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6 Most Common Thinking Mistakes Holding You Back

Killer Innovations with Phil McKinney

Release Date: 03/19/2024

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I've been reflecting a lot lately about common thinking mistakes. Yes, you heard me right. It's a bit of a mind-bender. But trust me, this is going to be worth your while.

We all have unique ways of perceiving the world. Sometimes, however, these perspectives can lead us astray. We may fall victim to thinking mistakes that impede our growth and success.

Today, I want to unveil the six most common thinking mistakes that hinder people's progress. Removing these pitfalls can enhance your decision-making, communication skills, and overall mindset.

And let me assure you, I'm speaking from personal experience here. I used to make these thinking mistakes all the time, but once I became aware of them, I overcame them and achieved greater success in my personal and professional life.

So, as we explore these common thinking mistakes, remember, it's not about striving for perfection or avoiding them altogether. It's about recognizing and learning from them to refine our thinking and unleash our full potential continuously.

1. Confirmation Bias

Ever catch yourself solely paying attention to information that confirms what you already believe? That's confirmation bias in action. It's like attending a concert and only hearing the songs you already know and love. The unfamiliar tunes? They fade into the background.

In innovation, this manifests as a reluctance to consider new ideas or information that challenges our existing beliefs. Some may label this as "Not Invented Here" (NIH). But here's the kicker: innovation thrives on diversity of thought and challenging the status quo. So, I challenge you to actively seek diverse perspectives and be receptive to changing your mind.

2. Overgeneralization

This occurs when we extrapolate one or two instances to an entire category. Have you ever had a negative experience with a particular type of food and then sworn it off for life? That's overgeneralization.

The same applies when you hear about an idea that failed for someone else and automatically assume it won't work for you, either. Such thinking can constrain our potential and inhibit us from exploring new opportunities.

To avoid this mistake: Remember, one instance does not define an entire category.

3. Catastrophizing

Catastrophizing involves envisioning the worst possible outcome of an event. It's like hearing a riff in a song you dislike and suddenly predicting the band's inevitable downfall.

But here's the reality: catastrophes rarely materialize. And even if they do, we often possess greater resilience and capacity to handle them than we give ourselves credit for. Don't let the fear of failure deter you from taking risks and exploring new avenues.

To avoid this mistake, Endeavor must maintain perspective. A single sour note doesn't ruin the entire composition.

4. Emotional Reasoning

This transpires when we allow our emotions to shape our interpretation of reality. It's akin to letting a lousy mood dampen your enjoyment of an excellent rock concert.

Innovation may entail dismissing ideas because they don't "feel" right or align with our current emotions. However, feelings do not equate to facts. Don't allow emotions to cloud your judgment. Instead, objectively analyze the idea and assess its potential regardless of your feelings.

To avoid this mistake, Differentiate between emotions and facts. Just because you're not in the mood for rock doesn't imply the band is performing poorly.

5. Black-and-White Thinking

This occurs when we perceive situations as either one way or another, devoid of any middle ground. It's akin to categorizing a song as a hit or a flop, with no room for nuances.

Innovation may entail dismissing ideas because they don't conform to preconceived notions of success. However, success seldom adheres to black-and-white parameters. It's nuanced, with numerous shades in between. Embrace the complexities and be receptive to unconventional ideas.

To avoid this mistake, Embrace the nuances. Not every melody can top the charts, and that's perfectly acceptable.

6. Thinking Traps

These are ingrained patterns of thinking that we inadvertently fall into. They may include jumping to conclusions, making unfounded assumptions, and disregarding contradictory evidence.

Critical thinking and recognizing when we're ensnared in these traps are necessities for innovation. Therefore, step back, pause, and objectively evaluate the situation before concluding.

To avoid this mistake, Be mindful of your thinking patterns and proactively challenge them.

Again, the list of the six common thinking mistakes are:

1.        Confirmation Bias

2.        Overgeneralization

3.        Catastrophizing

4.        Emotional Reasoning

5.        Black-and-White Thinking

6.        Thinking Traps


Why Does The Human Mind Make These Mistakes?

You may be wondering why our minds succumb to these mistakes. Our brains wire themselves to take shortcuts and simplify complex information. While this may have served us well in the past for survival, it can impede us in critical thinking and making sound decisions.

However, acknowledging these common thinking mistakes and actively striving to overcome them can retrain our brains to think more critically and efficiently. So, the next time you catch yourself falling into one of these traps, view it as an opportunity for growth and development. Keep challenging your thinking, and don't shy away from stepping outside your comfort zone. The outcomes might pleasantly surprise you.


Remember, life isn't a scripted performance. It's a live show with improvisations, unexpected solos, and occasional off-key notes. Embrace the complexity, the uncertainty, the beauty of it all. As the great Bob Dylan once said, "Behind every beautiful thing, there's some kind of pain." The trick is not to avoid the pain but to find its beauty. And that, my friends, starts with the way we think.

So, let's tune our minds to the right frequency, shall we? Let's make our thinking as rich, diverse, and harmonious as the music we love. Rock on, folks!