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Episode 342: What It’s Like to Serve on the Leadership Development Committee

The ONS Podcast

Release Date: 12/20/2024

Episode 353: ONS 50th Anniversary: Evolution of Oncology Nursing Certification show art Episode 353: ONS 50th Anniversary: Evolution of Oncology Nursing Certification

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“The response was, in my opinion, sort of overwhelmingly positive. I think all of us old-timers who were at ONS Congress® in 1986 remember those 1,600 nurses waiting in line to enter the ballroom to take that inaugural exam. It takes a while to check in 1,600 people. They kind of all filled up the lobby outside of the ballroom, and then they spilled over down into the escalator, and the escalators had to be turned off,” Cyndi Miller-Murphy, MSN, FAAN, CAE, first executive director of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), told Clara Beaver, DNP, RN, AOCNS®, ACNS-BC, ONS...

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“It is very much a collaborative group process. There are group meetings where we come to consensus on our different ratings. There’s so much support from ONS staff, even amongst our different groups, even when you’re assigned to one peer reviewer. Let’s say you go on vacation, sometimes we’re paired with other people, too. So there is some flexibility in the opportunity as well,” Holly Tenaglia, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC, OCN®, lecturer at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a...

Episode 350: Breast Cancer Treatment Considerations for Nurses show art Episode 350: Breast Cancer Treatment Considerations for Nurses

The ONS Podcast

“This is what totally drives the treatment decisions, and that’s why having that pathology report when the nurse is educating the patient is so important, because you can say, well, you have this kind of breast cancer, and this kind of breast cancer is generally treated this way,” Suzanne Mahon, DNS, RN, AOCN®, AGN-BC, FAAN, professor emeritus at Saint Louis University in Missouri, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a conversation about what oncology nurses need to know about breast cancer treatment.  Music Credit:...

Episode 349: ONS 50th Anniversary: Evolution of Safe Handling and ONS’s Legacy in Developing Safe Handling Guidelines show art Episode 349: ONS 50th Anniversary: Evolution of Safe Handling and ONS’s Legacy in Developing Safe Handling Guidelines

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“What I find most rewarding is connecting with nurses, who now understand the risks of exposure and are committed to minimizing their personal exposure. When I first started speaking about safe handling, there were a lot of nurses who were skeptical about the need for self-protection. I rarely see that now. Nurses are concerned for their own safety and more open to protective behaviors,” ONS member Martha Polovich, PhD, RN, AOCN®-Emeritus, adjunct professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Maryland, told Liz Rodriguez, DNP, RN, OCN®, CENP, ONS member and 50th anniversary...

Episode 348: Breast Cancer Diagnostic Considerations for Nurses show art Episode 348: Breast Cancer Diagnostic Considerations for Nurses

The ONS Podcast

“We know that some women are going to get called back. And it’s just because usually they can’t see something clearly enough. And so in most cases, those women are going to get cleared with one or two images, and they’re going to say, ‘Oh, we compressed that better, we checked it with an ultrasound, we’re fine.’ That woman can go ahead and go. But we don’t want to miss those early breast cancers,” Suzanne Mahon, DNS, RN, AOCN®, AGN-BC, FAAN, professor emeritus at Saint Louis University in Missouri, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing...

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The ONS Podcast

"If you take your normal radiation oncology experience, as we know in radiation oncology, radiations are done by the machines, you know, externally. Nurses deal with the side effects and everything like that, whereas radiopharmaceuticals are given kind of on the internal basis, they’re systemic,” ONS member John Hollman, BSN, RN, OCN®, radiation nurse educator for Texas Oncology, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a conversation about caring for patients receiving radiopharmaceuticals and theranostics.  Music Credit:...

Episode 346: Pharmacology 101: BTK Inhibitors show art Episode 346: Pharmacology 101: BTK Inhibitors

The ONS Podcast

"In B cell malignancies, BTKi inhibits that BTK enzyme which is very upstream. It tells NF-κB to stop signaling into the nucleus and then inhibits proliferation and survival of B cells,"  Puja Patel, PharmD, BCOP, clinical oncology pharmacist at Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center at Delnor Hospital in Geneva, IL, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a conversation about BTK inhibitors.  Music Credit: “” by Kevin MacLeod  Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0   Earn 1.0 contact hours of...

