Nerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #089 - 2021 Year End Spectacular
info_outline Skewed ReviewsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #087 - Skewed Reviews
info_outline Wacky HackNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #086 - Wacky Hack
info_outline Zillow ZagsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #085 - Zillow Zags
info_outline Sweet Baby Ray'sNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #084 - Sweet Baby Ray's
info_outline Tesla PoliticsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #083 - Tesla Politics
info_outline Tik Tok TicsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #082 - Tik Tok Tics
info_outline TwitchingNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #081 - Twitching
info_outline FocusNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #080 - Focus
info_outline Tesla TroubleNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #079 - Tesla Trouble
info_outlineNerd Herd Podcast #065 - Eddie and The Cruisers
This week we are live again in Clubhouse. Eddie and Greg dive into their own world talking Tesla things. We jump into Twitch's self-inflicted clarification of hot tub videos but then jump into the Apple vs Epic lawsuit with the judge asking Tim Cook some very direct questions.