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Tricks For Overcoming Public Speaking And Scary Goals!

Earn Your Happy

Release Date: 09/01/2022

You Don't Owe People Their Comfort Zones show art You Don't Owe People Their Comfort Zones

Earn Your Happy

Do you have a habit that you’ve totally convinced yourself is okay, but you know deep down inside if you made this one little tweak, you could be operating at such a higher level? For me, I knew that I needed to cut back on how many days a week I was drinking alcohol. In order to kick the habit of having a drink in the evening, I’ve started to get creative with mocktails and implement other rituals that help me wind down. I share examples of where this concept might be showing up in your life and offer up solutions that will support you as you step into the version of yourself that you...

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Earn Your Happy

Whether you're speaking for an hour or running a week-long mastermind, the way that you show up for your audience will either make or break your brand and your long-term dreams. Chris is going on his sixth year of running the Elite Mastermind, and we sat down to discuss the preparation that goes into making these events successful. We detail the rituals we do beforehand, how we ensure that we’re facilitating incredible rooms, and why these sorts of events are so important for our growth.    IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: What we do to prepare to be the best version of...

Sprinkles Co-Founder, Candace Nelson, On Innovation & Reinventing The Bakery show art Sprinkles Co-Founder, Candace Nelson, On Innovation & Reinventing The Bakery

Earn Your Happy

My entire world changed the first time I saw a Sprinkles Cupcake ATM, which is why I’m so excited to share the conversation I had with the woman who came up with the idea and co-founder of Sprinkles, Candace Nelson! We talk about the biggest things that put her company on the map, some of the unexpected challenges that came with going viral, and how she’s developed her leadership skills over the years.  Candace shares super insightful advice about how to develop your tolerance to risk and failure, and the importance of constantly getting out of your comfort zone. Plus, we talk about...

Best Practices For Training Your Focus show art Best Practices For Training Your Focus

Earn Your Happy

I’m in such a busy season right now and can’t afford to be distracted. I’ve had to become a lot more regimented and thoughtful about the time that I spend on my phone because I’ve noticed that checking a text turns into responding to DMs and scrolling TikTok, which is such a bad habit to get into. Where are you causing yourself more stress and selling your dream by taking yourself out of the zone? Listen in to hear how I’m working on collapsing and expanding time lately.    IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: Getting real with yourself about where you’re wasting time ...

Ways To Incorporate Manifestation Into Your Daily Routine show art Ways To Incorporate Manifestation Into Your Daily Routine

Earn Your Happy

The common thread between our happiest, wealthiest, and most successful friends is that they all have a daily manifestation or visualization practice. Chris and I find it so important to set a target every single day and stay consistent with action steps that align with those big dreams. Chris breaks down both the woo-woo and logical side of manifestation and I explain why you need to really tune into your truth to make this practice work. Plus, we share a simple way to incorporate it into your routine and track progress.    IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: Our New Year’s Eve...

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Earn Your Happy

I’m joined by Keri Wilson, Founder and Chief Creative Officer of GOLDSHEEP, a vibrant, one-of-a-kind athleisure brand that I’ve been obsessed with since it launched. Keri and I talk about the Goldsheep origin story and how her vision for the brand has evolved. We get into the challenges that she’s faced with building out systems and delegating tasks in order to scale, and Keri gets super candid about how she’s learned to not be the bottleneck in her business. We also discuss the consequences of not working within your zone of genius and how to recognize when it’s time to pivot. ...

Ways To Clear Your Mental Space To Free Your Energy! show art Ways To Clear Your Mental Space To Free Your Energy!

Earn Your Happy

One of the most powerful monthly practices that I have is to sit down and really go through what’s bogging me down and taking up too much of my mental space. It’s the tiny things done consistently that get you closer to your goals. It doesn’t always have to be a giant, scary leap. So, what’s draining your energy? Do you have to schedule that appointment or send that email that you’ve been avoiding? I promise that taking stock and moving the needle that tiny bit will give you the clarity and boost that you need to keep going.     IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: Giving...

How To Use Storytelling To Boost Your Business show art How To Use Storytelling To Boost Your Business

Earn Your Happy

If you can learn how to teach through stories, then you’re not only going to be one of the most interesting people in the room, but it’s also going to enrich your content creation. Chris and I discuss the power of story and how to use it in your business. We illustrate why it’s so important to be an engaging storyteller and share tips for how to craft a message that will keep your audience engaged.    IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: Using storytelling as a networking superpower  Why you must develop your storytelling skills if you want to thrive and stand out in...

Why Visualizing Your Dreams Makes Them Reality With Nathan Chan, CEO Of foundr show art Why Visualizing Your Dreams Makes Them Reality With Nathan Chan, CEO Of foundr

Earn Your Happy

I’m joined by Nathan Chan, CEO of foundr — a global education company that connects millions of people every month with some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our generation. With a passion for entrepreneurship and people, Nathan created foundr. We chat about Nathan’s love of connecting with leading entrepreneurs and foundr’s readers, and what it takes to create not only a top-ranking magazine but also a fast-growing online media and education company.   IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: Solving problems around the creating, marketing, and product space  The importance...

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Earn Your Happy

Next time you need some inspiration to write an Instagram post or a newsletter, or even just have a tough conversation with someone in your life, I have a trick for getting your message across clearly. I want you to try writing yourself a letter from the perspective of the other person. What are their pain points? How has your product, offering, or actions affected them? Find a solution to each thing you can list out and write a letter back to them. I found that this exercise has helped me set boundaries, meet people with more compassion, and get really clear on what I’m responsible for. Try...

More Episodes

I am back in my home in Arizona and I am so excited because I am one day away from speaking on one of my best friend's stages: Powerhouse Women. Lindsey Schwartz puts on this event every single year, and this year is the biggest event that she has done yet, which makes me feel a little nervous about how many people I will be talking to when I am on stage.


I have my stage tricks up my sleeve that have always helped me, and in today’s episode, I want to share them with you. I've been to a lot of different coached speaking events, and I've had speaking coaching myself, and I've practiced, I've made myself go and do it and get the experience and now I want to share that wisdom learned with you.



  • How to give yourself grace when you make mistakes on stage
  • Lori’s theory on nerves
  • Lori’s best tricks for overcoming stage fright



  • Shout out to Beis for sponsoring the show. Go to beistravel.com/lori to get 15% off your first purchase. 
  • Sign up for The Spritz newsletter at litepink.com!
  • Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations and journal prompts



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