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MZD - Ep 69 Tranquility

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Release Date: 04/10/2018

Ep 137 30-Day Nature Reset Introduction show art Ep 137 30-Day Nature Reset Introduction

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Welcome to the mountain! How are your New Year’s goals and resolutions holding up? No cause for guilt or shame.  No need to feel bad.  On the journey toward wholeness, every day is Day 1.  A fresh start.  Every day offers an opportunity to learn and grow and begin again. Abraham Maslow, (you know - the hierarch of needs guy), observed, “What one can be one must be”. You and I were created for a purpose.  And deep within each of us is the desire to grow and fulfill that purpose.  We become restless, (or something even worse), when that purpose is...

Ep 136 Horses and Eating Disorders with Lisa Whalen show art Ep 136 Horses and Eating Disorders with Lisa Whalen

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Ep 135 Wild Embrace show art Ep 135 Wild Embrace

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Welcome to the Mountain! The end of winter and the onset of summer has brought a beautiful lush, green world to us here on the eastern slope of the Colorado Rockies.  With more rain than usual, followed by cool mornings and incredible sunny days in between, Nature has given the gift of Paradise for us to embrace, explore and enjoy!  I recently had the privilege of narrating and producing an audiobook for my friend Erik Stensland, a well-known and loved, highly respected nature photographer and author, who owns a gallery here in Estes Park, Colorado, as well as one in Abiquiu,...

Ep 134 Awaken to Mindfulness in Nature show art Ep 134 Awaken to Mindfulness in Nature

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

It’s been awhile.  Glad to see you back here.  Today is a new day.  A fresh start to a new you.  A great time to ask the question, “Am I awake to this moment?  To the here and now?  To this moment?” Henry David Thoreau reminds us that the vast majority of civilization leads quiet lives of desperation.  Or maybe if he were around today, he would say “noisy lives of desperation” Lives spent trying to be anywhere but here, now. Today I would like to invite you to remember that all we have is this moment.  Yesterday is gone, a thing of the past,...

Ep 133 Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy with Sherri Phibbs show art Ep 133 Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy with Sherri Phibbs

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

  MZD Podcast – Ep. 133 – Nature Immersion Through Art Therapy Since 2009, facilitator, author, and artist Sherri Phibbs has been gaining a wealth of experience in Nature immersion, and to date, has written three books which, among other things, teach the hungry and willing student how to connect with Nature through art and deep sensory Nature immersion. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy and appreciate the lessons she shares.  In fact, Sherri emphasizes that you need absolutely no art experience previously in order to create.  All of us could benefit from...

Ep 132 The Big Quiet with Lisa Stewart show art Ep 132 The Big Quiet with Lisa Stewart

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Can you hear "The Call" to a Great Adventure in your life? Something you know you were meant to do? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a setting where it was just you and Nature for an extended period of time? Imagine yourself as a woman, alone on a horse, 500 miles from home… At age 54, Lisa Stewart did just that.  She set out to regain the fearless girl she once had been, riding her horse, Chief, 500 miles home.  Hot, homeless, and horseback, she snapped back into every original cell. On an extraordinary homegoing from Kansas City to Bates and Vernon...

Ep 131 Calm and Bright show art Ep 131 Calm and Bright

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Far too often we pay attention to the loud and brash, which tend to have little meaning, while overlooking the important things that are taking place so quietly and humbly just outside the corner of our eye. ~ Erik Stensland “Whispers in the Wind”   At different points in our lives, the Christmas holiday season is marked by stress and anxiety, overwhelm, overindulgence, undernourishment and sadness and depression.  For many, it is a hollow season of unmet expectations, disappointment and despair.  Instead of Joy we’re met with sorrow. Instead of Hope we carry...

Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler show art Ep 130 - Mirrors in the Earth with Asia Suler

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

“Nature is hungry to interact with us. It wants connection…if you take one step, the world rushes in to meet you.” ~ Asia Suler One of my favorite aphorisms is “Affirm Truth wherever you find it.” It’s a philosophy I have more recently come to hold dear and try to live by every day that I’m alive, because I’m finding that as I seek Truth, capital “T”, on my own “Hero’s Journey” as Joseph Campbell would put it, I am stretched a little out of my comfort zone. There was a time in my younger days where I felt like I really understood it all, and pretty much knew what Life...

