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A Sudden Reappearance

The Nostalgia Blast Podcast

Release Date: 08/08/2022

Greetings all. It’s been a while.

We do apologize for our extended, and mostly unexplained, absence from the world of podcasting. Making The Nostalgia Blast Podcast has always been a passion project of ours. Unfortunately, sometimes life gets in the way and passion projects are usually the first thing that get sacrificed.

Moves, new jobs, and pandemics (especially pandemics!) are not always conducive to maintaining a regular recording and posting schedule.

But enough excuses! The important thing here is that we are back and working on recording new and exciting podcast episodes focused on our favorite topic…nostalgia! We have launched a new website that Drew built from scratch, updated our logo, and tweaked our format a bit in a way that we hope will make our show even more accessible and even more fun to listen to for you, our listeners.

Speaking of our listeners… We hope that every one of you has made it through the last two challenging years as best as possible. We’ve missed making our show for you and engaging with you on Instagram and Twitter. And we hope you’ve missed us! Hopefully, at least enough to give the first few new episodes a listen.

We have some exciting stuff planned for Season 4 of The Nostalgia Blast Podcast. So, stay tuned, enjoy, and dive back into some warm, fuzzy nostalgia with us!

Drew and Brian