EP 163 - Backpacking Meals By Athletes For Athletes With Jeff Garmire & Readywise
Live Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
Release Date: 12/05/2023
Live Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
In this month's session of "Ask OV" on the Live Ultralight Podcast, Tayson & Brigham answer the questions many of you have been asking & give unique behind the scenes insights & stories you won't want to miss. Have questions for next month's session of "Ask OV?" Email [email protected] & let us know! Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): https://bit.ly/3PswpQi #outdoorvitals #entrepreneur #backpacking #backpackinggear
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
In this months session of "Ask OV" on the Live Ultralight Podcast, Tayson & Brigham answer the questions many of you have been asking & give unique behind the scenes insights & stories you won't want to miss. Have questions for next month's session of "Ask OV?" Email [email protected] & let us know! Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): #outdoorvitals #entrepreneur #backpacking #backpackinggear
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
Join Tayson, Brigham, & Tyler to hear the BEST stories, gear, & trips from 2024. It's actually quite incredible what fits into a single year... Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): #ultralightbackpacking #outdoorvitals
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
What is is REALLY like to hike solo? Why are so many backpackers hesitant to do so, & is there a difference in how to prepare for a solo trip vs. a hike with friends? Join Tayson & Brigham to find out some of the BIGGEST differences between hiking solo or with friends. Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): #ultralightbackpacking #outdoorvitals
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
In this episode, Tayson Whittaker takes you through his solo adventure hiking 100 miles across the rugged Wind River Range in Wyoming. From the highs of breathtaking mountain views and wildlife encounters to his many trail setbacks, Tayson shares a raw and unfiltered account of his journey. Tune in to hear about his gear choices, mental challenges, moose, and how he managed to keep going on one of the most demanding hikes of his life. If you're into solo hiking, wilderness survival, or just love hearing about outdoor adventures, this episode is for you! Great Backpacking Gear (Support the...
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
In this episode, Tayson sits down with Brigham Crane, the Lead Designer of Outdoor Vitals, to discuss the NEW 2024 StormLoft™ Down Topquilt. Check out the new topquilts: #outdoorvitals #entrepreneur #backpacking #backpackinggear
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
In this episode, Tayson sits down with Outdoor Vitals employees Derek and Dave to talk about where Outdoor Vitals began and how it got to where it is now, more than 10 years later. Enjoy the stories! 10 Year Sale: Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): #outdoorvitals #entrepreneur #backpacking #backpackinggear
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
On this episode of the Live Ultralight Podcast, Tayson sits down with none other than Jeff Pelletier to talk all about the Bryce Canyon 100-mile race that Tayson recently attempted. Together they talk about strategy, training, and mindset, and break down the race piece by piece. Enjoy! Stay tuned for Tayson's documentary about the experience! Check out Jeff's channel: Great Backpacking Gear (Support the Podcast): #brycecanyon #brycecanyonnationalpark #brycecanyon100 #ultramarathon #100miles
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
On this episode of the podcast, Tayson sits down with Outdoor Vitals' Lead Designer Brigham Crane to discuss their new pants: The Skyline Trail Joggers. Skyline Trail Joggers: #skylinetrailjoggers #skylinejoggers #hikingpants #joggers
info_outlineLive Ultralight Podcast | Backpacking, Travel, and Adventure
Darian Allberry is an ultrarunner and Head of User Engagement at COROS Wearables. There he oversees press and media communications, product marketing, testing, and quality control. Join the membership: #outdoorvitals #coros #coroswearables #liveultrralightpodcast #taysonwhittaker #liveultralight
info_outlineIn this episode of the podcast, we’re talking about backpacking food. Not just any backpacking food, but backpacking food designed by the athletes that consume them. Through OV’s Live Ultralight Membership, members will have access to the Jeff Garmire Signature Edition Pro Meal. So, today we’ll be talking to both Jeff Garmire and Luke Pearsall from Readywise to talk about what goes into making backpacking meals and what Backpacking meals mean for you.
About our guests:
Jeff Garmire is a mountain athlete and runner, who not only is a calendar-year triple crowner, but holds or has held numerous unsupported FKTs of many trails, including the Colorado Trail, Arizona Trail, and the Long Trail, and 17 or so others. He’s a writer, author of the book Free Outside, and the subject of a documentary currently touring North America: Free Outside: A Colorado Trail Story. Jeff's website: https://freeoutside.com/
Luke Pearsall is the brand manager of Readywise. He’s spent over 20 years as a media professional, working in professional photography, software, and the television industry; including working behind the scenes on the shows Lost and Entourage. On the more outdoorsy side of things, at the age of 25, Luke spent a year leading adventure tours across the continent of South America. Readywise Website: https://readywiseoutdoor.com/pages/jeffgarmire
Save money on backpacking gear (including Readywise) through the OV Live Ultralight Membership: https://bit.ly/3PswpQi
#jeffgarmire #backpacking #backpackingfood #readywise #outdoorvitals