Nerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #089 - 2021 Year End Spectacular
info_outline Skewed ReviewsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #087 - Skewed Reviews
info_outline Wacky HackNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #086 - Wacky Hack
info_outline Zillow ZagsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #085 - Zillow Zags
info_outline Sweet Baby Ray'sNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #084 - Sweet Baby Ray's
info_outline Tesla PoliticsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #083 - Tesla Politics
info_outline Tik Tok TicsNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #082 - Tik Tok Tics
info_outline TwitchingNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #081 - Twitching
info_outline FocusNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #080 - Focus
info_outline Tesla TroubleNerd Herd Podcast
Nerd Herd Podcast #079 - Tesla Trouble
info_outlineNerd Herd Podcast #066 - Test Drive
This week we are live again in Clubhouse. Amy describes her EV and Hybrid car short-listing process. Fresh questions about Tesla's ability to achieve Level 5 vehicle autonomy arise again this week. We also talk about the role of disaster recovery in ransomware attacks and wrap up on the FBI's broad subpoena of IP addresses of readers of a USA Today article.