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Villains: Pilate


Release Date: 03/18/2024

/‘Ch-rist-ian’ ese/: Worship show art /‘Ch-rist-ian’ ese/: Worship


Isaiah 29:13 John 4:21-24   respectful devotion: loving, honoring, and obeying someone who deserves our highest regard   Worship (In a nutshell): Acknowledging God as God   That means: ANYTHING can be worship   "Worship" should demonstrate itself: In the way we interact with the world In our marriages In our parenting In our private time   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

/‘Ch-rist-ian’ ese/: Holy show art /‘Ch-rist-ian’ ese/: Holy


Holy: “Set apart.” Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.   Deuteronomy 7:6 Leviticus 11:42   How should our lives be set apart? How do we live out being holy?   Holy Input Holy output Holy time   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

Communion Sunday show art Communion Sunday


Matthew 26:17-19, 26-30   We believe that communion is one of the two sacraments that we partake of in the church (the other being baptism). When we take communion often, it’s possible that we can lose sight of what it really means as we numbly follow our traditions. But if we take the time to understand the magnitude of what we’re doing when we take communion, it can change our perspective entirely.   Communion is about: Intimacy Intent Inertia   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

"Don't Quote Me On That: "Train up a child"


Proverbs 22:6   Proverbs 1:1-7 tells us that all the proverbs make up a collection of wise sayings, not promises from God. Proverbs 22 doesn’t guarantee that our children won’t depart from God when they grow older. So what’s the point of training them up in the Lord?   Promises? Discipleship Worship   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

Don't Quote Me On That: Don't Quote Me On That: "I know the plans I have for you"


Jeremiah 29:1-14   The Bible is a revelation of God. It’s not just a retelling of history, it’s a way for us to know who God is. When we read a passage like this, it brings up several questions.   Question #1: Can we quote it? Question #2: Does God want me to be rich? Question #3: When does it happen?   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

Don't Quote Me On That: Don't Quote Me On That: "Money is the root of all evil"


1 Timothy 6:2-10   Money represents “congealed life.” We use it to get the things that we want. We don’t want to give it away, because it means we don’t get the thing we were saving up for… that little bit of extra that we were looking forward to. God wants to protect us from our money because he knows how it can ruin us when we love it so much we can’t let it go.   If you’re going to quote a verse, know the actual verse. Know its context Know its love   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: ...

Don't Quote Me On That: I can do all things show art Don't Quote Me On That: I can do all things


Philippians 4:13   When we look at the context of the verse, we start to see exactly what “all things” really refers to. What is this oft misquoted verse really about: It’s about contentment, not accomplishment. It’s as much for God as for you It teaches us humility, not hubris.   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:    

Don't Quote Me On That: Don't Quote Me On That: "In All Your Ways"


Proverbs 16:3   When we give everything over to the Lord, he will direct the way we can glorify him and serve him. His plans might lead you to the destination you want, but oftentimes his plans lead us in a completely different direction than we think we should go.   So why do we read this wrong?: We read what we want it to say. We suffer from “main character syndrome.” Christianity is way more appealing with God is a genie. We say to Jesus, “Follow me.” But Jesus says, “No, follow me.”   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. ...

Don't Quote Me On That: Don't Quote Me On That: "Where two or three are gathered"


Matthew 18:12-35   We like to read this passage and think that if we gather with some friends and all want the same thing, God will grant it. That’s not necessarily untrue, but that’s not what this passage is saying. God is not a genie. Neither does this passage mean that God will only join us when we gather with others. He’s always with those who seek him.   So what is this passage about?   Reconciliation Authority Protection Forgiveness

Don't Quote Me On That: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle show art Don't Quote Me On That: God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle


 1 Corinthians 10:13   People like to say this as an encouragement when we’re going through a rough time. This matters because: It isn’t true It can undermine faith The Bible doesn’t say that   This passage is encouraging. We CAN resist any temptation.   Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between. Connect with us Website: YouTube: Facebook:

More Episodes

Matthew 27:11-26

Mark 15:15

Luke 23:4

John 19:12


Pilate is perhaps the most tragic villain of Easter. He could see Jesus was innocent and didn’t want to go along with the religious leaders’ calls to put him to death. Yet, ultimately he gave in. So how did Pilate end up sentencing the messiah to be crucified?


  • He ignored his convictions.
  • He didn’t listen to good advice.
  • He gave up on doing what was right.
  • He let his fear make the decision.
  • He preferred his own peace.
  • He thought he could justify himself.


Crossroads – about heaven, earth, and the journey in between.

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