Jesus Stories
There is an uneducated and anemic idea that Jesus was something lower than God. Some think an ascended man, other a celestial being, and more theories still. But the witness of the Old and New Testament leaves no wiggle room in the discussion. Come see the glorious Jesus.
info_outline Standing Against the Attack of the EnemyJesus Stories
info_outline His Power for Us, Ephesians 1:19-20Jesus Stories
We are praying that you would understand on a spiritual level how surpassingly great is the power that in you by the presence of the Holy Spirit.
info_outline The Hope of the Calling, Ephesians 1:18Jesus Stories
It's much easier to endure the difficulties of work and life when you have a vacation to look forward to. That's hope, the reassurance that the future holds something better. Jesus wants you to take hold of His hope for your future.
info_outline From Head to Heart, Ephesians 1:17Jesus Stories
It is important to know the scripture, but it isn't enough. We need to receive the revelation of its truth for ourselves, and allow it to affect the way we live.
info_outline Giving Thanks, Ephesians 1:15-16Jesus Stories
It seems the whole world fights to dominate our thoughts, to fill us with terror, hate, and despair. There is a God given antidote that brings us peace: Gratitude. Let's give thanks.
info_outline I Have Heard of Your Faith, Ephesians 1:13-15Jesus Stories
Do you question if anyone would say, I've heard of your Faith, to you? Maybe we are still struggling to get it together. Maybe we haven't reached the good side of a testimony yet. But your struggle, your efforts, the trying to change is a demonstration of sincere faith. You're not doing it because it easy. You are changing your life because you have believed in Jesus.
info_outline The Will of God, Ephesians 1:1-14Jesus Stories
Our understanding of free will could lead us to believe that this world is a random mess of luck and happenstance. But there is a God who has forseen aa of this. There is sweet security in understanding God's free will and how He chooses to use it.
info_outline In Him, Ephesians 1:1-14Jesus Stories
Understanding and believing who we are in Him is one of the fundamental truths that we renew our minds and empower us to live a full life in Him.
info_outline Christian in an evil worldJesus Stories
info_outlineEveryone has a problem with evil. Even super messed up weirdos see the problem. Why does our world have it? If there is a god, why do we have to put up with evil?