ESSAY & SONG: A New Light upon the Chalice
NORMA GENTILE sound shaman
Release Date: 09/10/2018
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How the Divine Feminine receives the Sacred Masculine (and a new healing song) Dear Friends, I am noticing a trend to feeling that there is just 'too much' all around us. Too much to process, to deal with…but not enough of what is easily supportive and useful. This translates into overwhelm, and in some cases, connecting (usually unconsciously) with guides that keep us from resting fully or sleeping well. My own guides remind me that if I don't feel a warm flow of energy through my feet, I am not engaged within my body to the level my body desires. And if I am not fully embodied, the energies my guides share with me can turn into random ideas, running in circles in thought loops. Interpreting spiritual energies requires our entire human form &endash; mind heart and body. I find that at this time of year, an unbalanced prioritization of the mind (over heart and body) becomes more evident. I feel this in us as individuals as well as in the larger world in general. When we relay relie??? too much with any one part of who we are, (in this case the mind), the intuitive, psychic and telepathic information received by other parts of ourselves (our heart and body) are not considered fully. Sometimes we simply disregard what our body is telling us, or hide our own emotional urges from even our own knowing. During August and September of each year, I find myself feeling the chalice of the Divine Feminine receiving the subtle cosmic energies of Sirius, which we tend to interprete as being an aspect of the Sacred Masculine. All is well, as we have spent many decades building a large chalice from the Divine Feminine we have learned to honor . We can use these energies of Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine together to create easily and abundantly. However, the chalice is now full and is beginning to overflow. When this happens the Sacred Masculine energy is no longer held within the context of the Divine Feminine. It spills out into the profane world where it is misinterpreted as merely potent energy. Energy that urges us to do and be active. But has no sacred or divine direction. This energy continues to enter into the Earth until later in September, Between now and then the energy is abundant, but not contained to a divine purpose. Because we have free will, each of us can use it as we deem appropriate. For many people, this energy feels like the day-to-day masculine energy that often is careless, in-charge, brusk, and wielded with judgment. We are accustomed to interacting with it; usually when we are hurt by it. Thus those who habitually wield profane masculine energies attempt to use it, and those who are habitually wounded withdraw from it. As a result, there is often a flurry of non-sacred world events that stimulate personal inner emotions and internal thoughts/beliefs to come into our awareness. Of course, what arises within us is ready to change. This time frame (now until late September) can be excellent for examining the edge where our spiritual being meets our worldly human. How comfortable is this edge? What in our personal world is throbbing with discomfort? That issue (or issues) are the vibisble tip of the iceberg our Soul wants to see more clearly, understand, and change. As the Earth reaches its saturation level of cosmic subtle energies coming in from its alignment with Sirius, the energies spill out of the containment of the Divine Feminine chalice and flow into the world. As this happens, we expose beliefs, assumptions, fears and even hopes regarding our relationship to the profane, day-to-day masculine as well as the Sacred Masculine. Cultivating our personal internal Divine Feminine (our reflective or being aspect) lets us interpret these energies as Sacred Masculine, rather than haphazard, profane or day-to-day masculine. And yes, this year is especially chaotic! It feels like we humans have agreed to remind ourselves of shared unresolved issues (power imbalances between races, cultures, genders) and impatiences (why aren't I fully enlightened yet?) This is an opportunity to see more clearly what we are holding onto that isn't serving us. Here is a sneak peak at a healing song from my new online course, The MerKaBa Meditation & Pranic Nourishment. This song cultivates a quality of Divine Feminine energy in your body that can help you utilize the present abundance of masculine energies in a Sacred manner. And as always, if you feel called to do so, please be in touch to explore and shift these or other issues in a Private Healing Session. My best to each of you, -Norma
More videos, healing songs and insights are freely available in my newsletters. You can view past offerins and subscribe yourself here
If you are seeing this newsletter because a friend sent it to you, you can subscribe and see past newsletters here. Here is a simple video, excerpted from one of my online courses. Oddly enough, it was originally intended as only an audio meditation. I decided to add pictures to clarify some fo the ideas. And it turned out to be a nice mix of information and healing meditations.You can go to Resetting Your Financial Guides and check out the other sections of the course that are offered freely, and enroll now, at the discounted price. That price also includes a $20 discount on a private session with me. .
This meditation includes insights and energy healing around financial disempowerment; focusing on releasing energies that cause us to feel over-whelmed and to over-work. It includes a healing song, as well as a spoken channeling from Mary (You are Enough), and a healing song.. One of the most interesting sections (to me) looks at how we use our personal energy to 'tune' our possessions. This allows us to define our 'stuff', but may also limit what what we allow ourselves to receive in life, I believe that what is happening in the external world always resonates our own inner issues up and out into our conscious awareness so that we might address them. As we understand more deeply our own wounds, we can more easily have compassion towards the wounds of others. May what has been offered assist you in your journey, Norma
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