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Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Troubled Times: A Conversation with Jeffrey C. Pugh

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

Release Date: 02/27/2020

The God of Wild Places show art The God of Wild Places

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

My mentor preached at my ordination service. He was the third preacher to preach in the service. When he stood to preach he said, “I am the preacher who preaches after the preacher who preached after the preacher who has already preached.” Knowing Rick, he made that observation during the service and thought it might be a moment of levity. It was. I am the interviewer who interviewed after the interviewers who have already interviewed. But, I may have read the book before the interviewers who have already interviewed. Last year Jason called and said, “Hey, would you want to make a trip...

CurtisFreemanMix show art CurtisFreemanMix

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

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An Influential Mentor show art An Influential Mentor

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

Interrogate the Language show art Interrogate the Language

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

Mark Driscoll famously attacked deconstruction, or Deconstruction, with the caricature that the goal is to reduce everything to its nub so it may be dismissed. He used the schtick to strike fear in those who dared question what they had been taught, particularly at Mars Hill. We all know how that turned out. Just this week, I listened to a sermon where Driscoll was the illustration for the need to deconstruct what preachers say. “God hates sin and the sinner.” It is as if the Serpent returned upon hearing that “God so loved the world” and whispered in the congregation’s ear, “Did...

#DEI and Indoctrination?! with Greg Horton show art #DEI and Indoctrination?! with Greg Horton

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

Spurred by remarks and actions from Oklahoma State School Superintendent Ryan Walters, Greg Horton posted to his Facebook Page about Indoctrination. We take up the subject as it relates to Public education in Oklahoma.  *Greg suggested I add a warning that he uses some salty language. Some editing has occurred. Some words remain. 

It's An Op-Ed! show art It's An Op-Ed!

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

Maina Mwuara talks about religion reporting, its difficulty, and its reception. As a Southern Baptist, Maina, discusses these subjects with a view to the annual meeting of the SBC in June in Anaheim, CA. 

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/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

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/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

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/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

What the Law Could Not Do: A Conversation with Bradly Mason show art What the Law Could Not Do: A Conversation with Bradly Mason

/patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian

What was the legal issue that gave rise to Critical Race Theory?

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