How can we put into words our deepest sorrow, grief may be like a deep cut
Release Date: 02/03/2022
The Grief Alchemist
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
3 R’s of Processing grief Robert A Neimeyer Retelling, Rebuilding, Reinventing Retelling: What happened, Who was your loved one, what was lost present and future, what extends beyond Rebuilding: rather than relinquishing, acknowledge the finality as a full body emotional acknowledgement. But also a sustainable way of continuing the bond Reinventing: our lives and ourselves in the context of what we need to change : as a opportunity of both sadness and hope - Imagine bitter sweet: from deeper despair, to carrying emotions more gently: nostalgia and remembrance Change...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
Trauma, often lurking in the depths of our subconscious mind, acts as a formidable barrier to our success and well-being. It erects a screen saver, a shield of sorts, that tells us we are no longer safe to take risks or protect ourselves. Despite the integral role of risk in personal growth, we find ourselves paralyzed by resistance, trapped in a cycle of fear and helplessness. This inner turmoil manifests in various ways. We may fear appearing weak or vulnerable, so we resort to procrastination, self-sabotage, or negative coping mechanisms aimed at numbing the discomfort that...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
In the tapestry of life, threads of brokenness often weave through the fabric of our existence. We encounter moments of vulnerability, moments where the weight of despair threatens to shroud us in darkness. Yet, within these fractures, lies an undeniable beauty waiting to be discovered—a beauty that emerges from the depths of our struggles, illuminating the path toward healing and hope. Recovery, in its essence, is a journey of resilience—a testament to the remarkable capacity of the human spirit to mend and grow, even amidst the shattered fragments of our lives. It is a journey...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
In this enlightening episode of "Navigating Emotions: Finding Light in Grief and Overwhelm," we delve deep into the intricate landscape of human emotions and the art of coping with life's challenges. Through a comprehensive exploration of grief, overwhelm, and worry, we uncover invaluable insights into the human experience and discover powerful coping mechanisms to navigate through difficult times. Grief, characterized by feelings of profound sadness, loss, and longing, is a universal emotion that touches us all at some point in our lives. From the depths of emotional pain to the numbness of...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
How can an acronym guide us on our healing journey? Aviate - Acknowledge the Emptiness:** Just as a pilot must maintain control of the aircraft despite turbulence, in grief recovery, In the early days of grief, the weight of loss can feel suffocating, as if the very air we breathe has abandoned us. It's as though our emotional landscape has been stripped bare, leaving us suspended in an empty void where even drawing a breath feels like an impossible task. Maybe we feel unsteady, as if our feet see now ground below. In acknowledging this profound emptiness, we find ourselves...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
The way we communicate with someone who is grieving can significantly impact their experience. Not always asking direct questions but offering support through statements aligns with effective communication strategies in grief support. 1. **Avoiding Direct Questions:** Many people, when faced with grief, find it challenging to express their emotions in response to direct questions like "Are you okay?" While the intention behind such questions is often genuine concern, it can be overwhelming for the grieving person. They may not want to burden others with their pain or may...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
Join us in a soul-stirring exploration in our latest episode, where we unlock the transformative power of goal-setting. In this heartfelt journey, we guide you through the intricate paths of overcoming psychological challenges, paving the way for resilience, authenticity, and profound healing. 🔍 Insights into the Psychological Impact: Uncover the profound impact of life's experiences on traditional goal-setting methods. We provide deep insights into the challenges that may arise and offer powerful tools to shift these obstacles, ensuring you maintain the motivation needed to...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
The profound journey of navigating through the loss of a loved one is acknowledged as one of life's most challenging trials. Recognizing the importance of intentional self-care and healing, the speaker shares insights gained from personal bereavement, emphasizing the immense capacity for evolution through adversity if sorrow does not immobilize us. In response to this understanding, a haven is offered on the Sunshine Coast—a private post and beam home nestled in 7 acres of serene beauty. This retreat promises solace and rejuvenation, surrounded by the tranquility of a private mineral lake,...
info_outlineThe Grief Alchemist
Embark on a transformative journey with our podcast episode, "Igniting Intrinsic Motivation: Unleashing the Power Within." In this heartfelt exploration, we dive into the profound impact of goal-setting on one's psyche and unveil tools to overcome challenges, ensuring that this year becomes your best. So get your journals ready Discover how life's experiences can create hurdles in traditional goal-setting, affecting motivation. We present powerful tools designed to shift this challenge, helping you carve a path toward your best year yet. Delve into the concept of resonance and learn how...
info_outlineHow many times will we be asked, how are you? And then end up consoling the consoler <3. How many times? Many many many times... so maybe we get better at it as we find the words to explain our feelings.
How can we put into words one of the deepest and most profound losses we may ever experience.
When someone we love dies, grief is unavoidable, unpredictable, and possibly like having a deep cut that even when you tear the band aide off, it still weeps and is rather raw when touched.
NOTE: this podcast contains a meditation, so never listen this a meditation when you are operating a moving vehicle
So, how can we ease the healing journey, on those days when we are feeling down.
From where I stand, I believe self care is a perfect solution.
So, let’s take a moment to think of self care in a different way.
