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214: How did So and So get JACKED for That Movie?

The Low Carb Hustle

Release Date: 10/23/2023

241: Unlock Your Potential With Psychadelics Ft. Paul Austin show art 241: Unlock Your Potential With Psychadelics Ft. Paul Austin

The Low Carb Hustle

Are you open to exploring the role of psychedelics in expanding consciousness and spiritual growth? Join me and Paul Austin as we dive into the spiritual dimensions of psychedelic experiences.   In today’s episode, I chatted with Paul Austin, the brains behind Third Wave and an expert in the psychedelic world. We discussed how psychedelics can transform your life, and it's not just about tripping out. Paul highlights the importance of setting intentions, preparing mentally and physically, and being totally honest during the assessment.    When it comes to the actual trip, it's...

240: Lead Your Family with Fitness Ft. David Ogden show art 240: Lead Your Family with Fitness Ft. David Ogden

The Low Carb Hustle

Do you ever contemplate what factors play a role in the varying levels of success people experience in reaching their fitness goals? Join me on a journey through a conversation about the important aspects in achieving our health and wellness goals.   In this episode, my guest David Ogden and I emphasize the drawbacks of attempting to tackle fitness goals in isolation, stressing the importance of cultivating a strong support network. Our discussion delves into the Complexities of accountability and support, illustrating how these elements are essential for achieving long-term health and...

239: Work Less. How Sleep and Play Increase Longevity Ft. Sam Burns show art 239: Work Less. How Sleep and Play Increase Longevity Ft. Sam Burns

The Low Carb Hustle

Have you ever wondered how small changes in your routine could lead to dramatic improvements in your health and performance? Dive into a conversation about the power of simple habits and sleep optimization strategies that can revolutionize your life.   In this episode, we check out how small tweaks in our daily routines can have such a huge impact on our health and performance. Take something as simple as optimizing sleep, for example. I dive into an eye-opening chat with Sam Burns from Motivateful, and we really got into the nitty-gritty of how our habits affect everything from fitness...

238: Transformational Mental Toughness Ft. Alex Smith show art 238: Transformational Mental Toughness Ft. Alex Smith

The Low Carb Hustle

Have you ever wondered how physical fitness can impact your mental toughness and overall success in life?   Well, In this episode, the conversation with Alex Smith delves into the profound relationship between physical fitness, mental toughness, and personal growth. We explore how challenging oneself physically can lead to significant mental development, setting high standards, and cultivating discipline through consistent action. Alex shares his transformative journey, from pushing his physical limits to becoming a better version of himself in various aspects of life, including...

237: A Pro Bodybuilders Best Advice for Getting in Shape Ft. Adam Cayce show art 237: A Pro Bodybuilders Best Advice for Getting in Shape Ft. Adam Cayce

The Low Carb Hustle

Ever wondered what it takes to transform your body and achieve a lean, healthy physique? In this episode we discuss the secrets behind effective training, nutrition, and mindset. Adam, a fitness coach, shares his journey from a traditional bodybuilding diet to a more holistic approach focusing on health. He emphasizes the importance of balancing fitness goals with overall health, highlighting the need for continual learning and adaptation.   Nate and Adam discuss the misconception around certain carbs' impact on muscle size and the importance of differentiating between glycogen and...

236: The Only Mental Tool You Need to Stay Lean for Life Ft. Scott Groves show art 236: The Only Mental Tool You Need to Stay Lean for Life Ft. Scott Groves

The Low Carb Hustle

In this episode, Scott and Nate have a conversation about personal growth, parenting, and the power of incremental change. Scott shares anecdotes from his life, reflecting on experiences ranging from his love for movies to his approach to parenting. Nate emphasizes the importance of knowing one's core values and applying them consistently. Together, they explore the concept of treating children like adults from an early age, trusting them with responsibilities, and witnessing them rise to the occasion. Throughout the discussion, they highlight the significance of making small, sustainable...

235: How to Become More Attractive Ft. Kimberly Beam Holmes show art 235: How to Become More Attractive Ft. Kimberly Beam Holmes

The Low Carb Hustle

How do self-esteem and body esteem impact our relationships and overall well-being? In this episode, Nate and Kimberly delve into the intricacies of self-esteem, body esteem, and their profound effects on various aspects of our lives. Kimberly, drawing from her research in the psychology of achievement, shares insights into how low body esteem correlates with low relationship satisfaction, especially among women. She emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive relationship with our bodies, not just for physical health but also for emotional well-being and better relationships.  ...

