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Bonus Content: An Asshole in Love Interview

Movies Not Movies

Release Date: 03/22/2019

Asshole in Love poster

In the Movies Not Movies profile of the documentary An Asshole in Love, director and star Michael Zungolo behaved like an asshole around several citizens of towns named 'Love.' Two of those most deeply shocked and morally compromised by the documentarian were Mayor Strickland of Love, Mississippi, who endured insults and public urination, while Grandma Babushka from Love, Estonia got her borscht insulted big time. The two recently sat down with the Movies Not Movies team to share their experiences. 

Mayor Strickland

Mayor Strickland and Grandma Babushka

Movies Not Movies: Grandma Babushka, Mayor Strickland, thank you so much for traveling so far from home. How were your flights?

Grandma Babushka: Plane was very nice.

Mayor Strickland: I’ve never flown first class before. Our town doesn’t have that kind of budget.

MNM: I’m not surprised.

Strickland: What?

MNM: Oh, sorry, nothing. And the hotel? Comfy, we hope?

Grandma: Hotel is very nice.

Strickland: I saw Jack Nicholson in the lobby. I waved, but he was in a hurry, I guess.

MNM: Whatever you need to believe. 

Strickland: What?

MNM: Oh, sorry, nothing. Did you both enjoy your VIP seats at The Ellen Show?

Grandma: Oh, yes. Is nice show. I laugh. I cry.

MNM: You cried?

Grandma: They made wait in line five and a half hours. Hips gave out. Nice mayor here had ibuprofen, was good. 

Strickland: She sold thirty-eight jars of Borscht while we were waiting outside. Ellen's stage manager bought one. 

MNM: Wonderful. We’re so happy to have you here with us in Los Angeles. You’ve both traveled from your respective towns of Love, Estonia and Love, Mississippi, and, of course, filmgoers first met you when you appeared in the award-winning documentary “An Asshole in Love” by Michael Zungolo.

Strickland: He is vile. Despicable. Incredible bladder capacity.

Grandma: Is awful man. Awful. He insult my borscht. And leave terrible Yelp review for our family restaurant.

Strickland: I can't imagine how tough that is, trying to run a restaurant these days and being at the mercy of Yelp reviews. They’re like the Rotten Tomatoes of the service industry.

Grandma: Oh, so you insult my tomatoes, too?

Strickland: Is Borscht made with tomatoes?  I thought it was beets.

Grandma: I see Mr. Bigshot mayor is, too, an asshole.

Strickland: Yeah, sure. Eighteen hours in a plane with you, what do you want?  Every time I tried to get back into the seat I’d be tripping over your orthopedic shoes.

MNM: See what we did, there?

Strickland: Oh, my goodness.

Grandma: Look at us. We become assholes, just like in the movie.

Strickland: We’re so sorry.

MNM: No, no, it was fun. Please give us a good review on iTunes.

Grandma: What’s iTunes?

Strickland: It means they have a podcast, Grandma Babushka.

Grandma: Oh. Like every other asshole. 


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