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19: Trial

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Release Date: 10/18/2023

30: Dawn of the Gods show art 30: Dawn of the Gods

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Newly self-appointed leader, Tarrant, is powerless to stop the Liberator and crew from being sucked into a black hole. Therein they find a place which could be none more black, inhabited by a regency fop, a wild west bank clerk and a wee man with cranial varicose veins. When will Avon teleport Tarrant into deep space? When it comes to equations, who is the sharpest graphite writing stick in the box? Will Cally swipe left (or burst out laughing) when she sees the Thaarn? And will Jim and Martin place the episode up among the gods or will it dawn on them that it's a black hole of quality?...

29: Volcano show art 29: Volcano

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Newbies Tarrant and Dayna are on a mission on behalf of their crew to find someone that only they have never met. And to maybe find a suitable place to settle down and electroshock kids. However, Servalan and Not-Travis have other plans, which involve a posh tramp, a dead dog and a parsnip with a face. Is it medieval re-enactment week on the Liberator? Does Michael Gough have smelly hands? What is the secret of the Yorkshire Moors mincers? And did Volcano light a fire inside Jim and Martin or is their love for the episode extinct? Listen to find out! This episode can also be found...

28: Powerplay show art 28: Powerplay

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

After escaping Sarran, Avon and Dayna arrive on the Liberator where they find some squabbling squatters. A young Blake-alike, Mr Bronson's evil twin and some less-than-crack troopers are acting like they own the place so our two rebels have to act as a castaway couple. Meanwhile Vila develops a split personality and Cally meets a familiar and impatient in-patient. Will the Terran Federation trespassers find out the truth about Mr & Mrs Chevron? Which of Vila's organs will the Chengans discard? Is Steven Toast one of Tarrant's ancestors? And were Jim and Martin in Powerplay's power or did...

27: Aftermath show art 27: Aftermath

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Series C kicks off with a Tempest of activity (do you see?). Avon gets two snogs, Dayna loses two loved ones and the Sarrans are too primitive to open a hatch. Will Avon really team up with saucy Servalan to rule the galaxy? Who is the random NPC in the dunes? Is there any justification for shaving horses? And do Jim and Martin think the episode hits the mark like Dayna with an arrow, or kicks the bucket like Mike Yates and a Terileptil? Listen to find out (some of the above)! This episode can also be found at , , , , , ,  and all other podcatchers (as...

26: Star One show art 26: Star One

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

We finally reach the denouement of Series B but who will get out alive? That keenest of self-promoters, Servalan, is in a flap as her previously moist parts are dry and her melons are freezing. Something's up at Star One where the technicians are more cabbage than kings and the neighbourhood is about to go down the (toilet) pan.  Can Blake convince the enemy that he's Travis? Can Brian Croucher convince us that Travis is remotely interested in Blake's death? And can Avon and co hold off the advancing fleet of Space car boot sale leftovers? And do Jim and Martin think the episode is a...

25: The Keeper show art 25: The Keeper

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Blake and co brave noxious Goth fumes while inspecting every thong they can get their hands on. Warring brothers, their sorceress sister and a jealous jester serve only to complicate matters. Does Goth boast a galactically-renowned wine region? Is Gola any different roaring drunk than roaring sober? What is the average air speed of a flying codpiece? And do Jim and Martin think the episode is a keeper or should it be cast Down Below? Listen to find out! This episode can also be found at , , , , , ,  and all other podcatchers (as far as we know). You can...

24: Gambit show art 24: Gambit

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Freedom City's subtle forms of satisfaction are not for the likes of Blake and co. They have a dipsomaniac doctor to find, a cat fight to create and a chess master to challenge. Meanwhile, Servalan has a plot to hatch and a halfwit to explain it to. At least Travis is relatively armless this week. But can a tin dog really offer sexual satisfaction? Does Aubrey Woods have a naturally shiny complexion? Will Jim get to the end of the marathon recording session before passing out? And did Gambit give the lads immense pleasure or was it a case or more is less?  Listen to find out! This...

23: Voice from the Past show art 23: Voice from the Past

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Something that looks very much like a trap turns out to be... a trap. Who knew? Answer: Avon and Cally. Is Blake out of his mind or is the Epoch of True Freedom (TM) really being heralded? Who could possibly defeat Le Grand in a staring competition? Will there ever be an adequate excuse for this...? And was the episode a welcome blast from the past for Jim and Martin or would they rather hide it behind a fruit machine? Listen to find out! This episode can also be found at , , , , , ,  and all other podcatchers (as far as we know). You can also find us...

22: Countdown show art 22: Countdown

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

Avon meets an old enemy while the series returns to an old plot device.  The episode, unpredictably called Countdown, throws up some intriguing health and safety issues. How close should you stand to a firing rocket engine? Is it wise to submerge your electronic bracelets? And should you pop your tool into an explosive device? Did Jim and Martin feel in safe hands with the episode or were they counting down the Space Minutes until it ended? Listen to find out! This episode can also be found at , , , , , ,  and all other podcatchers (as far as we...

21: Hostage show art 21: Hostage

Blake's 7: The Mutoid Podcast

It's a case of unhappy families this time as Travis blackmails Ushton's brother's wayward son into visiting his uncle and his cousin/former squeeze (don't ask). Where did Vila's trust issues go? What occurred back on Exbar between the (variably) youthful Blake and Inga? What the flipping crikey has happened to the Mutoids?! And were Jim and Martin captivated by the episode or were they longing to escape from it? Listen to find out! This episode can also be found at , , , , , ,  and all other podcatchers (as far as we know). You can also find us on ...

More Episodes

It's time for Servalan to wash that man right out of her short hair but will Travis go quietly? Or will he get all shouty in a courtroom. [You've probably guessed which.]

Meanwhile, Blake is down and unsafe on a lively planet with a friendly infestation and Avon is safely up in space, monitoring proceedings with amusement/concern*.

[*Delete as applicable]

But did Jim and Martin find oneness with the episode or was it all a bit of a trial?

Listen to find out!

This episode can also be found at iTunes/Apple PodcastsSpotifyAudiblePlayer FMPocket CastsPodvineCastbox and all other podcatchers (as far as we know).

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter, on Mastodon at @[email protected], on Threads as Mutoidkrynoidpods and on Bluesky as @jimcameron.bsky.

Thanks for listening!