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Ep 126 Finding Your Purpose

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Release Date: 11/07/2022

Ep 137 30-Day Nature Reset Introduction show art Ep 137 30-Day Nature Reset Introduction

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Welcome to the mountain! How are your New Year’s goals and resolutions holding up? No cause for guilt or shame.  No need to feel bad.  On the journey toward wholeness, every day is Day 1.  A fresh start.  Every day offers an opportunity to learn and grow and begin again. Abraham Maslow, (you know - the hierarch of needs guy), observed, “What one can be one must be”. You and I were created for a purpose.  And deep within each of us is the desire to grow and fulfill that purpose.  We become restless, (or something even worse), when that purpose is...

Ep 136 Horses and Eating Disorders with Lisa Whalen show art Ep 136 Horses and Eating Disorders with Lisa Whalen

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Ep 135 Wild Embrace show art Ep 135 Wild Embrace

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Welcome to the Mountain! The end of winter and the onset of summer has brought a beautiful lush, green world to us here on the eastern slope of the Colorado Rockies.  With more rain than usual, followed by cool mornings and incredible sunny days in between, Nature has given the gift of Paradise for us to embrace, explore and enjoy!  I recently had the privilege of narrating and producing an audiobook for my friend Erik Stensland, a well-known and loved, highly respected nature photographer and author, who owns a gallery here in Estes Park, Colorado, as well as one in Abiquiu,...

Ep 134 Awaken to Mindfulness in Nature show art Ep 134 Awaken to Mindfulness in Nature

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

It’s been awhile.  Glad to see you back here.  Today is a new day.  A fresh start to a new you.  A great time to ask the question, “Am I awake to this moment?  To the here and now?  To this moment?” Henry David Thoreau reminds us that the vast majority of civilization leads quiet lives of desperation.  Or maybe if he were around today, he would say “noisy lives of desperation” Lives spent trying to be anywhere but here, now. Today I would like to invite you to remember that all we have is this moment.  Yesterday is gone, a thing of the past,...

Ep 133 Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy with Sherri Phibbs show art Ep 133 Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy with Sherri Phibbs

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

  MZD Podcast – Ep. 133 – Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy Since 2009, facilitator, author, and artist Sherri Phibbs has been gaining a wealth of experience in Nature immersion, and to date, has written three books which, among other things, teach the hungry and willing student how to connect with Nature through art and deep sensory Nature immersion. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy and appreciate the lessons she shares.  In fact, Sherri emphasizes that you need absolutely no art experience previously in order to create.  All of us could benefit from...

Ep 132 The Big Quiet with Lisa Stewart show art Ep 132 The Big Quiet with Lisa Stewart

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Can you hear "The Call" to a Great Adventure in your life? Something you know you were meant to do? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a setting where it was just you and Nature for an extended period of time? Imagine yourself as a woman, alone on a horse, 500 miles from home… At age 54, Lisa Stewart did just that.  She set out to regain the fearless girl she once had been, riding her horse, Chief, 500 miles home.  Hot, homeless, and horseback, she snapped back into every original cell. On an extraordinary homegoing from Kansas City to Bates and Vernon...

Ep 131 Calm and Bright show art Ep 131 Calm and Bright

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Far too often we pay attention to the loud and brash, which tend to have little meaning, while overlooking the important things that are taking place so quietly and humbly just outside the corner of our eye. ~ Erik Stensland “Whispers in the Wind”   At different points in our lives, the Christmas holiday season is marked by stress and anxiety, overwhelm, overindulgence, undernourishment and sadness and depression.  For many, it is a hollow season of unmet expectations, disappointment and despair.  Instead of Joy we’re met with sorrow. Instead of Hope we carry...

Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler show art Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

“Nature is hungry to interact with us. It wants connection…if you take one step, the world rushes in to meet you.” ~ Asia Suler One of my favorite aphorisms is “Affirm Truth wherever you find it.” It’s a philosophy I have more recently come to hold dear and try to live by every day that I’m alive, because I’m finding that as I seek Truth, capital “T”, on my own “Hero’s Journey” as Joseph Campbell would put it, I am stretched a little out of my comfort zone. There was a time in my younger days where I felt like I really understood it all, and pretty much knew what Life...

