Out 'N About
Niccomedow Justice Anan joins ONA as the first ‘Nicco’ to sit down with me on the podcast. We talk about everything from golf to Human Centipede. Instagram: @niccoanan
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Round table sit down with the boys. Topics: Dehydration Northpole, Alaska Ohio Surfing Scary shit Tattoos and piercings Sleep Beer Lebron James College sports Passion Past illnesses Carter Stevens F1 Instagram Milk Carnivore diet Superbowl bet Waste Management Open Recent NBA trades Hockey Next season’s moves Nepal Machu Picchu Skydiving Scuba diving Hotel Mumbai Guests: Parker Trosper - Hartwell Abbot Shaw - Brandon Layden - Carter Stevens - Season 1 - Park City, Utah This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah,...
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Griffin Donovan is a 22-year-old Lift Operator hailing from Springfield, Massachusets. A daredevil at heart, Daddy Donovan, as the locals refer to him, is part of a group of high-altitude cliff jumpers on the east coast, high altitude being 40-90 feet. We’ve only known each other for a couple of months but I love this man like a brother. Check out his stache on his OnlyGrams in the links below. Season 1 - Park City, Utah This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here...
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Patrick Bay is a lift operator from Provo, Utah, but he’s so much more than that. A pre-award-winning rapper, movie enthusiast, avid snowboarder, former Morman, deep thinker, and most importantly, my great friend, Patrick Bay is a metaphorical onion. Take a listen as I peel back the layers. Season 1 - Park City, Utah This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge connections that will last a lifetime. My hope, as always, is that...
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Nico’s first black and double black runs Anger on the mountain Brandon’s pre-loss shit talk for the Giants-Eagles game College loyalties Cocaine? Manti T’eo Spicy food Contagious laughter Snow injuries Movies Tom Brady This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge connections that will last a lifetime. My hope, as always, is that if I stay open to it, life will present me with opportunities that will lead me to more and...
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In part 4 of our ATLiens series, I get to talk to Andrew Samantha Knowles, a snowboarding mountain climber who hopes to get certified in both scuba and sky diving. He is working as a fellow lift operator, using his ride breaks to ensure he can hit a 720 triple Mcnasty something by the end of the season. Krevlar? You bet your sweet ass he does. Season 1 - Park City, Utah This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge...
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Brandon Layden is a snowboarding legend originally from Long Island, but he grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta. In part 4 of my ATLiens series, Brandon and I swap stories from our youth, discuss the emotional and physical ups and downs of snowboarding and life in general, and look into the future. Brandon is a robot. Brandon has a robot vagina. Season 1 - Park City, Utah This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge connections that...
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Coming in from Atlanta at 6 feet, 8 inches, 110 pounds, Hartwell Abbot Shaw is a naturally gifted snowboarder, creative business owner, and human fart volcano. He also has one of the most positive vibes of any person I've met in my 28 years and I'm stoked to have him as a friend. This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge connections that will last a lifetime. My hope, as always, is that if I stay open to it, life will...
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Parker Colleen Trosper is a ski instructor hailing from Fairbanks, Alaska. He is my roommate that comes in between 2 and 4 every morning, regardless of early-morning shifts. Also, he contributes anywhere from 33-95% of the horrendous odor of sweaty socks and dead rodents that plagues our room. Parker enjoys cold beer, keeping a sub-500 record at the apartment pool table, and attending Latin Night at the local watering hole. This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came...
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Jacob Cotner is a 19-year-old lift operator from Atlanta, Georgia. He came here to shred pow and learn somewhere in the range of 10 to 20 Spanish phrases that will garner him enough street cred to, one day, own and operate his very own hybrid snowboard/break dance/pastry shop, Sin Duda. This season’s adventure takes place in Park City, Utah, where I’m working as a Liftee (lift operator) on the largest ski resort in North America. I came out here in order to learn how to snowboard and forge connections that will last a lifetime. My hope, as always, is that if I stay open to it, life...
info_outlineThe theme of the day is jerseys is patriotism. The crew finds ourselves in the nation’s capital on the 19th anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks that rocked the nation. Our road to get here saw us visit friends in Rhode Island and New Jersey, stopping to eat some authentic Italian food and try our hands at surfing. Did Will get up on a wave? Find out in today’s episode.
Spoiler alert, he did not.
Links to resources:
Carlton State Farm Commercials
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Amazon
Beauty Counter: beautycounter.com/camillecampbell
RUMBL App: rumbltravel.com
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