The Sports Entrepreneur
This episode is about TRUST (as a continuation of the previous episode) which is the most important resource you can have and that doesn’t cost a thing. Casey is breaking down the concept of trust so it is tangible and easy to understand.
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In today’s episode you will hear about the one thing that is holding you back in your business and you might not even know it! It is the area of trust. Listen to this episode to learn how to improve the level of trust in your business and see how this propels your company forward.
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In today’s episode Casey explains why having a strategy to set our goals for the upcoming year is a must! It is the time to start thinking about how you want your life and business to look like in 2020, and for that, it is crucial to have a strategy; you need to create a map to assure that the following year is better than 2019.
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In today’s episode Casey is going to breakdown the four levels of the leadership tree. If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you felt confused about how to appropriately delegate, when is the right time to delegate, or how much you should delegate, this simple system you will hear about in this show, is exactly what you need.
info_outlineThe Sports Entrepreneur
In this episode, Casey will go deep into the subject of Work-Life balance or what she likes best to call Work-Life Return-on-Investment, the word ‘balance’ can sometimes be confusing if it is considered that the way to achieve it is to have 50-50. Casey will share her recipe for getting the most out of your resources, through achieving integration among the different aspects of your life, where each piece works in benefit of the other.
info_outlineThe Sports Entrepreneur
In today’s episode, Casey Wright will dive deep into the fundamentals of the Profit First Money Management System; it’s based on a book that came out five years ago and Casey has been operating it in her company in the last three years, changing her business as well as her life. If you are interested in having your business serve you this episode is just right for you.
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If you think your morning routine could be up-leveled and serve you better in order to improve the rest of your day, you need to listen to this episode. Casey is bringing answers and solutions to help you scale your business and life in a different way while having fun when you do it.
info_outlineThe Sports Entrepreneur
In this episode, Frank Sahlein, CEO of 3rd Level Consulting and Business Brokerage, is joining Casey to talk about industry trends and how much the value of an industry and its age impact the business. Frank’s been active in the children’s activity centers industry as an athlete, a coach, an owner, a consulter and now a broker.
info_outlineThe Sports Entrepreneur
Casey comes back to the subject of increasing your financial IQ. In this episode, Casey will introduce some of Robert Kiyosaki’s principles regarding Financial IQs that you can put into action right away, first by identifying which is your mindset about money and where you got it from, and then, figuring out your abilities to make money, protect it, budgeting, leveraging it, and lastly, dedicating time to always increase your financial intelligence.
info_outlineThe Sports Entrepreneur
In this episode Casey will blow your mind! You will hear about priorities, how to reduce overwhelmed, a little bit of fantasy football and most importantly, after 15 minutes of listening, you are going to be ready to get stuff done!
info_outlineThis week, Casey has a lovely conversation with Erica Barnes, director of licensing sales at NinjaZone. Erica has a unique background in leadership training at LuluLemon, and before that, acting, and her history brings a fresh perspective to her role at NinjaZone. She loves what she does, and believes you can connect with anyone by finding something in common with them.
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