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An Interview with Casablanca: Age of Ultron Director Franklin I. McLeod

Movies Not Movies

Release Date: 03/01/2019

Movies Not Movies sat down for a bonus interview with our in-studio guest from the Casablanca: Age of Ultron podcast episode, Franklin I. McLeod. The legendary director opened up about his career and his approach to filmmaking. 

Movies Not Movies: Franklin I. McLeod. You worked on some of the most iconic movies of Cinema's Golden Age, including Hey, Look at that Piker, Indiscreet Plush Toy and the long-running Unguent series of films featuring husband and wife private eyes Nick and Nora Unguent. What made you come out of retirement to direct a version of Casablanca in space? 

Franklin I. McLeod: You annoy me. 

MNM: I see. Did you find it difficult adjusting to a new style of directing, in which so much of the performance is dependent on motion-capture and interaction with green-screen technology?

FIM: I kicked over precisely 62 video-assist monitors. Destroyed them. We went over budget replacing them. Every time they bought a new one, I kicked it over again and worked with the actors, not a video screen. 

MNM: You are known for your very particular working methods. Did today's young stars give you any push back?

FIM: What the hell is "push back?"

MNM: Well, did they find themselves in conflict with your more precise working methods?

FIM: Why didn't you just ask me that, instead of this "push back" nonsense. Does everything have to be reduced to two words now, is that how it is?

MNM: So, did the younger actors--

FIM: Younger actors can bend over and kiss my ass in the middle of FAO Schwarz. 

MNM: The film Casablanca: Age of Ultron is a remarkable synthesis of Computer Generated Imagery, or CGI--

FIM: I know what "CGI" is, you infant. 

MNM: Um. Hold on, I forgot what I was asking.

FIM: Good. You're so full of shit. 

MNM: You certainly are everything your Hollywood legend promises. 

FIM: You're a pest. 

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