5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
Dr. Stella Chess and her husband Dr. Alexander Thomas spearheaded the classic New York Longitudinal study in the early 1950s to track hundreds of children over a 30-year period to understand the tendencies that babies are born with and how they influence their lives, and from that research they developed the 9 Temperamental Traits. The traits are: Activity Level: how active is your child most of the time? Distractibility: how easily do outside influences distract your child? Intensity: how much intensity does your child have in her responses? Regularity: does your child vary in her eating or...
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
info_outline5 Seasons of Connection Podcast
o o AIn this episode, I talk about Core Values as a strategy to build awareness about who you are and what are the deeply held beliefs that guide your life. Here are a list of Core Values that you can use as a starting point for selecting your 5-7 most powerful Core Value words. Ability o Acceptance o Accessibility o Accomplishment o Accuracy o Achievement o Adventure o Ambition o Appreciation o Assertive o ...
info_outlineMotherhood is hard enough when you are healthy. When you have the added complexity of testing, medication-hopping, poking, prodding, and side effects, motherhood is extremely challenging!
In this podcast episode, I talk about what it was like to be in the fog, and how much grit and determination it took to clear my mind and heart and live with purpose and intention for myself, my kids, and my family.
In 2012, my girlfriend gave me a free ticket to an event and I didn't think I would go because, well, I just didn't do things like that. However, as the date drew nearer, I decided to go and everything changed. For the first time, I saw women sharing and laughing, dancing and hugging, I saw strangers become supporters during the conference when brave, bold women shared their inner pain. It was transformational!
I went on to join the MamaCon team and worked for a few years before having the opportunity to buy the company. I now cherish every mama in our community, and my motto of No Mama Should Mama Alone just gets stronger with each passing day.