Ep 129 Happy Thanksgiving! show art Ep 129 Happy Thanksgiving!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Today, is the day before Thanksgiving, and as I intentionally stop and breathe and just Be, one word comes to mind. Thankful. This past year has been a year of Growth and Gratitude for us. We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing to be on this journey of Mindfulness in Nature at Mountain Zen Den, and we pray for your continued growth and well-being. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year because everything hinges on Gratitude. Without it, life would ultimately be an empty series of drab days coming and going with no meaning or purpose. Without it, we are...

Ep 128 - The Forest of Faith with Chris Highland show art Ep 128 - The Forest of Faith with Chris Highland

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

What does it mean to be a “Freethinker”? Today, we meet with one who calls himself  “The Friendly Freethinker” — Chris Highland. A skilled presenter, Chris Highland has given public presentations, taught classes and led retreats for congregations, business groups, high schools, universities, social service workers and youth leaders.  He has taught in Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Unitarian, secular and other settings.  His educational style is engaging and inspiring, drawing students or audiences into an active participation in the subject. ...

More Episodes

Welcome to the Mountain!

Hey Friends, Brett Wilson here – your host and Trail Guide at Mountain Zen Den, encouraging you to connect with Nature for mindfulness and personal growth – naturally!  Come on in…

How are you?  I am so excited to be back with you after an extended hiatus, where we have taken some time to get away, plan, and restructure things at the Den.

There is so much to tell you, and I cannot wait to share with you all the incredible human beings and resources we have been meeting and curating just for your well-being and personal development.

We are starting a new season here at Mountain Zen Den.  Can you believe it?  Season 6!  Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to face some personal challenges, (aka personal growth opportunities — as do we all), doing some deep thinking, strategizing, re-purposing, and making new friends with some truly wonderful and inspiring people.  We’ll be introducing them to you in the next several episodes — musicians, writers, documentary wildlife filmmakers, deep thinkers and spiritual healers — all beautiful souls who are deeply in touch with the natural world.  Stay connected… you are in for a real treat!

The challenges, struggles and processes over the past few months have helped me realize more than ever how very short life is, as Michael Singer, author of Living Untethered points out – and I quote,

“Sitting on a planet through vast outer space for a handful of years — in the broadest sense, this is the human predicament.  Earth has been here for 4.5 billion years, yet each of us is limited to roughly an eighty-year ride on the planet, give or take a few years.”

Well, I have committed to using what’s left of my eighty or so years to not only Grow to become to become the very BEST version of myself, my inner Daimon, to use the Greek word for it, but to take a whole bunch of like-minded folks along for the ride — in fact, on a Joy-ride, a Hero’s Journey through Nature.  So if this sounds like you, and you haven’t already, I invite you to join the Mountain Zen Den Community by subscribing at mountainzenden.com.  You’ll get updates and information, and a whole mountainful of resources in our Blog Cabin newsletter.

There is so much goodness and positive things happening out there that we’d like to share with you to help you in your journey for Personal Growth and well-being.  I’ll just mention a couple of them today, and you can learn more and find the links to them on our resources page at MountainZenDen.com/Resources.

Finally, I’m excited to share some personal news.  Over the past couple of years I have been writing a book based on some of the nature-based life lessons learned, insights and personal observations I have made relating to Nature and Personal Growth.  The working title is,

Grow You  — Cultivating Your Garden of Well-Being (Transform Your Inner World, Become Your Best Self and Enjoy Life to the Fullest).  It presents Practical nature-based guidance and meditations for becoming the best version of yourself through Personal Transformation — featuring stories, practical ideas taught by experts, and daily meditations you can use on your journey of well-being. 

Super excited.  So stay tuned!

Now, on to today’s show.  In the past, I have often found myself feeling like I am just barely able to keep up with the seasons; always rushing from one holiday or event to another, never feeling prepared or truly able to live in the moment and enjoy it.  So today, I thought we could get a jump on New Year’s goals by getting a running start in November — before the holiday season begins, before all of the running around, shopping, parties, and bad-for-you junk food binging, before setting traditional New Years’ goals on New Years’ Eve, or the beginning of the new year…

Can you imagine what a huge advantage you will give yourself by getting a headstart on next year by starting several weeks earlier?

