The Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
A visualization for planetary peace and harmony
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
Life is a school.The constant battle between good and evil in our own minds has a purpose and is intended to help us eventually realize our own divinity. Near death experiences. The spiritual nature and purpose of life. The direct experience of God in prayer and meditation. An important learning experience about prayer and attitude gained through trying to survive aggressive cancer treatment.
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
I'm gonna do everything I can till the next time I meditate, to try to feel you guiding my thoughts. And if I don't feel you guiding my thoughts, I'm gonna pretend like you're guiding my thoughts. I'm gonna live like you're guiding my life whether you guide my life or not, so you damn well better step in at some point. I'm not going to tell anybody, but I'm going to do everything in Your name...
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
Acceptance of what is, is the first step toward freedom and inner peace.
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
Specifically what I'm talking about when I say depth, it's an experience of freedom. When the part of my consciousness that divides everything up in life into likes and dislikes is gone. The likes and the dislikes go away and you're completely aware and you feel free...
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
We start to have a deeper relationship with things when we can accept the whole picture, not just what we want and that relationship can be very freeing because only then do we start to have a dynamic connection with it and so with people, when we can accept people as they are, with all their imperfections, like the mountainside that will kill you, like the ocean that will drown you if you let them, right?
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
Forgiveness is the opposite of weakness. The more we can accept what is, the more energy we will reclaim to become more aware, more free and more wise.
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
Guided Meditation 24 Min by Turiya Moore
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
This is how I came to meditation, how it changed me right away and how meditation has become the foundation of everything else I do.
info_outlineThe Art and Science of Happiness with Turiya Moore
The benefit of meditating is way better than anything that this world can offer.
info_outlineWhat we’re seeking through meditation is also attained through self-control. Meditation isn’t just lying down and dreaming about whatever you want to dream. Meditation is about putting the mind on something and learning to concentrate and hold it there, to get the thinking mind out of the way and the reason it’s so important in our tradition to watch something without controlling it, it’s so in time we can experience the distance between the thinking mind and our actual perceptions. So our awareness, our consciousness is not defined by our thoughts, it’s not defined by our desires and so there’s another way to do desires and sense pleasures and all that kind of stuff, experiencing something that is sensual whether it’s sex or chocolate, a cigarette, loud music or just like some real emotional kind of a thing. It’s just sensual stuff, it’s all cool, it’s all great, we’re human beings.