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Chapter 8: Back Yourself - Don’t wait to feel brave … take the leap!

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

Release Date: 12/23/2021

120 - Make 2025 your year for living bravely! show art 120 - Make 2025 your year for living bravely!

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

As we step into a new year, many set resolutions — but let’s face it, the vast majority will fall by the wayside before February.  This episode kicks off the new year with a new series to celebrate my new book ! Tune in as I guide you to set a bold vision for your year ahead and embrace discomfort as the key to closing the gap between where you are now and where you’d like to by year end.  If you’re not okay to settle, then you need to step forward amid the unknowns. Are you ready? Let’s dive in! LINKS:

119 - My brother Frank: Be the captain of your life, not captive of your circumstance show art 119 - My brother Frank: Be the captain of your life, not captive of your circumstance

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

This episode was recorded during my brother Frank's visit—a journey of over 10,000 miles from Australia. What makes this journey truly remarkable is that Frank, living with paraplegia, approaches travel with a 'can do' mindset that sets him apart. In a world often focused on limitations, Frank's determination to embrace new adventures despite his life-altering injury embodies the 'live brave' message of this podcast. Frank’s resilience and refusal to let his condition define him serve as a powerful testament to the human spirit. I hope his story will inspire you to be captain of your life,...

118 - Amy Edmondson: Are you risking enough intelligent failure? Decoding failure to progress faster show art 118 - Amy Edmondson: Are you risking enough intelligent failure? Decoding failure to progress faster

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

Not only does nobody enjoy failure, but we also often fail to learn from it, resulting in failing twice! Building on my previous podcast episode with Amy Edmondson (Episode 116), Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, we dive into her latest book, Right Kind of Wrong, and unpack the science of failing well. This approach helps us avoid the tripwires that often crush courage, limit learning, and expose entire enterprises to greater risks. Learning how to risk more intelligent failure will not only propel you forward more quickly but also spare you the...

117 - Kirstin Ferguson: Leadership is a series of moments requiring both head and heart show art 117 - Kirstin Ferguson: Leadership is a series of moments requiring both head and heart

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

Leadership isn’t about position or title. It’s about the decision we make, moment by moment, to show up… with head and heart and be a force for good in the lives of others.  In my conversation with Kirstin, we discuss her new book Head & Heart and how you can be the leader the world needs you to be. We talk about staying self-aware (easier said than done!), being humble, having the courage to say sorry and to bring both your head and heart to making each moment better for others. No small task, but one we’re all called toward in some form.    

116 - Amy Edmondson: Psychological safety de-risks candor and fuels courage. show art 116 - Amy Edmondson: Psychological safety de-risks candor and fuels courage.

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

"Unsafe cultures endanger everyone," says Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor at Harvard Business School. Amy and I unpack why courage and psychological safety are two sides of the same coin, and why fostering psychologically safe workplaces requires people to trust that the pay off for courage is worth the pitfalls. Regardless of your position, making people feel safe to be honest and vulnerable with you – including sharing things you may not enjoy hearing - is vital for any meaningful relationship to flourish, personally or professionally.  Check out Amy’s book,

115 - The Integrity Deficit: Do what’s right and clean up your slip-ups show art 115 - The Integrity Deficit: Do what’s right and clean up your slip-ups

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

You like to think of yourself as a person with integrity, right? Yet, doing what’s right is easier said than done. In a world where examples of poor character are easy to find, it’s easy to rationalize cutting corners or telling “little white lies". However, we often underestimate the cost of compromising what we know, deep down, is the right thing to do. This episode is a siren call to the highest angels of your nature, guiding you in cleaning up any fractures to your integrity, in your relationships and in your life. If you want to move forward lighter, more rooted to your deepest...

114 - General Stanley McChrystal: What we get wrong about risk that makes us more vulnerable show art 114 - General Stanley McChrystal: What we get wrong about risk that makes us more vulnerable

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

Stanley McChrystal spent his military career navigating the real and deadly risks of combat, finishing a four-star General in Afghanistan overseeing 147,000 soldiers. He has walked the path of courage in ways most of us never will, concluding that the greatest source of risk lays in us - in how we identify, assess, respond and learn from risk. We cover a lot of ground in our conversation – from the need for more moral courage in leaders today to raising resilient kids. If you want to navigate risk better and lead smarter, this episode is for you. EPISODE LINKS:  

113 - We are all response-able! Reclaim the power you give to your circumstances, blame and excuses show art 113 - We are all response-able! Reclaim the power you give to your circumstances, blame and excuses

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

This episode is inspired by chapter one from my book Find Your Courage: The Courage To Take Responsibility  The quality of your life directly correlates to your willingness to own your experience of life and resist the temptation to blame others or pity yourself. We live in a culture that encourages people to feel powerless and operate from a victim mindset. Yet your greatest power lays in taking full and compete ownership for your life. Sure, you cannot always choose your circumstances, but you always get to choose your response.  In this episode, I unpack what it really means to be...

112 - It’s time to Take Courage! New series introduction show art 112 - It’s time to Take Courage! New series introduction

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

Let’s face it, if it were easy to be brave with our lives - to lean into our fears, choose ‘courage over comfort’ and lay our pride, ego and vulnerability on the line, more of us would. Truth is, our deep seated fears often keep us from taking the very actions that would help us create more rewarding lives. In this new series, I invite you to step back and consider where and how you’re being called to step up and ‘take courage’ even as that little voice in the back of your head urges you not to.  If you need a little encouragement right now, you’ve landed in the right place!...

111 - The Courage Deficit: The hidden tax we pay when we let our deepest fears eclipse our highest values show art 111 - The Courage Deficit: The hidden tax we pay when we let our deepest fears eclipse our highest values

Live Brave with Dr Margie Warrell

It’s easy to criticize those in leadership roles for their lack of courage. Yet before we can change the world around us, we must first look at the world within us and reclaim the power we so often give to our fears. So as we close out one year and look toward the next, I invite you to think about where you may be letting your deepest fears keep you from moving toward the bravest vision and honoring your highest values. This podcast invites you to reflect on three key questions. Whatever your answer, I hope that you will move in that direction. Your future is riding on it.  

More Episodes

You are what you repeatedly do. And what you repeatedly do profoundly shapes the environment you create around you. So if you want to live a bigger, braver and more meaningful life you have to be really intentional. This starts with clearing out the ‘stuff’ that keeps you thinking small and creating an environment - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual  - that sets you up to think bigger, act braver and thrive... no matter what. So how can you do that? In this episode I share practical strategies from the final chapter of Stop Playing Safe on how you can build the habits of mind and behavior that will help you bring your bravest self to your biggest challenges and highest goals more often.

Grab your copy of Stop Playing Safe here

Check out my Live Brave Weekend here