So hopefully we can make some forward thinking plans and resolutions that will be well in place by the time New Year’s rolls around, and avoid having to undo some of the damage that has been done over the holidays, making it harder to get a running start on the new year.  New Years’ goals are great, but new days’ goals, lived day by day, lead to a life of excellence.  And isn’t that why we are here?  I hope so!

Today, let’s take some time to explore the concept of “Finding your Purpose” (with a capital “P”).  After all, if you don’t know your purpose, how do you know how to make new years’ goals and plans?

So what do we mean when we say “Purpose with a capital ‘P’?

Your Purpose should be your highest goal in life.  Different from your Mission, which evolves and morphs at varying stages of life, your number one Purpose is to nourish your soul.  As Abraham Maslow points out in the hierarchy of needs, “What one can be, one must be.”

Now if this sounds selfish, or narcissistic, we need to remember the oxygen mask on the airplane example.  If you don’t first take care of yourself, and aren’t healthy in every area of your life, how can you help or be of any service to those around you?

We all have the same purpose, and as I mentioned, that is to nourish our soul; to discover our unique calling and gifts.  To grow to become the best version of ourselves, actualize our potential and then turn around and help others.  When we find our Purpose and discover our Mission, and are on the path to being all that we can be, (as Maslow reminds us), we naturally give of ourselves, our greatest gift, in service to the world. 

So once we discover our Purpose, how do we continue giving our greatest gifts in greatest service to the world?

I love the way Brian Johnson, creator of Optimize, and Founder and CEO of Heroic puts it:  He says, we do it by closing the “Gap” between who we are and who we can potentially become by living with Arete.  That is A-R-E-T-E, Arete - the Latin word the ancient Stoics used that can best be described as “Virtue” or “Moral Excellence”.  When we live to our fullest potential from moment to moment to moment, we are living with Arete, thus fulfilling our Purpose in life.  I’ve found that the most practical way of doing this and to stay on track is to, all throughout the day ask myself, “What would the best version of myself be doing right now?”  And then, most importantly, do it!  Easier said than done.

So what is the difference between our Purpose and our Mission?

Your Mission is your unique purpose.  What is it that you, and only you can do?

It’s important to understand that we have many missions in life, depending upon where you are and what stage of life you are in.  For example, if you have children, only you can be a Dad or Mom to your kids.  Your Mission, or “Calling” if you will is to be an extraordinary father and husband, or mother and wife, and a present member of your family.  Something I wish I understood better when my kids were younger…

Nature in the wild, and on the farm gives lots of great illustrations of what this looks like – Cows give milk, chickens lay eggs, horses pull plows and give rides, and bees pollinate flowers.  Each of them offers a different product, or service to the planet that only they can fulfill.  And it’s the same with people as well.  Only, even more individualized.

So how do we find our unique purpose?

Your unique purpose comes at the intersection of four areas or circles in your life.

  1. What is it you love to do?
  2. What is it that you are good at?
  3. What is it that you and only you can do best?
  4. What does the world need?

At the point where these four circles converge is where your unique purpose shows up.

Now for some people, it takes nearly a lifetime to discover their unique Purpose.  Sadly, for a great portion of the world.  They never discover their unique Purpose.  And for a very lucky few, they find it very early in life.  But no matter.  It’s not a race.  It is a Journey.  A Hero’s journey, if you will.  It is your unique Journey that you are called to, if you are still enough to hear, and wise enough to follow.

We will talk about this a lot more in episodes to come, but for today, let’s just take a little time in our meditation, to ruminate and chew on those four questions.

  1. What is it you love to do?
  2. What is it that you are good at?
  3. What is it that you and only you can do best?
  4. What does the world need?

As we seek our Purpose and unique Mission in life, if we are on the path of True Love and service, every step we take will be a step in the right direction.  Trust the process.  Trust the calling…




Heroic + Optimize with Brian Johnson



Living Untethered by Michael