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RVTS : The RVTS : The "Secret Sauce" for Successful Rural and Remote Workforce Retention and GP training

RVTS4GP's podcast

Welcome to this very special podcast episode where we discuss in-depth the recent collection of five research articles highlighting the successes of the RVTS programme. I am joined by RVTS CEO Dr Pat Giddings and Assoc. Professor Belinda O’Sullivan from the University of Queensland who conducted the research that led to the publications.   This episode will be of interest to anyone concerned about General Practice rural workforce shortage, those wanting to know how to support GP registrars in rural and remote areas, the special ingredients required in a successful remote supervision...

Men's Health show art Men's Health

RVTS4GP's podcast

In this episode of RVTS4GP's, we have two excerpts taken from our popular first-year webinar on Men’s Health. The presenter is Dr Justin Coleman, a very experienced GP currently working in Brisbane in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Justin has a vast experience in medical education, including being a co-editor for Murtagh's General Practice.   The two topics reviewed briefly in this episode are Gynaecomastia followed by Androgen Deficiency.   References: and RVTS resources for RVTS GP registrars: Log-in required to RVTS online: , , , , , Please like...

Part 2: Practical Tips for Dealing with Distressed and Dangerous Patients show art Part 2: Practical Tips for Dealing with Distressed and Dangerous Patients

RVTS4GP's podcast

This episode is Part 2 of a two-part conversation with Associate Professor Dr Chris Hogan, addressing how to stay safe in our practices when dealing with agitated, distressed or potentially dangerous patients. Listen to tips, tricks and wisdom from Chris, gleaned from forty years of rural, general and hospital practice.   This is an important topic that GP registrars are advised to discuss with their supervisors.  In this episode we explore unexpected violence, practical tips to ensure a safe environment, the difficulties of sedation, and doctor’s self-care.  ...

Practical Tips for Dealing with Distressed and Dangerous Patients Part One show art Practical Tips for Dealing with Distressed and Dangerous Patients Part One

RVTS4GP's podcast

In this episode, we sit down for Part One of a two-part conversation with Associate Professor Dr Chris Hogan, addressing how to stay safe in our practices when dealing with agitated, distressed or potentially dangerous patients. Listen to tips, tricks and wisdom from Chris, gleaned from forty years of rural, general and hospital practice.   This is an important topic that GP registrars are advised to discuss with their supervisors.  Trigger Warning: In this two-part series we discuss some serious episodes of violence in the GP setting. If you have been impacted by violence...

Filling out Certificates: Filling out Certificates: "Life Extinct" and "Death"

RVTS4GP's podcast

Filling out certificates seems to constitute an increasing part of a GP's job. The variety and sheer number of different forms to be familiar with can be difficult for GP registrars starting out in General Practice in Australia. Certificate completion requiring a degree of urgency, can occur unexpectedly in the middle of an already busy day. Certificates can be time-consuming and challenging, especially if you are not exactly sure what your obligations are, and what you can and cannot write!! In this episode, in response to questions from our GP registrars, we explore the issue of writing...

RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Four: Australian Rural GP Workforce show art RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Four: Australian Rural GP Workforce

RVTS4GP's podcast

In this fourth and final episode from our 2023 Grand Round series, we hear a short excerpt from the Grand Round highlighting the views of an RVTS Board member and experienced rural GP and Public Health practitioner, Dr Jacki Mein. Dr Jacki discusses teamwork, workforce shortages and rural generalism.     RVTS 2023 Grand Round Series: Ever wondered why doctors choose to work in rural settings and what would encourage them to stay? In our 2023 RVTS Grand Round, we explored this very topic with the National Rural Health Commissioner, Adjunct Professor Dr. Ruth Stewart. ...

RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Three: Australian Rural GP Workforce show art RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Three: Australian Rural GP Workforce

RVTS4GP's podcast

In this third episode of our 2023 Grand Round series, we hear a short excerpt from the Grand Round highlighting the experiences of one of our dedicated RVTS supervisors, Dr Akil Islam. His journey into rural health was via a rurally bonded medical student scheme for Australian medical graduates. His experiences highlight the joys and challenges of living and working rurally in General Practice in Far North Queensland and discusses motivation, fatigue, health advocacy and ethics.  RVTS 2023 Grand Round Series: Ever wondered why doctors choose to work in rural settings and what would...

RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Two - Australian Rural GP Workforce show art RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part Two - Australian Rural GP Workforce

RVTS4GP's podcast

In this second episode of our 2023 Grand Round series, we hear a short excerpt highlighting the experiences of Dr Thilan Walgamuge , a previous RVTS registrar, now a fellow of the RACGP, General Practice owner and regional business award winner. Dr Thilan highlights some very practical aspects of what could make it easier for people to settle and work as a GP in rural areas and some of the many challenges of running a practice in an environment of continual work-force shortage.   Dr Thilan also shares his journey transitioning from being a hospital specialist overseas to working in...

RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part One:  Australian Rural GP Workforce show art RVTS 2023 Grand Round Excerpts: Part One: Australian Rural GP Workforce

RVTS4GP's podcast

Ever wondered why doctors choose to work in rural settings and what would encourage them to stay? In our 2023 RVTS Grand Round, we explored this very topic with the National Rural Health Commissioner, Adjunct Professor Dr. Ruth Stewart.  Alongside her, four RVTS registrars and supervisors shared their personal experiences and challenges in Rural Health, shedding light on specific barriers they faced to working in rural health, along with the positives of working in a rural community that have encouraged them to stay.  The dialogue delved into the obstacles of rural workforce and...

Hypotheticals: The Near Misses that haunt us all - Part 1 show art Hypotheticals: The Near Misses that haunt us all - Part 1

RVTS4GP's podcast

Hypotheticals: The Near Misses that haunt us all  - Part 1 “To err is human” and as GP’s, we all make mistakes. In this excerpt taken from our recent Grand Round 2022, we look at the mistakes that we make and look at some key strategies for managing those difficult situations and tips for how to prevent them. It is run in a “hypothetical “ manner where we look at a case and hear from a panel of experts as to what they would do and how they would respond.  On the panel are Dr George Cerchez, a GP experienced in the fields of quality, safety and accreditation, Ruanne Brell, a...

More Episodes

Being brilliant at the basics will come in handy when there are no clinical pathways or algorithms that apply to the patient in front of you. This was the take home message from the second case at the 3rd annual RVTS Grand Round Webinar.