I would like you to imagine, because you probably already know that putting a “large yellow sticky” over your fuel gage would not be a great plan. It could lead to you to being stranded on a rainy day, out of gas and definitely not where you were intending to go today.
But we, as women as notorious for “running ourselves out of gas”!
So, I ask y’all to check that gage today <3.
Someone said to me the other day. We are meant to give the best of ourselves to the world, NOT THE REST OF OURSELVES
And I get it, because when I am a “giver” I love to give, but how much can we give when we feel depleted?
When I was feeling the initial deep sense of loss, I hunkered down. I could hardly breath let alone, think of much of anything.
So I engaged in small steps. Savouring long hot soaks in calming aroma scented water, that didn’t care if I added a few salty tears of my own.
Time gazing at the expansive ocean, watching clouds filter past my views and ocean breeze through my mind. Immersed daily in the musky scent of deep nettled carpeted forest trails. Tuning into restful and calm audio books with an overtone of birdsongs high overhead.
But it was the day of Willis’s celebration of Life, that I fully embraced the power of self care to create the experience I desired.
I had a deep need to speak without melting down into a puddle of tears. And I didn’t know if I was up to it. It was still so painful, yet I needed to make the effort. No regrets <3
So, I set aside time for myself before guests arrived, to set myself up for success. And that meant focussing on my outcome, for being able to speak clearly, feel confident, calm and in control.
I felt I could accomplish my desire by engaging in 30 minutes of self care.
That meant unapologetically leaving all the family to continue to do the final prep.
Lots was happening.
In a hot dry summer with months without rain, June 5 was torrential.
Tarps were being raised, location for electronics, mics, speaker were being moved, Table flipped up and all the cloths, glass wear, drinks, sandwiches all being manages by twenty or more beautiful souls. All as the heavens opened and deluged us all.
In the flurry of activity, I simply turned away, closed the door to my bathroom and started to pour a hot steamy bath. As the water fell, I began toy focus inward.
I always begin with breath.
So if you would like to join me now; find a comfortable place to sit and relax where you know you will not be disturbed for 10 minutes
And always remeber never listen to these recording when operating a moving vehicle
Begin by drawing your attention towards your breath.
Pushing hearing outward to whatever is pulling your attention outward. What is the farthest thing away you can hear?
Maybe it is people talking, the sound of a car, laughter, a TV in another room, a bird, a dog barking, the fridge turning on, someone else running water at the kitchen sink. Moving your attention inward like a balloon losing air and shrinking smaller, until what you hear is the sound of your breath.
Tuning in further, breath being pulled in through your nose.
Listen to your lungs expand
Wait for the beat of your heart and rush blood pumping outward into arteries, pulsing into capillary and eavesdropping on the oxygen fill cell in your body.
Next, visualize breath: Imagine the oxygen we breath to be filled with bright sparking light. You know the ones, the tiny twinkle lights of the holiday season.
Simply pause for a moment and close your eyes and Imagine billions of these sparks of beautiful light filling each oxygen molecule.
Watch the bright light oxygen under one’s nose, observe as it is slowly inhaled up your nostrils, and as it flows down the throat and clearly filling your lungs.
Notice as it brightens the inner chambers of your heart. Trace its path from the heart into arteries, bright white light marking out every artery, capillary and cell of your body.
Breath long slow breaths and your body becomes saturated with life giving oxygen.
Now feel what it feels like to breath.
Notice the temperature of the oxygen as it enters your nose, verses the temperature when you exhale over your tongue and through your lips.
Your any pressure as your throat allowing entrance naturally and easily.
Measure the expansive opening of your thoracic cavity, satisfying lungs, fueling the constant and consistent rhythm of your heart as it passes through arteries, capillaries and into every cell of your body.
Smell the air, taste it’s flavor or become aware of the taste inside your mouth.
And now focus on your desired outcome. What do you want and why is it important?
Think of focus as gathering and moving energy towards something you are creating.
Thinking of calm, means that we are pulling energy from all around us and possibly imagine creating a bubble of calm energy around you, that helps to maintain calm.
This is the time to create intention and repeat the sensory process of that intention. What does it look like, sounds like, feel like? When you can fully understand what it is, this is pure manifestation. So delve into sensations, see if you taste it, breath in the scent and this is powerful mind science.
Focussing your attention for 17 seconds, begins to change the chemicals and hormones that are flushing through your body right now! The are matching your energetic focus. So if this is stress, you now have the power to change that..
Through our simply little exercise of focussing on breath, I believe you may have experienced a deep relaxation and calm. Recognize if you are feeling energized.
We can fill our tank in many ways; when around people we enjoy, reading a great book, or when we simply take time to breath.
They say that energy fills the “space between the space”.
And Tesla, so long ago and it is now “science” said that there is enough energy in one cubic metre of air to boil all the oceans on the planet. Phenomenal!
You may have seen that picture of him, a lightning bolt appearing out of the air and connecting with some instrument he was inventing. Tesla recognized that energy was all around us and his global thinking was to capture and then make available “FREE” energy to all the world. Amazing!
So, I would like you to consider energy as a form of self care. And when we focus our energy towards providing ourselves with self care, we are filling our tank and relieving the stress and grief in our experience.
I wish you a wonderful day and please know that I am here for you. If you would like a 1:1, please connect here