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The Glory of Gloucester Cathedral formerly the St Peter's Abbey

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

Release Date: 11/03/2008

Beautiful Tridentine Mass at Abergavenny for the Martyred Priests..Choir excel themselves show art Beautiful Tridentine Mass at Abergavenny for the Martyred Priests..Choir excel themselves

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

Beautiful Mass from Our Lady and St Michael's Benedictine Priory church in Abergavenny, commemorating the lives of the martyred priests and in thanksgiving, The Priory Church was packed for the occasion and Father Tom Regan OSB celebrated the Mass while Abbot Paul Stoneham of Belmont the Mother House read the prayers for the priests at the end.

Epiphany at Gloucester Cathedral and with Pope St Leo  show art Epiphany at Gloucester Cathedral and with Pope St Leo

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

The holy evening of Epiphany and Mary talks about Old Christmas Day and Epiphany Customs, and especially the Twelfth Night Celebrations disapproved of by the Victorians and the games which were once commonplace and enjoyable social and family interactions. ...

St Therese in Cardiff II Benediction, Arrival of the Relics and Mass of Evangelisation show art St Therese in Cardiff II Benediction, Arrival of the Relics and Mass of Evangelisation

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

Capturing the excitement of the relics of St Therese arriving in Cardiff and the Welsh greeting she is given as thousands flock to the Metropolital Cathedral from all over Wales. ...

St Therese of Lisieux in Cardiff Part I Astonishing Crowds! show art St Therese of Lisieux in Cardiff Part I Astonishing Crowds!

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

Amazing scenes as thousands visit Cardiff. This podcast features the major devotions of the day up to Rosary and Benediiction.Wonderful day of historic scenes. ...

In the Steps of St Winifride of Wales in the airy mountains show art In the Steps of St Winifride of Wales in the airy mountains

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

This podcast on a warm but very windy day in the valley of a mountain, is what we found when we visited Gwytherin in North Wales, where St Winifride is reported to have been buried. Legend has it that the bones still remain there under the four ancient yews. A local person tells me of the problems faced by churchgoers, as even with large numbers of pilgrims Conway Council seem to have denied planning permission to the two members of the congregation who bought it from the Church in Wales to re-open it for services. There are ancient Druid Stones- and it is almost certainly an ancient site when...

The Five  Wounds  of Christ -A Lenten Devotion show art The Five Wounds of Christ -A Lenten Devotion

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

During the Middle Ages in Gwent, as all over Britain, the wounds of Christ were a subject of intense devotion. By the time of the 6th Century and St David, when the Saint at Llandewi Brefi bravely refuted thhe heresies of Pelagius, reports tell us that he preached before five large candles, representative of all the wounds of Christ. ...

The Normans take over Gwent and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! show art The Normans take over Gwent and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

1066 and William the Conqueror has taken England and laid waste to Northumbria. He places powerful Lords on the border with Wales as he wants no trouble with them at the moment. These Lords are also a danger to him and fighting the Welsh will keep them busy. In Gwent the petty kings, Aeddan, Griffith, Meredith, all fight against each other and the Normans are able to take the area quite easily. They build castles at Monmouth, Abergavenny, Usk, Chepstow, Llangua,Goldcliff, Skenfrith and Grosmont and with them come the first wave of the building of Priories to administer these castle, providing...

MARY'S CHRISTMAS SPECIAL in Newport and Cwmbran show art MARY'S CHRISTMAS SPECIAL in Newport and Cwmbran

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

I have been taking the choir around to Newport and Cwmbran. you heart the Cwmbran podcast before and here you hear some of the sounds from Tredegar House in Newport Christmas Celebration, where the choir sang so beautifully in the Great Hall. ...

The Gwentian Princes Meredith,Aeddan,,Iestyn,Rhydderch and the Saxons and Normans show art The Gwentian Princes Meredith,Aeddan,,Iestyn,Rhydderch and the Saxons and Normans

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

We near the end of the Millenium. The Gwent Kings fight amongst each other, and their main enemies are from North Wales, They spend so much time fighting they make alliances with the Saxons to attack other princes and then the Normans sneak in....and build castles everywhere. ...

Three Saxon Stories for Northumbria and East Anglia Caedmon, St Oswald and St Edmund show art Three Saxon Stories for Northumbria and East Anglia Caedmon, St Oswald and St Edmund

maryinmonmouthshire's Podcast

A special present for Northumbria and East Anglia, the stories of three Saxons important in the Christian Story. Caedmon, the cattleherd who became an accomplished singer at Whitby Abbey by a miracle, King (now Saint) Oswald's heroic defence of the Christians in Northumbria and his battle with the pagan king Penda and the story of St Edmund of East Anglia, whose relics lay in the great Abbey of St Edmundsbury as he was martyred by the Vikings who attacked those lands in a cruel way. ...

More Episodes

Here we have some of the most wonderful treasures of our Mediaeval Abbey, which perhaps is forutnate it did not suffer the fate of so many abbeys of the time,becoming as it did one of the Kind's Schools, possibly because of its many royal links and the burial of many royal personages and predecessors of the Tudor monarchy. Harry Potter has been filmed here and do his this winters 'Dr Who'Special. The Victorian St Peter's Catholic church will also be visited when I come up to that period, but at present I am working up to the end of the first milennium!

I visit the many tombs and chantries of this wonderful place, which is meticulously conserved and loved by all Gloucester people and many town events still happen here.

The Kings Chamber Choir which sang Occuli Omnium is not the cathedral choir (though several of the tenors and basses are former members!)and the higher parts sung by girl choristers from the school.

I do promise a return visit for some carols.

The recording production is not wonderful for this, because I am still learning to use this equipment and print Gurney's poem which was read near the end.The poem likens the glory of Creation to Music in the Cathedral.

The Valley by Ivor Gurney

There was such beauty in the dappled valley
As hurt the sight, the heart stabbed to tears.
The gathered beautifulness of all the years
Hovered thereover, it seemed, eternally
Set for men's joy. Town, tower, trees, river
Under a sky royal-azure Heaven for ever
Up-piled with towering mountains of March cloud.

A Herald-day of Spring more wonderful
Than Her true own. Trumpets cried aloud
In sky, earth, blood. No beast, no clod so dull
But the strength felt of the day, Power of the Giver
Was glad for being, lowly at once, and proud.
Kyrie Eleison, and Gloria,
Credo, Jubilate, Magnificat:
The whole world gathered strength to praise the day