Episode #13: Is it time to “knit together the workforce system crazy quilt of data so we can really use it to drive performance?” Dr. Joshua Hawley (The Ohio State University) thinks so.
Release Date: 02/25/2020
Making Better Work
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info_outline Episode #18: Colorado’s Data Journey: “We’re building value for the future into our systems now.”Making Better Work
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info_outline Episode #17: California’s Building System to Help More Californians Benefit from the State’s Treasure Trove of Workforce DataMaking Better Work
In this episode, our host Kristin Wolff talks with Patrick Getz, project lead for California’s Workforce Data Quality Initiative, with the California Workforce Development Board.
info_outlineDr. Josh Hawley is a workforce data guru. An Associate Professor in the Glenn College and an Associate Professor in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University, Dr. Hawley also leads the Ohio Education Research Center, a collaboration of six Ohio universities and four research organizations aimed at bridging research, policy and practice around education in the State of Ohio, pre-school through workforce. He also serves as faculty for Coleridge Initiative (New York University) administrative data training programs and as a formal subject matter expert for the Workforce Data Quality Initiative and informal advisor to states all over the country seeking to improve the way they manage and use education and workforce data.
In this podcast, Kristin Wolff (our host) talks with Dr. Hawley about what he’s learned in over a decade of work in this area, what opportunities he sees, and how he’s put the data he works with to use in his own research on education and workforce policy and programs, including apprenticeship.
Enjoy! (And, by all means, share and comment!)
For more information: · Dr. Josh Hawley, Ohio State University: http://glenn.osu.edu/faculty/glenn-faculty/hawley/ · Dr. Hawley explains workforce development (video): https://www.flatlandkc.org/news-issues/education/making-case/ · Coleridge Initiative: https://coleridgeinitiative.org · Ohio Analytics: http://www.ohioanalytics.gov/index.stm · Workforce Success Measures: https://workforcesuccess.chrr.ohio-state.edu/about · Apprenticeship: https://workforcesuccess.chrr.ohio-state.edu/reports?location=99999&program=app&subprogram=all&provider=n · Also: https://fordhaminstitute.org/ohio/commentary/making-good-apprenticeship-promise-will-require-major-investment-states
Social: · LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-h-bbaa6b1/
· Twitter: @HawleyJosh
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This podcast was produced by Social Policy Research and Workforce 180 with support from the US Department of Labor. The views expressed are those of the speakers and should not be attributed to the US Department of Labor or other public agencies (state, federal, or local). Mentions of trade names, commercial products or organizations does not imply endorsement of same by the US Government or representatives.