Next Generation Rockstars
Dismantling the glass ceiling has long been talked about as a way to ensure equality for women in the workplace. Although, many companies have discussed its importance, very few companies have made big strides towards that accomplishment. However, as millennials and Gen Z's become the largest portions of the workforce in 2020 dismantling the glass ceiling will be a necessity. However, after all of these decades discussing it, how can we actually do it.
info_outline Next Generations Rockstars: Season 2 Wrap UpNext Generation Rockstars
Season 2 brought leaders from a variety of different industries and company sizes. The one thing they all had in common was their focus on their people. That focus on their employees has made these leaders and these companies some of the fastest growing and best places to work.
info_outline REPLAY: Building High Performing Teams with Fran KatsoudasNext Generation Rockstars
When you start at a company at an entry-level, you see so many different types of leaders, and you see some really good examples. So the first thing I would say is that leaders have to see a role model at every level in the company.
info_outline The 5 Types of Workers Hurting Your Employee RetentionNext Generation Rockstars
Employee retention is one of the biggest and most expensive problems that companies have. If you have an employee leave before you are ready for them to leave, you know the cost of replacing that person is going to be expensive. Employee retention for some roles can be higher than 50 percent in a 12 month period. My special guest today is Gene Hammett.
info_outline Cassie Buckroyd: How Holistic Wellness Programs Can Take the Stress Out of Your Employees LivesNext Generation Rockstars
Our lives are busy and stressful these days. But what if our employers helped us face those things that are stressing us out? Things like #studentloandebt or becoming a #1sttimehomebuyer or finding the right doctor for your new baby? Cassie Buckroyd of Columbia Sportwear is leading the way for companies to take a holistic approach to employee well-being.
info_outline Crystal Khalil: How Mentoring Changes Early in Career TalentNext Generation Rockstars
Mentoring is something many leaders and companies say they do. Unfortunately, many mentor programs are inefficient and waste time. Crystal Khalil of Porsche Cars North America shares how she is using mentoring to encourage diversity and inclusion of the next generations of talent.
info_outline Tonia Hau: Leading Early in Career TalentNext Generation Rockstars
Developing early career talent is a struggle for most companies. Yet, some leaders, like Tonia Hau, seem to be able to do it with incredible ease. Learn from Tonia as she explains for a simple method for developing early-career employees.
info_outline DeeAnn Turner: Selecting TalentNext Generation Rockstars
Have you ever wondered why some companies can't seem to keep employees while other companies hire employees and then they stick around for years? According to Dee Ann Turner, former head of HR for Chick-Fil-A, it all comes down to selecting talent versus hiring people.
info_outline Ralph Barsi, Round II: Mentoring for ImpactNext Generation Rockstars
Mentoring is one of the most effective ways to teach and guide young employees. But what does it really take to be a great mentor? I asked Ralph Barsi, who mentors some of our very own Rockstar guests.
info_outline Malin Ohlsson: How Empathy & Understanding Can Change an Employee's ProductivityNext Generation Rockstars
When employees are not living up to the expectations you had for them in their role, most companies simply let them go and begin looking to refill the role. But what if you could do something as a leader to turn that employee's performance around? Learn from Malin Ohlsson on how she helped an employee go from being fired to award-winning.
info_outlineIn a world where "good enough" is the reality, learn how Horst Schulze, Co-Founder of the Ritz Carlton, goes against the grain seeking out Excellence in each employee.
Get the show notes for Horst Schulze: Excellence & Joining the Dream
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