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News Trap 5.14.24

Nostalgia Trap

Release Date: 05/14/2024

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 392: League of Morons w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 392: League of Morons w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper

Nostalgia Trap

This week Justin and I talk about the 2008 Coen brothers film , another “acid take” on American politics and culture with uncanny implications for our 2024 carnival timeline.   Check out our daily News Trap updates to catch up on the "map of the future," in real time:  

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 391: All for a Few Perfect Waves w/ David Rensin show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 391: All for a Few Perfect Waves w/ David Rensin

Nostalgia Trap

is the author of more than a dozen books, five of them New York Times bestsellers. I was lucky enough to meet David through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and he joins me here for a conversation about his long, strange trip as a journalist and author, from writing for Rolling Stone and Playboy in the 1960s and 70s to co-authoring massively popular books with Tim Allen and Jeff Foxworthy (!) in the 1990s. Rensin’s 2013 book  is one of the most compelling visions of mid-century California I’ve encountered, and we talk here about Rensin’s decades-long odyssey to capture...

News Trap 5.17.24 w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper show art News Trap 5.17.24 w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper

Nostalgia Trap

"Everyday carry" and "prepper" culture, unsold Teslas piling up at dealerships, AI as the future of global capitalism, AI does not in fact work, Biden is not properly buying our votes. Follow all our News Trap episodes by subscribing to our Patreon feed, free with 7 day trial membership:  

News Trap 5.14.24 show art News Trap 5.14.24

Nostalgia Trap

We've been posting daily news wrap-ups/freakouts every morning over at the Patreon page for our subscribers. I'm posting today's episode on the main feed, hoping you'll subscribe. My goals with News Trap are to share perspectives on the big trends shaping our present and future, to fill in the gaps on stories you may have missed, or offer challenges to orthodoxies on the left and right, and to avoid the nauseating cycle of social media bullshit. If that sounds like your thing, please join us. A Nostalgia Trap subscription includes access to every News Trap episode, along with our entire...

News Trap 5.8.24 (PREVIEW) show art News Trap 5.8.24 (PREVIEW)

Nostalgia Trap

Trump can't control himself in court, food prices are gonna decide the election, Tik Tok is gearing up for a Supreme Court battle, the U.S. can't make enough weapons for both Israel AND Ukraine, and RFK, Jr. has a brain worm (no, literally). Stay informed! Subscribe so you won't miss all our News Trap updates:     

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 390: Impossible Wish, Part 2 w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW) show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 390: Impossible Wish, Part 2 w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW)

Nostalgia Trap

As campus protests against Israel’s genocidal actions in Gaza continue, Justin and I pick up on about the wider historical issues at play. This week we talk more about anti-apartheid campaigns of the 1980s, and consider the idea of “divestment” at elite colleges. The neoliberal, corporate university is having quite a moment – confronting the contradictions of its hyper-capitalist structure and social justice culture – and we are here for it. Subscribe to Nostalgia Trap to access our library of bonus episodes and News Trap updates:

News Trap 5.2.24 show art News Trap 5.2.24

Nostalgia Trap

On today's News Trap I share some snippets about Chinese state capitalism, RFK's hilariously shitty presidential campaign, Elon Musk pulling the plug on everyone's dumb car chargers, the normalization of guns in schools and, of course, more on the campus protests against Israel's still unfolding genocide in Gaza. Subscribe for more: Instagram: YouTube:    

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 389: Impossible Wish w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW) show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 389: Impossible Wish w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW)

Nostalgia Trap

This week Justin and I attempt to put the latest round of campus protests into historical context, both in the wider view (19th century abolitionism, Vietnam, South Africa) and in our specific moment (Occupy, Black Lives Matter, pandemic, Israel/Gaza). What are the students’ demands, and how do we reconcile them with a popular  social movement that could actually win?  Subscribe to hear the full episode:

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 388: Doom Loop w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW) show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 388: Doom Loop w/ Justin Rogers-Cooper (PREVIEW)

Nostalgia Trap

It’s been a minute since Justin and I have shared our takes on “the news,” so this week we have a typically dark, unhinged conversation about what’s coming for us in 2024, with an American population frothing at the mouth to BUILD THE WALL and weapons-crazy madmen lashing out around the globe. It’s an incredible time to be alive.   Full episode:

Nostalgia Trap - Episode 387: Touching the Octopus w Justin Rogers-Cooper show art Nostalgia Trap - Episode 387: Touching the Octopus w Justin Rogers-Cooper

Nostalgia Trap

Conspiracy theories are a hell of a drug. Justin and I know this from experience, so watching the new Netflix documentary brought up some deeply identifiable thoughts and emotions for both of us. Do you REALLY want to know the exact details of the dark forces at work within our most sacred institutions? As we discuss here, there’s a heavy price to pay for that knowledge, one way or another.  

More Episodes

We've been posting daily news wrap-ups/freakouts every morning over at the Nostalgia Trap Patreon page for our subscribers. I'm posting today's episode on the main feed, hoping you'll subscribe.

My goals with News Trap are to share perspectives on the big trends shaping our present and future, to fill in the gaps on stories you may have missed, or offer challenges to orthodoxies on the left and right, and to avoid the nauseating cycle of social media bullshit.

If that sounds like your thing, please join us. A Nostalgia Trap subscription includes access to every News Trap episode, along with our entire library of bonus content, interviews, and videos. Thanks! 

Check out News Trap here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/520366?view=expanded