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What's wrong with traditional business coaching

IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

Release Date: 02/04/2021

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

I started my business when I was 20, and for the first decade, I was convinced that I could do it all by myself. After having my first kid, and a total burnout, I realized that I needed help. I think that many entrepreneurs struggle with asking for help because your business is your baby, but as your business grows you get to a point where you can’t do it all by yourself and you need to build a team.

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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My 10 Favorite Tools I use in my business show art My 10 Favorite Tools I use in my business

IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

Very often I get asked what my favorite tech tools are that I'm using to run and support my business. So, I thought I would take the time and share them with you in today's episode. I believe in these companies that I am sharing with you today so much, that I have included affiliate links for each one of them on my blog.

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

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IntegratED With Jamie Palmer - A podcast for online entrepreneurs

The vast majority of people in the online space measure success through dollars.

More Episodes

I want to demystify what's wrong with the traditional business coaching advice that the vast majority of online business coaches give out and what to do instead.

To be successful in the online world, you need to have the following in place:

  • a strategy
  • marketing
  • technology/ systems

Once you have all these 3 things in place, you need to implement them. Everything must work together and come together to build what I call an online business ecosystem .

The problem with the vast majority of online business coaches is that they only truly understand the strategy. Many of them do not get involved in the marketing, the implementation, or the technology aspect.

Understanding how everything is connected is super important to bring a business to life.