Ep 129 Happy Thanksgiving! show art Ep 129 Happy Thanksgiving!

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

Today, is the day before Thanksgiving, and as I intentionally stop and breathe and just Be, one word comes to mind. Thankful. This past year has been a year of Growth and Gratitude for us. We just want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for choosing to be on this journey of Mindfulness in Nature at Mountain Zen Den, and we pray for your continued growth and well-being. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year because everything hinges on Gratitude. Without it, life would ultimately be an empty series of drab days coming and going with no meaning or purpose. Without it, we are...

Ep 128 - The Forest of Faith with Chris Highland show art Ep 128 - The Forest of Faith with Chris Highland

Mountain Zen Den Podcast

What does it mean to be a “Freethinker”? Today, we meet with one who calls himself  “The Friendly Freethinker” — Chris Highland. A skilled presenter, Chris Highland has given public presentations, taught classes and led retreats for congregations, business groups, high schools, universities, social service workers and youth leaders.  He has taught in Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Pagan, Unitarian, secular and other settings.  His educational style is engaging and inspiring, drawing students or audiences into an active participation in the subject. ...

More Episodes


“If your mind is still… you can sense the peace that emanates from the earth.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

Welcome to Day 19 ~ Tranquility

Here at Mountain Zen Den we are on a quest for love and simplicity, joy and tranquility, and energy and abundance through Nature.

Each of these gifts can be found separately and together, as we seek to stay mindful, dwelling in the present moment. You don’t always have to be out in nature to be present.  But Nature is an amazing catalyst for presence.  Presence is the place that is always with us.

And it is what we are on a quest for today, and everyday that we choose to bring our “A Game”, and be the best we that we can be!

You know you can find a state of peace and tranquility whenever you want it.  Inner tranquility has little to do with your outer surroundings.  Inner tranquility is about your personal state of being.  However, you need to practice and create this state of being on a regular basis so that you can access it any time you feel anxious or overwhelmed no matter where you are.

I love creating memories in beautiful places that I can return to whenever I feel the need for peace and solitude.

Yesterday, about an hour before sunset, Melissa and I took a wonder-filled hike along a scenic rocky ridge that cradled a blissful mountain lake. The temperature was perfect for trekking, and the light and luminous clouds reflecting in the water created a heavenly, surreal setting. There was not another living soul to be found, and our hearts were light and full of joy. We could feel the burdens of the day slide down the hillside into the welcoming water below.

As the sun slowly sank into the mountains on the other side of the lake, the wind picked up a notch, whispering through the scraggly ponderosa on the crest of the ridge. We both fell into a dreamlike state and the tranquility in this place was palpable. We took a seat on a comfortable rock and just absorbed the stillness of the last dying rays of the day.

This is what we call a "Matterday", and is a moment we will always be able to remember and access in times of stress; a tool to be used for finding and practicing presence.

James Allen said, “The more tranquil a man becomes, the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good.  Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.”

Take a couple of deep, restorative breaths and enjoy the next few minutes in a state of serenity and tranquility deep within your spirit today.

Hold on to this feeling as you go about your business today, seeking mindfulness and tranquility of spirit.

Checklist for Day 19

MEDITATION:Day 19 – “Tranquility”

NATURE WALK: In your 20 plus minutes spent outside today, set an intention that you will find and create moments of tranquility that you can store in your heart to access under times of stress and anxiousness.Find a place in Nature that gives you a sense of peace and calm, and just stay there a while enjoying the serenity of the moment.

JOURNAL: What places and memories bring back the deepest sense of tranquility to your heart?What are you most grateful for today?

If you've been hanging with us on the 21-Day Nature Challenge, thank you!   We have just 2 more days to go! 

Enjoy your tranquility and we'll see you back here tomorrow...