss and eventually blindness — remotely, while patients stay home. Developments like these in remote diagnostics are a stepping stone for the ways machine learning will impact the field of ophthalmology in the future. This episode also features Dr. Einar Stefansson and Dr. Arna Gudmundsdottir, developers of the app, Retina Risk, which helps with remote risk assessment of diabetic eye disease for people with diabetes, as well as Sherrill Jones, who lost her vision due to glaucoma.
The Big Takeaways:
- Retina Risk was created to help people with diabetes assess in real-time their individualized risk for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. The app was created back in 2009 and the concept of using technology and algorithms to calculate risk was still quite foreign to most people.
- What goes into taking a regular perimetry test today? Patients have to come into the office, wait, register, wait some more, get taken to a dark room to be positioned correctly, and after 20-30 minutes, you get a result. Now, there’s an easier way: patients can take these tests at home.
- Why is telescreening so important? Dr. Pham and Dr. Ianchulev noticed it could take months for patients to be scheduled in for routine visual field tests. By that time, the glaucoma may have advanced, and in some cases, rapidly. There was an unmet need here and there was a better way to serve people quicker and more efficiently, especially people from rural communities who did not have readily available access to healthcare.
- Medicare did not allow for doctors to reimburse their services unless it was conducted within the physician’s office. This led to a lot of roadblocks in telemedicine, despite the technology being available for the last 15-plus years. Thankfully, in December of 2020, policies were changed so that doctors would be reimbursed for remote patient monitoring.
“We know that our blindspot is 15 degrees away from fixation and, with simple trigonometry, you can now use that blindspot to help position patients correctly in front of the computer monitor. We can now use online technology to perform visual field tests.” — Dr. Peter Pham
“It was our goal to do a hardware-free digital/virtual device. We felt in ophthalmology, we’re kind of lucky. We are looking at a visual function. So perimetry lends itself to a fully virtual software as a service device.” — Dr. Sean Ianchulev
“I think technology will help us get to the next level. Technology has been around for this, but it hasn’t been applied for this.” — Dr. Sean Ianchulev
Contact Us:
Contact us at [email protected] with your innovative new technology ideas for people with vision loss.
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Guest Bios:
Dr. Peter Pham & Dr. Sean Ianchulev are both the Co-Founders of Keep Your Sight. Dr. Pham is a boarded certified ophthalmologist who has devoted his professional life to restoring sight and helping patients keep their vision. As a surgeon and clinician, Dr. Pham treats conditions such as glaucoma, cataract, and macular degeneration, all of which can cause blindness. As a researcher, he worked on the development of a novel delivery system for introducing large-sized molecular compounds into thousands of living cells simultaneously. Realizing the importance of technology and innovation for screening and prevention, Dr. Pham teamed up with Dr. Ianchulev to develop the KYS telemedicine system for vision health.
Dr. Ianchulev has been on the cutting edge of innovation, making an impact in the treatment of major eye diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. He was instrumental in the development of many new therapies and advances, such as Lucentis for AMD and Diabetic Retinopathy, intraoperative aberrometry for high-precision cataract surgery, micro-stent technology for glaucoma, the miLOOP interventional technology for cataract surgery, and others.
Dr. Einar Stefansson & Dr. Arna Gudmundsdottir are both the Co-Founders of Retina Risk. Dr. Stefansson is a leader in the field of diabetic eye disease and diabetic screening and head supervisor for product development and clinical science. Dr. Stefansson graduated from the University of Iceland Medical School in 1978 with honors. He received a PhD degree in physiology from Duke University in 1981 followed by a residency at Duke.
Dr. Gudmundsdottir takes an active role in all product development and clinical testing. Her expertise gives valuable insight into practical usage of products and medical approaches. Dr. Gudmundsdottir graduated from the University of Iceland Medical School in ’92. She undertook a fellowship program in endocrinology at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics.
Sherrill Jones lives in New York City and volunteers administrative services in Lighthouse Guild's Volunteer Services department.
Host Bio:
Dr. Calvin W. Roberts
Calvin W. Roberts, MD, is President and Chief Executive Officer of Lighthouse Guild, the leading organization dedicated to providing exceptional services that inspire people who are visually impaired to attain their goals. Dr. Roberts has a unique blend of academic, clinical, business, and hands-on product development experience. Dr. Roberts is a Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Weill Cornell Medical College. He was formerly Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Eye Care, at Bausch Health Companies where he coordinated global development and research efforts across their vision care, pharmaceutical, and surgical business units. As a practicing ophthalmologist from 1982 to 2008, he performed more than 10,000 cataract surgeries as well as 5,000 refractive and other corneal surgeries. He is credited with developing surgical therapies, over-the-counter products for vision care, prescription ocular therapeutics, and innovative treatment regimens. He also holds patents on the wide-field specular microscope and has done extensive research on ophthalmic non-steroidals and postoperative cystoid macular edema. Dr. Roberts has co-founded a specialty pharmaceutical company and is a frequent industry lecturer and author. He currently serves as an Independent Director on multiple corporate boards and has served as a consultant to Allergan, Johnson & Johnson, and Novartis. A graduate of Princeton University and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, Dr. Roberts completed his internship and ophthalmology residency at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center in New York. He also completed cornea fellowships at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and the Schepens Eye Research Institute in Boston.