Underestimating Consistency
IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
Release Date: 01/28/2021
IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
I started my business when I was 20, and for the first decade, I was convinced that I could do it all by myself. After having my first kid, and a total burnout, I realized that I needed help. I think that many entrepreneurs struggle with asking for help because your business is your baby, but as your business grows you get to a point where you can’t do it all by yourself and you need to build a team.
info_outline My journey with Human DesignIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
Human Design is a cool framework that you can use to really get to know yourself better and it can be an amazing tool that you can use in your business.
info_outline Streamline your family eating habitsIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
This podcast episode is different from my other episodes, but I think is really important to talk about our eating habits, because it is something that in my house, in the past, has really caused a lot of contention.
info_outline My 10 Favorite Tools I use in my businessIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
Very often I get asked what my favorite tech tools are that I'm using to run and support my business. So, I thought I would take the time and share them with you in today's episode. I believe in these companies that I am sharing with you today so much, that I have included affiliate links for each one of them on my blog.
info_outline Finding your voiceIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
How do you find the confidence to own your voice and be willing to do that uncomfortable work, to shed the layers, and to start to question - "is this even my own voice, or is this somebody else's voice?"
info_outline Social Media Consistency - Instant GratificationIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
As a society, we are obsessed with instant gratification. If we post on social media, we want to get likes and comments instantly. In our minds, the likes and comments are also an indication of “how successful” the content is.
info_outline You have a blockIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
Too often we entrepreneurs you the "I have a block" excuse in our business in order to avoid getting uncomfortable and facing the work that needs to be done to reach the next level in business.
info_outline Online Marketing with Liz TheresaIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
With traditional marketing, there was a clear line between marketing and the sales process. You couldn’t look at a billboard and buy something, but today, when you look online, it is all mixed together. For entrepreneurs, this can get quite overwhelming pretty quickly.
info_outline Business ModelsIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
Have you ever wondered what the best business model might be for the online space? I would contend that this is not necessarily the right question you want to ask. Instead, I would encourage you to ask yourself, which is the best business model based on your strengths and that you'll actually stick with?
info_outline Measuring SuccessIntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs
The vast majority of people in the online space measure success through dollars.
info_outlineConsistency is probably one of, if not the most important aspects to running a business. I'm not just talking about marketing here; I'm talking about how you show up online, your messaging, your self-care, and your sales. Consistency is really one of the most important aspects and habits that you can cultivate as an entrepreneur.
Consistency is also one of the most undervalued, underestimated, and first things that people give up on. Why? Well, unrealistic expectations are one.
So, when it comes to consistency in YOUR business
- How consistent have you been?
- Are you being strategic with whatever it is that you're doing OR are you doing it to simply check off a box?
- Is this something you've been consistent with 90% of time over the last six months or a year?
Listen to this new episode of the OMG Show and learn more about how to become consistent!