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God is Redesigning your Life 4

Matt Sorger Podcast

Release Date: 05/08/2024

The Hiding Place of God's Power 2 show art The Hiding Place of God's Power 2

Matt Sorger Podcast

Let's create a space for the glory of God to saturate every aspect of our lives! How many of us desire our homes, marriages, and children to be filled with His presence? Let's remember the power in the name of Jesus and the breakthrough He has already secured for us. As we yield to His Spirit, may we become vessels of His light and power, bringing transformation wherever we go!  

The Hiding Place of God's Power 1 show art The Hiding Place of God's Power 1

Matt Sorger Podcast

We created a sacred space for the Holy Spirit to saturate and overflow, embracing the power of Pentecost. As we open ourselves up to His presence, let's remember that being filled with the Holy Spirit isn't just about a moment, it's about being saturated in His love, wisdom, and power. Let's allow God to overflow every part of our being, transforming us and empowering us to walk as lightning rods of His glory wherever we go!   

Become A Walking Breakthrough 4 show art Become A Walking Breakthrough 4

Matt Sorger Podcast

God's promises are bigger than our losses! He's not just restoring what the locust has eaten, but He's promising to make it even greater than before. Every moment you feel you've lost, every regret, every setback - God is saying He will restore it all. And not just restore, but make it seven times greater! Get ready for supernatural restoration and breakthrough. Step out in faith, help others, and watch God accelerate your own breakthrough. His promises are true, and He's faithful to bring them to pass! 

Become A Walking Breakthrough 3 show art Become A Walking Breakthrough 3

Matt Sorger Podcast

Transform your atmosphere with the presence of God! Whether it's in your home, at work, or even in an airport, you carry the power to shift the atmosphere around you. Let's release the joy, peace, and love of God wherever we go, ushering people into His presence and experiencing divine encounters. Get ready for an overflow of blessings as you open the door for God's goodness to overtake every aspect of your life!   

Become A Walking Breakthrough 2 show art Become A Walking Breakthrough 2

Matt Sorger Podcast

Every obstacle designed by the enemy to bring you down, God is transforming into a stepping stone for your elevation! Your place of pain is becoming your place of power, and your struggles are turning into opportunities for breakthrough. Let's declare it: no more drama, no more limits to God's abundant provision in our lives. Get ready to overflow with joy, peace, and the power of God's kingdom everywhere you go!   

Become A Walking Breakthrough 1 show art Become A Walking Breakthrough 1

Matt Sorger Podcast

Believe that this weekend is ordained by God for breakthrough after breakthrough! We're not just here to complain about problems; we're anointed to become the solution. God's kingdom within us holds unlimited righteousness, peace, and joy. Let's shake off discouragement and step into supernatural joy as we witness God's transformative power at work, both in our lives and in rescuing those in need. Together, we're part of a beautiful movement of seeking, saving, and restoring lives. 

God is Redesigning your Life 4 show art God is Redesigning your Life 4

Matt Sorger Podcast

Overflowing with gratitude for God's unexpected encounters! While at the airport, something incredible happened. As I approached the ticket counter, the woman behind it was moved to tears by God's presence in me. She showered me with love and kindness, exclaiming how much she appreciated me. It was a powerful reminder that God's love knows no bounds and His presence can touch hearts in the most unexpected places. Let's continue to be vessels of His love and light, spreading His goodness wherever we go!   

God is Redesigning your Life 3 show art God is Redesigning your Life 3

Matt Sorger Podcast

Overflowing with gratitude and joy! Today, I'm reminded of God's incredible power to transform lives in an instant. I witnessed a miraculous encounter where volts of electricity surged through a dear friend's body, leading her to believe she had died and gone to heaven. But in that moment of divine encounter, she was not only saved but also healed and delivered—all in one shot! It's a powerful reminder that God's Holy Spirit is real and His power knows no bounds. His goodness leads us to repentance, His healing touch brings transformation, and His anointing overflows from our lives to touch...

God is Redesigning your Life 2 show art God is Redesigning your Life 2

Matt Sorger Podcast

Let's talk about the power of transformation! Sometimes life feels like a threshing floor—hard, challenging, even painful. But guess what? God turns those places of struggle into places of strength and breakthrough! No matter what storms or trials you're facing, remember, they're just preparing you for your greatest breakthrough. Your pain becomes your power, your struggle becomes your strength. So keep pushing forward, keep believing, because your breakthrough isn't just for you—it's a testimony of God's faithfulness and a beacon of hope for others!   

God is Redesigning your Life 1 show art God is Redesigning your Life 1

Matt Sorger Podcast

Let's talk about the power of one word from God! It can transform your life, leading you to the destiny He has planned for you. Let's declare a shift: every obstacle that's tried to hold you back is being removed, paving the way for God's divine alignment. Remember, closed doors aren't always setbacks; sometimes, they're divine redirections to the right path. Get ready to step into your destiny, carrying the kingdom wherever you go as an agent of divine change. Your breakthrough isn't just for you—it's a catalyst for transformation in the lives of others. Embrace the journey, embrace the...

More Episodes

Overflowing with gratitude for God's unexpected encounters! While at the airport, something incredible happened. As I approached the ticket counter, the woman behind it was moved to tears by God's presence in me. She showered me with love and kindness, exclaiming how much she appreciated me. It was a powerful reminder that God's love knows no bounds and His presence can touch hearts in the most unexpected places. Let's continue to be vessels of His love and light, spreading His goodness wherever we go!