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President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

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Release Date: 12/10/2017

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President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum

Some protested by not attending, but President Trump was fantastic! Thank you, President Trump.

President Trump Gives Remarks at the Opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum


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thank you very much thank you and I do

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love Mississippi it's a great place and

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thank you

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governor Bryant for that kind

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introduction and for honoring me with

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this invitation to be with you today I

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also want to recognize Secretary ben

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Carson and his wonderful wife kandi for

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joining us thank you

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Thank You Ben Thank You kandi I

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especially want to thank you justice

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Ruben Anderson great man with a great

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reputation even outside of the state of

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Mississippi I have to tell you that so

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thank you thank you very much and you

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are an inspiration to us all thank you

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judge and we're here today to celebrate

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the opening of two really extraordinary

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museums and I just took a tour the

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Mississippi State history museum and the

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Mississippi Civil Rights Museum to all

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who helped make these wonderful places

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possible we are truly grateful we thank

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you we admire you it was hard work it

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was long hours sell a lot of money and I

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know the governor helped with that you

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know that was a great thing you've done

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that's a great legacy fill right there

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just that in itself but it really is a

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beautiful beautiful place and it's an

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honor these museums are labors of love

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love for Mississippi love for your

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nation love for god-given dignity

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written into every human soul these

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buildings embody the hope that has lived

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in the hearts of every American for

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generations the hope in a future that is

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more just and more free the civil rights

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museum records the oppression cruelty

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and injustice inflicted on the African

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American community the fight to end

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slavery to break down Jim Crow to end

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segregation to gain

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the right to vote and to achieve the

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sacred birthright of equality here

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that's big stuff that's big stuff those

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are very big phrases very big words here

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we memorialize the brave men and women

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who struggle to sacrifice and sacrifice

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so much so that others might live in

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freedom among those we honor are the

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Christian pastors who started the civil

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rights movement in their own churches

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preaching like Reverend Martin Luther

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King jr. man that would have studied and

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watched and admired from my entire life

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that we're all made in the image of our

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Lord students like james Meredith who

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were persecuted for standing up for

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their right to the same education as

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every other American student young

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people like the nine brave students who

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quietly said and they said very

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stoically but very proudly at the

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Jackson Public Library in 1961 and by

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the way I would add the word very

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bravely they said very bravely

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and finally martyrs like Sargent Medgar

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Wylie Evers

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whose brother I just met at the plane

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and who I liked a lot I have to stand up

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please come on stand up you were so nice

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I appreciate it

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you were so nice thank you very much

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medgar joined the US Army in 1943 when

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he was 17 years old he fought in

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Normandy in the Second World War and

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when he came back home to Mississippi he

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kept fighting for the same rights and

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freedom that he had defended in the war

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  1. Evers became a civil rights leader

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in his community he helped fellow

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African Americans register to vote

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organized boycotts and investigated

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grave and justices against very innocent

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people for his courageous leadership in

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the civil rights movement mr. Evers was

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assassinated by a member of the KKK in

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the driveway of his own home we are

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deeply privileged to be joined today by

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his incredible would have somebody

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that's loved throughout large sections

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of our country beyond this area so I

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just want to say hello to him early

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Murli well how was your morning thank

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you so much

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highly respected thank you

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Thank You Murli and his brothers Charles

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Thank You Charles again for decades they

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have carried on medgar's real legacy and

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a legacy like few people have and few

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people can even think and I want to

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thank them for their tremendous service

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to our nation less than a month before

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  1. Evers death he delivered a historic

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televised address to the people of

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Jackson on the issue of civil rights in

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that speech he said the following the

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African American has been here in

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America since 1619 this country is his

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home he wants to do his part to help

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make this city state and nation a better

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place for everyone regardless of color

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or race Medgar Evers loved his family

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his community in his country and he knew

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it was long past time for his nation to

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fulfill its founding promise to treat

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every citizen as an equal child of God

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four days after he was murdered sergeant

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Evers was laid to rest in Arlington

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National Cemetery with full military

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honors in Arlington he lies besides men

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and women of all races backgrounds and

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walks of life who have served and

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sacrificed for our country their

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headstones do not mark the color of

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their skin but immortalize the courage

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of their deeds their memories are carved

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in stone as American heroes

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that is what Medgar Evers was he was a

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great American hero

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that is what others honored in this

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museum were true American heroes today

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we strive to be worthy of their

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sacrifice we pray for inspiration from

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their example we want our country to be

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a place where every child from every

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background can grow up free from fear

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innocent of hatred and surrounded by

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love opportunity and hope today we pay

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solemn tribute to our heroes of the past

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and dedicate ourselves to building a

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future of freedom equality justice and

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peace and I want to congratulate your

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great governor and all of the people in

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this room who were so inspirational to

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so many others to get out and get this

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done this is an incredible tribute not

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only to the state of Mississippi a state

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that I love a state where I've had great

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success this is a tribute to our nation

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at the highest level this is a great

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thing you've done and I want to

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congratulate you and just say god bless

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you and God bless america thank you very

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much thank you thank you all very much

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