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4 Questions For A Successful Day

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Release Date: 09/20/2023

Taking A Pause and Digging Deep show art Taking A Pause and Digging Deep

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Our lives have seasons, and it's time for a hiatus from the podcast and a focus on family as we welcome many new shifts this summer.  Join us for our last podcast for a while where we leave you with some questions to ponder and to determine what season you are in, and what might be time to pull back from as you give more elsewhere. 

The Flourishing Life Blueprint show art The Flourishing Life Blueprint

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Are you seeking a plan to create a life you truly love and don't want to escape from? Do you want to dive deep into the essence of what you provide for your family and develop the tools to cultivate a flourishing life? Join us in this episode where we discuss group coaching and the 7-week Flourishing Life Blueprint I'm launching in June. We'll cover self-discovery, creating a family vision, discovering your personal vision statement, and aligning with the DISCovering You course. We'll explore awareness, integrating work and life, developing an entrepreneurial spirit, and servant leadership....

Love and Let Be: The Impact of a Compassionate Heart Philosophy show art Love and Let Be: The Impact of a Compassionate Heart Philosophy

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Love without ownership - can you love someone and let go of the outcome?  In this episode, we discuss the concept of love without ownership and recognizing the impact of our actions on others. When it comes to navigating relationships with people or animals, we talk about the importance of the abundance mentality and letting go. What, truly, is compassionate love, and how can it impact our lives and relationships? From saying "yes" or "no" to our children to recognizing the influence of others on our loved ones, we explore the beauty of letting go and allowing love to simply be. Join us...

Does My Personality Change Over Time? show art Does My Personality Change Over Time?

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

I get asked this question a lot as a relationships coach who specializes in helping people understand their personality styles. And the answer isn't a simple yes or no.  It's a lesson in self-awareness and evolution, and this week Nathan and I dig into my mentor's blog post on the "The Lifecycles of Strength" and the many stages we go through as we grow and develop - not only into who we are, but who we want to become.  Listen in, and share with a friend! (Get the full blog post that goes along with it here):...

"What I Like" is just the first step

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

In this episode, Nathan and I dive deep into exploring the balance between knowing what you like and being open to what's working for you. We share our perspectives on the delicate dance of embracing our likes while also being open to new opportunities for growth and connection. What happens when we get stuck in our ways, and how can we navigate this in our relationships? We discuss how rigid thinking can limit us and how embracing flexibility can open up new doors in our lives and relationships. We talk about Joshua Becker's blog post on Becoming Minimalist. We challenge you to shift your...

Working From Home Is So Overrated show art Working From Home Is So Overrated

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

I was 34 years old and at my wit's end with a 3, 6, and 9-year-old, trying to navigate juggling work and motherhood at the same time. I wrote a blog post then, and, looking back at it now, my heart goes out to that mama I was 8 years ago!  So I updated the blog post and asked Nathan to come on and do an episode now, in hindsight, about working from home and how to navigate it.  So is it overrated and you shouldn't do it? Or...can you find your flow? Get the full blog post that goes along with it here: *Bonus - transcript added!

The One Approach to Learning We Can All Get Behind show art The One Approach to Learning We Can All Get Behind

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Back in 2018, I wrote a blog post about my perspective on learning together as a family that transcends all educational models and is simply a lifestyle approach. Today, we reflect back on how much this model of "Functional Education" has served us well over the years, and break down the acronym of "FUNCTION" to dig into what it really looks like. Read the corresponding blog post here:

Do you have a family vision? show art Do you have a family vision?

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

If you haven't ever discussed what "home" looks and feels like to you, how will you know when you're there?  We spend a lot of time in business looking at things like a vision statement, team meetings, and showing up in our best light. Yet how often do we give this same intention at home?  We dive into our foundational post on "family vision" that we did eight years ago, reminiscing on the steps we took with young children as well as looking back now at other approaches that would work.  Not everyone is going to get excited about a family vision any more than going to yet...

The 3 Tenets of Showing Up show art The 3 Tenets of Showing Up

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

In today's episode, we're diving into the three steps of "showing up" in your relationships - whether it's with your partner, your kids, your family, or your friends. Are you willing to embrace who you are right now, to own your past, and realize it doesn't have to dictate your future? We explore the first step - "looking inward" - and discuss the importance of giving yourself love, accepting responsibility for your actions, and aligning them with your intentions for how you want to show up in this world. Then, we uncover the significance of "looking forward" and why it's essential to start...

A New Take on Yearly Goals and Intentions show art A New Take on Yearly Goals and Intentions

Mama Says Namaste Podcast

Join us in Episode 335 as Nathan and I delve into the power of setting intentions and our word of the year for 2024. We explore the shift from traditional goal setting to focusing on the feelings we want to achieve and the people we want to become. We go over our words and intentions from the past decade with true examples of how it's impacted our growth, and dig into the deeper meaning and desires around a goal when life is always handing us curveballs.   

More Episodes

Welcome back to another episode of Mama Says Namaste! In today's episode, we're diving into four valuable tips that are sure to bring success and joy to your family life.

As parents, we often find ourselves focusing solely on the distant horizon of retirement, but what about the here and now? Is it possible to find fulfillment and happiness in the present moment instead of solely relying on future plans?

We'll explore the idea that waiting until retirement to relax and enjoy life can leave us feeling lost and uncertain. We want to instill positive habits and cultivate a love for our current lives, even as we look forward to the future. To help us on this journey of family success, we have four powerful questions to ask yourself at the beginning of the day and to reflect on at the end of the day.

We also want to teach our children how to give back and be contributing members of our household and society. They're not just future adults; they're roommates in the present. We'll explore ways to encourage their contributions, even if they're still in the early stages of maturity. Trust me, it's never too early to instill a sense of responsibility and respect within our children.

Speaking of responsibilities, let's talk about our relationship with money and how it impacts our overall family vision. We'll discuss the importance of open communication and aligning our financial decisions with our values. It's about finding true wealth beyond the dollars and cents.

So grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and get ready for some valuable insights and practical tips to create a successful and fulfilling family life. Let's make each day count, right here, right now, on Mama Says Namaste. Let's dive in!