The Count Is A Murderer with Jonny Svarzbein
Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories
Release Date: 03/24/2023
Lizard People: Comedy and Conspiracy Theories
Just a friendly little preview of our episode from last month with the wonderful Jacquis Neal! Head over to to hear the whole episode! Plus two brand new eps a month! See ya there!
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We heard your whistles weren't wet enough so we're here to slop em up! Here's a little preview of our latest episode with fan fave and good pal, Todd McClintock! Head over to to hear the whole episode! Plus two brand new eps a month! See ya there!
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We're back baby! But things are gonna be a little different going forward for the podcast! Listen in for all the info. Missed ya! Find us on PAREON!
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We're gonna take a break! While we're gone, why not listen to Alexis' podcast Comfort Creatures and Katelyn's new podcast VS! Here's the first episode, find more at the link below! HAGS!
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Kiwifruit! Kiwibirds! KiwiBULLSH*T?! That's right! Betsy Sodaro is BACK on the show and she's here to prove that New Zealand isn't real! Could it be that the Hollywood elite like Peter Jackson have bamboozled us all? Is Taika Waititi is faking his cool accent? Are most of your favorite movies actually shot on a soundstage in Queens? Learn the truth about the country that seems to good to be true! Plus, we talk about Vegas and maps a bunch!
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Does milk do a body good? Or is it basically poison being sold to us by an evil cabal of farmers, government officials, and Manhattan ad guys? You decide dear listener!! Carl Tart is back on the pod and he's got a piping hot theory about everyone's favorite calcium! Is the MILK campaign being used to sell off extra cow products by the US governemnt? Is the dairy industry actually DEADLY? Are soy-boys real? Why is Michael Bay involved? Find out all this and more! Also, sorry to all camels.
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Think 'shrimpy' is an insult? Think again, you fool! You absolute dunce! Our good buddy Vic Michaelis is back with a theory about the delicious decapods we all know and love - shrimp! Vic suspects that they've been the victim of a very specific smear campaign, one orchestrated by a powerful if shadowy media organziation that has a reputation for creating some SUPER movies. This is a subject so explosive, so powerful, that we have to do a lot of tangents just to cover it - tangents like what makes something a bug, who owns Batman, what horse pee is good for, and more.
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How did ancient people move huge slabs of stone hundreds of miles? Could they have had help from visitors from another galaxy? And when will Devin escape from his escape room? That's right, Devin Field is back in the Lizard Lair with some spicy chicken fingers of conspiracy! He suspects that actually extraterrestrials are responsible for Stonehenge, the Easter Island moai, and pretty much all the other big stuff. Listen in for some top tier puns, strike talk, and a lot of really genuinely interesting information about Bronze Age trade routes. Or just say no thanks!
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Just the two of us, we can make it if we try! This episode is just Alexis and Katelyn getting down to business with a couple of announcements and a couple of extremely goofy theories. Does the government secretly control the weather and create the kind of ridiculous substance we know as 'snow'? And is Lizard People actually a psyop to make conspiracy theories seem silly? We've go the hot hot gossip, and look out for a few more extremely fun episodes in this season coming your way!
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When you think of the 90s it's almost impossible not to think of Mariah Carey. Be it her incredible vocal range, her catchy Christmas tunes, or her iconic album covers, Mariah was a major force in the pop world. But was Mariah stripped of true triple threat status? Should she be an EGOT winner? Ele Woods returns to the show this week because she believes Mariah Carey's film Glitter was sabotaged by none other than her ex-husband and music exec, Tommy Mottola! Ele explains that Tommy was so bent on revenge, he may have caused the worst disaster on American soil: 9/11. How? Well pal, you're...
info_outlineOne new world order! Two new world orders! HA HA HA! This week we've got funniest man in the world Jonny Svarzbein in the Lizard Lair, with a theory that will either ruin your childhood or make perfect sense. Jonny suspects that The Count, beloved Sesame Street character, is actually a vampire who's killing kids and is also a member of the... ahem... "cosmopolitan elites". Could the beloved kids show character be just another blood libel? Is Santa actually Christian? Who's actually watching shows on Tubi? And why won't you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street??