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Building your Leadership Capability with Rebecca Christianson

Work Life by Design

Release Date: 07/31/2023

Corner Offices don't build Community | The Evolution of the Workplace show art Corner Offices don't build Community | The Evolution of the Workplace

Work Life by Design

Over centuries work has evolved from a labour some, back breaking manual task to what today some of us refer to as a "cushy office job"! And we have the invention of machines and technology, a few key players and a pandemic to thank, as the catalysts for this change. However, some things have very much stayed the same, even though the world we are living and working in today, is very different to the world in which these things were created for. In today's episode I'm winding back the clock just over 100 years as we start to look at; The impact of machines and technology on how we...

Creating Memory in Place through Community show art Creating Memory in Place through Community

Work Life by Design

  Curating a community is not a passive activity.  It takes conscious effort, care, and a respect for the people that you are embracing in this community.  But when you bringing together a community with no traditional “place” how can you engage with a place temporarily and make it your own? This is exactly the work that today’s guest, Imelda Miller, does in her role as the Curator of First Nations Cultures at Queensland Museum Kurilpa.  A third generation Vanuatu woman, Imelda is a proud South Sea Islander and responsible for bringing together communities of origin...

The Art of Gathering, a placemaking perspective show art The Art of Gathering, a placemaking perspective

Work Life by Design

  Hey! Have you read Priya Parkers book, ? If you haven't yet, I highly recommend you do, it's a good read!  In her book Priya shares: "gatherings in our lives are often vague & unproductive" And I would argue that our workplaces are in fact a place where we gather, rather than places we "go to" to "work", and if we want people to come to the workplace, we need to be offering them an experience. It needs to be a purposeful, and productive contribution to their lives.   In today's episode I'm expanding on the framework that I share with you in , to dive deeper into the...

Working your M.A.G.I.C at Work show art Working your M.A.G.I.C at Work

Work Life by Design

"When work starts to work again, it becomes a place where people want to be" Creating a thriving workplace where people want to be, voluntarily, requires us to take a different perspective to the "productivity" approach that our workplaces once swore by. Today's guest is Sharon Darmody. With a background in Occupational Therapy, Sharon is an Organisational Consultant, Mediator and the Founding Director of Strive Occupational Rehabilitation. With over 25 years consulting to organisations, she identified a recurring theme, leading her to develop her M.A.G.I.C model to help businesses, teams and...

It's not about RTO Mandates. It's about Fostering Community show art It's not about RTO Mandates. It's about Fostering Community

Work Life by Design

If we’re still talking about getting people back to the office, we’re having the wrong conversation”.   I don’t know about you but I’m getting frustrated with all this RTO talk!  I think those that are stuck in this vortex, are completely missing the point!  What we should be talking about, is what makes a workplace a COMMUNITY. In the work that I do, creating a workplace where people WANT to be is key, BUT while the physical environment plays a large part, it’s not the whole story.   “For centuries our communities have centred around sharing an imagined...

Season 6 Fostering Community show art Season 6 Fostering Community

Work Life by Design

🎉🎉🎉 Welcome back for SEASON 6!!! 🎉🎉🎉   As I hit record for this episode, #138, I had a nostalgic moment as I reflected on how much the world has changed since I first started the podcast back in July 2020. We were all living in limbo, as we were very much still in the midst of adjusting to the impacts of the pandemic, in and out of lockdowns. Four years on and SOOOOO much has changed; ·      The way we THINK about work has changed ·      HOW we work has changed ·      WHERE we work has...

That's it for Season 5! The highlight reel from 48 episodes show art That's it for Season 5! The highlight reel from 48 episodes

Work Life by Design

Well, that’s it for another season!   After kicking off season 5 back in November last year, I think it’s well and truly time to switch off the mic for a while!   This season has definitely taken on a life of its own and it really snuck up on me that we’ve been going straight for 48 episodes, almost a whole year! I’ve had the pleasure of engaging some incredibly intelligent, wise, and generous guests in conversation over this time which has what has kept me wanting to do “just one more!” episode.   But here at COMUNiTI we are heading into our busiest season of the...

The Art of Focus in a World of Distraction with Angela Lockwood show art The Art of Focus in a World of Distraction with Angela Lockwood

Work Life by Design

The art of focus in our modern worlds has become just that. An art.   With books like Johan Hari’s Stolen Focus and past guest Dr Kristy Goodwin's, Dear Digital we need to talk, the constant disruption, distraction mulit-tasking and task switching that we are all succumbing to is impacting our ability to truly focus.   Add to this all the pressures and competing demands of daily life and we are quickly looking at fatigue, exhaustion and burnout.   And whilst the rise of flexible working has given us more freedom to design our days and work lives, it’s a bit of a double edged...

Why you need to guide your people through change show art Why you need to guide your people through change

Work Life by Design

One of the biggest misconceptions about “a new office” is that it is simply that.  A new place for us to conduct our business from.  A design and construction project. This could not be further from the truth.  “A new office” is a whole of business opportunity and at its core it is actually a “cultural transformation project”. Everything about the way the new office looks, feels, operates is all new.  It’s in a new location, with a new commute and with that comes a whole new set of routines and rituals. Now while some of your team might be excited by the...

The Pilgrim's Guide to the Workplace with Dr Agustin Chevez show art The Pilgrim's Guide to the Workplace with Dr Agustin Chevez

Work Life by Design

Is the workplace really just a ‘task’ place?   This is one of the thought-provoking questions that today’s guest poses, for us to ponder about our reality of work and the workplace.   Dr Agustin Chevez is the author of . It was after reading a book on the diversity of Iguana’s in the Galapagos Islands, that Gus set off on a pilgrimage from Melbourne to Sydney, to explore the impact that isolation has on the diversity of our idea’s.   Fast forward a few years and Gus is sharing his insights as 34 signposts from this exploration in his book, inviting us to reimagine...

More Episodes

No doubt throughout the course of your career, you’ve experienced moments where you’ve questioned yourself and your ability to lead not only your team through the next transition, but also leading yourself.


Stepping up into a new role, guiding your team through a new project or perhaps you’ve just been swallowed up by the overwhelming wave of pressure of work.


I can empathise with you at each of these points, because I’ve been there too.


I also know, from the work that we’ve been doing at COMUNiTI across organisations, that many managers and leaders are also facing similar challenges. With our need to manage our teams in new ways due to remote and hybrid work practices, one of the key challenges we consistently identify that requires greater support, is leadership capability.


And it's an area that today’s guest, Rebecca Christianson specialises in.


Rebecca is an Executive Coach, Facilitator, Speaker and the Founder of Thriving People.


Throughout her career, she has partnered with Executive Teams globally to build leadership capability and implement organisational change.

One of her many superpowers is stretching leaders to the edge of their thinking to support mindset shifts, with a view to increase self awareness, influence, effectiveness, focus and wellbeing.


With her purpose to support senior leaders to love life at the top of business.

Having been an executive leader herself, Rebecca brings her lived experience to her work, having walked in the shoes that she now supports.


In today’s episode, you’ll hear some of the common challenges that Rebecca observes in the leader she supports along with the one thing that we can all do to start building our own leadership capability, so that we can each build our toolkit to navigating the uncertainty of the world we work in with more confidence and ease.


Get your copy of Mel’s new Book The Next Workplace; Designing Dynamic Environments that Inspire Human Potential”


Connect with Rebecca;

LinkedIn | Thriving People 


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 LinkedIn | Website | Website | Whitepaper - The Road Map to Employee Experience