234: Stop Fitness Insanity ft Danny Vega show art 234: Stop Fitness Insanity ft Danny Vega

The Low Carb Hustle

In this podcast episode, hosts Nate and his guest, Danny engage in a conversation about the intricacies of fitness, nutrition, and overall well-being. They explore topics ranging from the importance of managing stress levels to the impact of metabolic conditioning on the body. The conversation also deals with the pitfalls of overtraining and under-eating, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to exercise and nutrition. They discuss the role of intermittent fasting, highlighting its potential benefits and drawbacks, especially for pre-menopausal women. Danny shares personal anecdotes and...

233: The Superhuman Protocol Ft. Gary Brecka show art 233: The Superhuman Protocol Ft. Gary Brecka

The Low Carb Hustle

In this episode, I delved into a conversation with Dr. Justin Marchegiani, exploring the intricate mechanisms of human health and vitality. We discussed the vital role of methylation in refining raw materials for our body's use, the impact of genetic factors on our well-being, and the hidden dangers of conventional supplementation. Dr. Marchegiani shared insights on the importance of breathwork, the benefits of grounding, and the significance of light therapy in enhancing our physiological functions. Through practical examples and scientific explanations, we uncovered the keys to unlocking our...

232: The Truth about Mushrooms Ft The Founders of Troop show art 232: The Truth about Mushrooms Ft The Founders of Troop

The Low Carb Hustle

Have you ever considered the profound impact functional mushrooms can have on your health and well-being? In this podcast episode, we delved into a fascinating conversation about the transformative power of functional mushrooms, particularly focusing on their potential benefits for physical and mental health. The discussion covered various topics, including personal experiences with mushrooms, the significance of quality in mushroom products, the interconnectedness of nature through mycelium networks, and the concept of adaptogens. We explored how mushrooms like Lion's Mane and Reishi can...

More Episodes

n this podcast episode, we talk about the secrets to achieving an enviable physique, often seen in Hollywood stars and fitness models. We emphasize the importance of building muscle and provide insights into various workout techniques for muscle growth. From explosive high pulls to farmer carries, the host explains the significance of different exercises in developing the desired physique, including powerful traps and shoulders.


The concept of training to failure is discussed, indicating that pushing oneself beyond comfort zones is key to seeing results. A method called "rest-pause sets" is introduced, which encourages pushing harder during the final set of exercises without compromising safety. For women, the episode urges them to lift heavier weights, as many are stronger than they might think.


The convo continues with the importance of muscle-building for aging gracefully. Muscle-building leads to better metabolic rates, improved functional strength, higher stamina, increased insulin sensitivity, better mental health, and protection against chronic diseases. The idea of getting lean first before muscle-building is explored as an effective approach.


Key Takeaways:


  • Training to failure is crucial for muscle growth.

  • Building muscle has long-term health benefits.

  • A lean body is the foundation for successful muscle-building.





[0:00 - 8:12]

  • Fitness and nutrition for a "million-dollar body". 

  • Bodybuilding and muscle gain for actors in Hollywood. 

  • The differences in training habits between celebrities like Tom Hardy and personal trainers.

  • Proper shoulder exercises for mobility and pain relief.

[10:35 - 27:35]

  • Training upper traps and building explosive power. 

  • The importance of building upper back muscles through exercises like shrugs and farmer carries.

  • Building muscle and athleticism through exercises like farmer's carries and rowing. 

  • Tricep exercises and proper rep scheme for muscle growth. 

  • the importance of taking sets to failure to stimulate muscle growth and strength gains.

  • Using rest pause sets for muscle growth and mental toughness. 

[31:48 - 35:30]

  • Gary Becker suggests avoiding pursuit of comfort to achieve ideal aging.

  • Muscle building and its benefits for metabolism and functional strength.

  • Benefits of weightlifting for overall health and wellness. 

  • Muscle building and energy levels. 

  • Keto diet for bodybuilding with an outlier example.