The Martyrmade Podcast
This was originally intended to be part of the previous episode, but I decided to break them up.
The Martyrmade Podcast
This episode begins where the ’60s end, when the radicalism of that decade crash headlong into the diminishing expectations of 1970s America. The Weather Underground veers off toward its explosive climax. As the idealism of the student movement is shunted into self-help fads and therapy sessions, what remaining energy of the radical left is drained into increasingly bizarre and violent channels.
The Martyrmade Podcast
The Martyrmade Podcast
The Martyrmade Podcast
The Martyrmade Podcast
This is the first episode of a series exploring Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple. This episode is only a prologue, a few stories and ideas to serve as a backdrop for everything to come. The next episode will be along in the next few weeks, and every few weeks after that until we figure out why over 900 people committed suicide in a South American jungle in 1978.
The Martyrmade Podcast
info_outlineThe Martyrmade Podcast
“Mexica ‘beliefs’ have been discussed confidently enough, but academics being natural theologians, usually at an unnaturally abstract pitch. My interest is not in belief at this formal level, but in sensibility: the emotional, moral, and aesthetic nexus through which thought comes to be expressed in action, and so made public, visible, and accessible to our observation.”
The Martyrmade Podcast
Who’s hungry?
The Martyrmade Podcast
In which I take a break from banging out my human sacrifice episode to check in with my patient listeners.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine can often seem like a permanent feature of the global order. The wars, intifadas, refugees camps, suicide vests, UN resolutions, and peace talks have been painfully burned into our collective consciousness. But how could this have happened? Was it always this way? That’s what we’ll seek to find out in this three-part series on the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In Episode #1, nations are rallying to throw off the yoke of the Great Powers, and demanding the sovereign right to rule their homelands. A group calling themselves Zionists puts out a call to awaken the oppressed Jews of Europe from their thousand-year slumber. The time had come, after two thousand years of homeless wandering, to return to Palestine, the land longed for in so many psalms and lamentations. But there was a problem. While the Jews were in exile, another people had moved into the land, and they had been living there for 1300 years.
Click here to listen on iTunes
Oh, and a review would be appreciated!
Thanks for listening. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section or via e-mail. Part Two of this series will be along shortly, and I encourage you to subscribe so you’ll be the first to know. Enjoy!