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Podcast #307: If a 16 Year Old Can Do It...

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

Release Date: 05/13/2024

Podcast #408: Get Your Business in Podcast #408: Get Your Business in "Summer-Body" Shape!

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome to another episode of No More Excuses! In today's episode, I talk about something near and dear to my heart—a business tune-up. You heard me right. It's time to get your business leaner, stronger, and ready to kick some serious ass! We all know the importance of keeping our body's in shape, right? And every Summer, we get bombarded with get your body in “beach-body / bathing suit shape”, but what about our businesses? They need some love and attention too! So, today, I talk about how to give your business the tune-up it deserves. And this isn’t just for...

Podcast #307: If a 16 Year Old Can Do It... show art Podcast #307: If a 16 Year Old Can Do It...

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of No More Excuses!  Today is a RARE occasion! I have a guest on this podcast and he is THE YOUNGEST GUEST of the few I've had.  Listen today as he shares his story and why if HE can do it... you can too!  DO WHAT? CHANGE YOUR MINDSET THAT IS! Yes, Jack went from a typical teenager going through the motions, complaining about life, being lazy. Then add in COVID. OK. He's not the only one, but then comes the war.  YES. A. WAR!  Ya see, Jack – real name: Zhenia is from Ukraine.  As Jack...

Podcast #406: Managing the Mania of Business Ownership show art Podcast #406: Managing the Mania of Business Ownership

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome to another episode of "No More Excuses".  Today, I want to dive into the whirlwind world of business ownership and how to manage the mania that comes with it. Running a business is NOT for the faint of heart. It's a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, twists and turns, and some days it can cause a bigger adrenaline rush than a friggn' skydiving expedition. Sometimes in a good way, and other times, not so much! And amidst the chaos, there's one thing we can't afford to lose sight of: ...Our Sanity! Listen in today as I talk about how to embrace the...

Podcast #405: Mid Q2: Time to Play BIGGER! show art Podcast #405: Mid Q2: Time to Play BIGGER!

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses" podcast! Today, we're diving into Q2 and how to kick things into high gear to make this year your most successful yet. And yes, this is on the coattails of understanding how important a business plan is. If you have a plan, you probably – or SHOULD – have it in there to do progress checks! So… did you create yours? Or update an old one?  Remember, you can download my free template from my website: The second quarter—a time of renewal, growth, and opportunity. But how the hell do you make the...

Podcast #404: Where is Your Business Plan? show art Podcast #404: Where is Your Business Plan?

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

Happy MONDAY MOTIVATION and eclipse day! Welcome to another episode of the "No More Excuses," podcast! Get ready, as today's episode is all about the importance of having a solid business plan! I’ve had clients who totally REFUSED to do a business planand others who were totally into the process and SO EXCITED about the outcome! What about you? Have you completed [or at least started] your business plan?  If you haven't, or you don't see the importance, let me tell you - and in today's episode I share that it's like heading out on a road trip to an exciting destination without GPS to...

Podcast #403: Welcome to Q2! Time to Spring Clean Some Shit! show art Podcast #403: Welcome to Q2! Time to Spring Clean Some Shit!

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses," where we tackle obstacles head-on and embrace the power of transformation. Alright, Badasses, welcome to April 1st, the 2nd Quarter, and to me, the "REAL" start of Spring! So, I think today's the perfect time to talk Spring Cleaning. Just as we clean out our homes to allow for breathing room and new beginnings, we can apply the same principles to our personal and professional lives. Listen in because in today's episode, I am going to touch on THREE things you can do to "Spring Clean" both personally and...

Podcast #402: Is Your Hiring Process Killing Your Business? show art Podcast #402: Is Your Hiring Process Killing Your Business?

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses," where we tackle challenges head-on and empower you to take charge of your success.  As a DiSC® certified business coach, I’m really excited to dive into today’s topic, one that's critical for any business: hiring the right talent. Over the years, I’ve had clients who just seem to have a revolving door of staff. And, although I am NOT a recruiter or an HR expert, I work with business owners to identify what’s keeping people from staying. And one of the BIGGIES is onboarding and training processes and...

Podcast #401: What Are You Sticking With? show art Podcast #401: What Are You Sticking With?

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY [NOW THURSDAY] MOTIVATION! Welcome back to a special anniversary episode of "No More Excuses". I'm publishing Monday's podcast TODAY (aka Thursday), because it was EIGHT years ago today that I started this podcast!  But before we dive into today's theme, let's take a moment to celebrate this milestone! Cheers to all of you! From wherever we were in 2016 to where we all are today... I'm grateful for, and appreciate each and every one of you who has joined me on this incredible journey! Eight years of a MOSTLY weekly podcast! At the end of 2023, I had a lot of shit going on,...

Podcast #400: There's Always MORE! show art Podcast #400: There's Always MORE!

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses". Today, I want to discuss the topic that's near and dear to my heart—why it's crucial to keep learning, no matter where you are in your personal or professional journey. Listen in as I share a Badass Moment of the Week from a client who shares WHY she – after decades in her industry – added yet another certification to her list!  And, from two others how their ability to understand the importance of continuing education has helped them grow personally and professionally! But, most importantly, ALL of them...

Podcast #399: What Chances Will You Take This Year? show art Podcast #399: What Chances Will You Take This Year?

No More Excuses: Monday Motivation podcast

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION! Welcome back to another episode of "No More Excuses!" Today, we're diving deep into the world of risks and the incredible rewards that come with stepping out of your comfort zone. Let's talk about taking chances. It's easy to stay within the safety net of what we know – as I like to call it, “Your comfy slippers, favorite jeans & t-shirt world”, but growth and success often lie just beyond that boundary. So, how can you overcome the fear of the unknown and start taking those leaps of faith? Listen in today as I share a few stories; one from a client and one...

More Episodes


Welcome back to another episode of No More Excuses! 

Today is a RARE occasion! I have a guest on this podcast and he is THE YOUNGEST GUEST of the few I've had. 

Listen today as he shares his story and why if HE can do it... you can too! 



Yes, Jack went from a typical teenager going through the motions, complaining about life, being lazy. Then add in COVID. OK. He's not the only one, but then comes the war. 


Ya see, Jack – real name: Zhenia is from Ukraine. 

As Jack described himself: "I was a lazy teenager, waking up at 2 pm, blaming everything on circumstances (the war in my country, covid, etc.), and generally wasting time." And something inside him shifted. 

You’ll have to listen in to hear ALL HE'S ACCOMPLISHED in a short amount of time!  

He truly is the shining example of        NO MORE EXCUSES! 

His email and story resonated with me and the theme of this podcast. 

I hope you enjoy his message and that he will inspire you to STOP making excuses and START taking ACTION! 

