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28: Trauma and the Role it Plays in our Healing Journey

Live Intuitive

Release Date: 04/07/2022

Ep. 56 Pausing the podcast show art Ep. 56 Pausing the podcast

Live Intuitive

This episode is a current update about pausing the podcast for a hot minute. How I got here, why I'm choosing to do it, and how the process that got me here can help you in your decision making too. If you're wanting to get more intune with your intuitive nudges and/or make decisions you actually want to make, this episode is for you!  PS: You can connect more with me here: Website: Instagram:

Ep. 55 Cognitive Distortions - how our brain impacts our circumstances show art Ep. 55 Cognitive Distortions - how our brain impacts our circumstances

Live Intuitive

In this episode I talk about Cognitive Distortions vs Cognitive Errors -- what they are, how they impact our lives, and what to do about them. If you're finding yourself hitting a brick wall with circumstances in your life, this episode is a must listen for you! Website: Instagram:

Ep. 54 Being your authentic self and why healing your self relationship is a pre-req show art Ep. 54 Being your authentic self and why healing your self relationship is a pre-req

Live Intuitive

Today's episode I talk about how healing your self-relationship helps you show up in the world as your truest, most authentic self naturally.... and of course, how to go about it.  Connect with me here: Website: Instagram:

Ep. 53 Decision Making: How to be great at it. show art Ep. 53 Decision Making: How to be great at it.

Live Intuitive

Why is it hard for so many of us to make great decisions quickly and effortlessly? Today's episode gives insight into this, why your self-relationship is involved AND what to do about it. Connect with me here! Website: Instagram:

Ep. 52 Disassociation and what to do about it show art Ep. 52 Disassociation and what to do about it

Live Intuitive

On today's episode we talk about disassociation and why staying present with our bodies in the midst of uncomfortable (or even painful) emotions can be incredibly transformative and healing.  Curious to hear more? Connect with me below! Instagram: Website:

Ep. 51 Cellcore FAQs (part three) show art Ep. 51 Cellcore FAQs (part three)

Live Intuitive

Continuing the conversation about Cellcore FAQs. As always, connect with me below and let me know YOUR questions!  Instagram:  Website: 

Ep. 50 Why tending to our thoughts & beliefs is the first step to following our intuition. show art Ep. 50 Why tending to our thoughts & beliefs is the first step to following our intuition.

Live Intuitive

In this episode of the podcast I discuss why it's crucial to know what's really going on in our mind -- what we're thinking and those deeply ingrained beliefs we may not even know are there! Tune in to learn why and hear how it connects to our ability to listen to our intuition.  Connect with me below!  Instagram: Website:  

Ep. 49 Cellcore FAQs (part two) show art Ep. 49 Cellcore FAQs (part two)

Live Intuitive

Continuing the conversation about Cellcore FAQs, today we cover:  Can I do this while working full time?  How quickly will I feel better? Will I lose weight?  How do I know when to move on to the next phase?  as always, connect with me below and let me know YOUR questions!  Instagram: Website:

Ep. 48 Cellcore FAQs (part one) show art Ep. 48 Cellcore FAQs (part one)

Live Intuitive

I get lots of questions around cellcore -- from clients, from potential clients, and from total strangers! So, I thought I would start to address some of those in episodes of the podcast!  If you have questions, send them my way via: Website: Instagram:

Ep. 47 How to walk through thoughts & beliefs show art Ep. 47 How to walk through thoughts & beliefs

Live Intuitive

Many of us walk around with thoughts and beilefs we aren't even aware of. Whether we picked them up in childhood or even more recently as an adult, they form the foundation of how we make our daily decisions.  Learning how to recognize them both and tend to them before they become problematic can save you time, energy, pain, etc. It also helps you to move forward in your life proactively, rather than reactively.  Today on the podcast we talk about how to do that well and why it's an approach I take with my clients.  Tune in for more!  instagram: Website:

More Episodes

Part of knowing yourself is knowing your trauma and healing from it. In this episode, I take you through my own experience of working through trauma in real time.


Learn more at anneelline.com


Follow @anne.elline