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Meaning What

Release Date: 05/06/2021

May is Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States, and Sean and Mason are kicking it off with a conversation about San Francisco's Chinatown. It's an ugly history, but there's no shortage of lessons along the way.

The California Society video about Arnold Genthe.

*This episode has been corrected, because Mason got some names mixed up! Lewis Caroll was the author who photographed children, not CS Lewis. Meanwhile, Edward S. Curtis photographed American Indians, not TV personality Edward Sullivan. The audio should be fixed when you listen, but sometimes Libsyn and certain pod-catchers don’t cooperate.


We have a subscription program and Patreon in the works! Lots of bonus material in the works, so stay tuned, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.


Meaning What is a product of it's no sam studios

Created by Mason Hershenow

Produced by Sean Ang and Christopher Scott McNeill

Edited by David Cox and Mason Hershenow

Mixed by Mason Hershenow

Our theme music is "January: Brief" by Mason Hershenow


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