Episode 345: Breast Cancer Screening, Detection, and Disparities show art Episode 345: Breast Cancer Screening, Detection, and Disparities

The ONS Podcast

“The statistic you always kind of want to keep in the back of your brain is that over a lifetime, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. So that means for an individual assigned female at birth, there’s a 13% chance that if that individual lives to age 85, that they will be diagnosed with breast cancer. So, it’s the most common cancer diagnosed in this group,” Suzanne Mahon, DNS, RN, AOCN®, AGN-BC, FAAN, professor emeritus at Saint Louis University in St. Louis, MO, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a...

Episode 344: ONS 50th Anniversary: Founding Leaders’ Vision and Challenges, Then and Now show art Episode 344: ONS 50th Anniversary: Founding Leaders’ Vision and Challenges, Then and Now

The ONS Podcast

“Who would think that we would be here 50 years later? And with the excitement that I think will build even more, I’m so humbled and honored to talk to young nurses. And their excitement—the same excitement that we had in the very beginning—is inherent. I hope that our legacy will be that we are able to pass on this tremendous gift of our careers to new nurses,” Cindi Cantril, MPH, RN, OCN®-Emeritus, founding ONS member and first vice president, told Darcy Burbage, DNP, RN, AOCN®, CBCN®, chair of the ONS 50th Anniversary Committee, during a conversation about the history of...

More Episodes

“The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is one of the most important member volunteer positions in the organization, and here’s why: The main purpose of the LDC is to recruit, vet, and select ONS Board of Directors. As some of you may know, it has been three years since we moved away from members voting for directors,” ONS member Nancy Houlihan, MA, RN, AOCN®, 2020–2022 ONS president and former director of nursing practice at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, NY, told Jaime Weimer, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BS, AOCNS®, manager of oncology nursing practice at ONS, during a conversation about what it’s like to serve on the Leadership Development Committee. 

The advertising messages in this podcast episode are paid for by Ipsen.   

Music Credit: “Fireflies and Stardust” by Kevin MacLeod  

Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0  

Episode Notes  

To discuss the information in this episode with other oncology nurses, visit the ONS Communities.  

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Highlights From This Episode

“I feel like I have come full circle, developing my knowledge and leadership skills over 25 years, both at ONS and in my professional career, applying them to ONS leadership as a director and an officer, and then transferring that knowledge to work with a diverse team of ONS members on the LDC to build the best slate of directors.” TS 3:52 

“There’s an annual review and editing of processes based on experience and discussion with board leadership and a review of the [notification of intent] and full applications of candidates for the board of directors. As you can imagine, reviewing the notifications of intent packages and the full applications, references, and interviews is very time consuming and requires significant at home and meeting time to complete. The application process is rigorous. The LDC members are the stewards of that work, ensuring fairness and ending with the best possible board of directors.” TS 6:22 

Each member of the LDC recognizes the importance of their role in identifying future leaders. They regularly interact with chapter members and leaders and others to relay the opportunities and processes for leadership roles, as I mentioned already, the LDC annually offers Round Table sessions at Congress and bridge. They are advertised to appeal to nurses with an interest in leadership in general, as well as at ONS.” TS 8:28 

“An important component to this role is meeting the diversity needs on the board, and every effort is made to ensure that our net is cast wide and is inclusive, while the skill set for board service is at a higher level, we uphold ONS principles relative to belonging and look for an inclusive compliment of directors.” TS 9:33 

“Frequently, the LDC works with qualified candidates who opt to wait to move forward because of work commitments, graduate school demands, or family concerns and come back when their lives are more settled, enough to take on the commitments of ONS. Support of employers is a required part of the application for the LDC and the board of directors, since time away from work can be challenging. However, many employees see ONS affiliation as a positive for their organization and are willing to engage in discussions with you about how to make a leadership role possible with your work responsibilities.”  TS 10:28 

“Historically, there has been a misconception that you can’t ‘break into ONS leadership.’ I have served the last four years, and my experience has been that we are always looking for new qualified thought leaders from every possible group that ONS serves. For example, we track what worksites our leaders come from so that we have every subspecialty’s voice over time.” TS 16:27  

“Bottom line is, ONS needs you. Don't be shy to try. The door is open to discuss, and the right opportunity could be available.” TS 17:00 

“I am constantly reminded about how smart and influential nurses are and how much they have to contribute. Working with an organization like ONS that unites you with others around a common purpose is very powerful.” TS 17:15  

“You know, ONS needs leaders; we’re always looking to talk with people about what their interests and strengths are and how they can develop some of those strengths through various volunteer activities.” TS 18:39