Project Life
Title: Episode 77 How to Equip Yourself for the Journey of Life with Greg Allen Shownotes: One of the key takeaways of mine in this episode is when Greg talked about S.M.A.R.T. goals. It was truly awesome and worth listening to. Using the S.M.A.R.T. system, we can laser focus our energy on the things that really matter the most and so much more. Join us as Greg Allen, talks to us about different kinds of ways to equip ourselves even during the pandemic. Find out how Greg, and his group reached their goals despite the covid lockdowns. Time Stamps: ...
info_outline Episode 76 The Mindset To Have Around Finiancial Literacy in 2021 with Greg DrozdowProject Life
Episode 76 The Mindset To Have Around Financial Literacy in 2021 with Greg Drozdow Show notes: Do you know what financial literacy truly means? Well, you don't have to look elsewhere because, in this episode, our guest Greg Drozdow will spend time with us talking about Financial Literacy. You don't want to miss any of this so be sure to listen and take down notes if needed. In this day of age, most people know how to earn a living. Sadly, they don't know how to use their hard-earned money the right way. Most of us want instant gratification. We feel good when we hit...
info_outline Episode 75 How to Build Your Business Through Relationships with Jade AthasProject Life
Show Notes: Building a business with a good solid foundation is one of the keys to success. To do that, you need to start with the basics, one of which is building a strong relationship with everyone around you. Don’t burn bridges as you go. Rather build relationships that will last. You'll never know if you will need someone else's help in the future. This is what’s going to help you scale your business. True and genuine relationships. That is what our guest for today will talk about. Let me introduce to you Jade Athas. A realtor for Berkshire Hathaway and she's here...
info_outline Episode 74 Focusing on Change with Ami NahshonProject Life
Project Life Episode 74: Focusing on Change with Ami Nahshon Description: I've improved so much compared to who I was a few years back. Here's how I did it. "The only constant in life is change" according to Heraclitus. I am sure you've heard this somewhere at some point, and you know that it is very true. This is also the topic that Ami Nahshon and I will talk about in this episode. Change. Ami is a perpetual optimist who always believes that the next chapter of his life can be the best chapter ever even if he's going through the toughest challenges he has...
info_outline Episode 73 How to Build Relationships Through Communication with Katina and Dandre DavenportProject Life
Project Life Episode 73: How to build relationships through communication Description: When was the last time you openly communicated with someone with no holds barred and all your walls are down? In almost any aspect of our life. May it is in a relationship, work, and family, communication is the key to fully understanding each other. But before you can even connect with someone on a whole different level, you need to understand who you are first. Having a deeper understanding of who you are, allows you to express your true self with no pretension, so you and...
info_outline Episode 72 The Catalyst of Change with Steve SmithProject Life
Project Life Episode 72: The Catalyst of Change with Steve Smith Description: You've heard so many people tell you that you need to change in order to become successful. Yeah, sure they'd tell you "It has to come from within" and all that but the question is, where do you start? How do you truly start that change? And how are you going to keep yourself accountable until you reach your goals? Most of us think we don't need help from anybody. But the truth is a fresh set of eyes and a whole different perspective can certainly make a big difference in realizing that the...
info_outline Episode 71 Aligning Your Business From the Inside Out with Michelle VillalobosProject Life
Project Life Episode 71 Aligning your business from the inside out Description: Have you ever felt like you're existing but not "actually" living? You've reached that point of your life when you want to just drop everything and start over. That feeling like you're being pulled in every direction and you don't have control over everything around you. Oftentimes, we go about our day doing the things we normally do to make the world go round without a solid plan, a goal, and even ending up doing what we don't really want to do in life. It sucks right? Well, I’m here...
info_outline Episode 70 Believing in Yourself with Dr. Marie DjemoProject Life
Project Life Episode 70 Believing in Yourself with Dr Marie Djemo Description: So you’ve hit a wall and don’t know what to do next? Well, if you’re out of ideas then listen to this week's episode where I am joined by Dr. Marie Djemo, founder of Jodapris IMBS. Dr. Djemo and her team provide business development for startups and well-established businesses. She is also passionate about teaching and has recently launched her own accredited online school where she helps people reach their full potential. In this episode, Dr. Djemo walks us through her personal...
info_outline Episode 69 How to Overcome F.U.D (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt) with Liz SteblayProject Life
Project Life Episode 69 How To Overcome F.U.D (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) with Liz Steblay Fear, uncertainty, and doubt has held so many people back from changing their lives, Project Lifer. If you’re currently at a place in your life where you’re constantly feeling waves of F.U.D crashing over you, this episode is here to help you get out of that bottomless pool of self-doubt and self-sabotage. In this episode, I am joined by Liz Steblay, the courageous founder of PICA Network and she’s not afraid to zip through town in her Ducati motorcycle. Liz has been an independent...
info_outline Episode 68 "How To Take Your Expertise And Turn It Into A Digital Product With Tsavo Neal"Project Life
Project Life Episode 68: How To Take Your Expertise And Turn It Into A Digital Product With Tsavo Neal Description: Hey Project Lifer, would you like to productize your expertise? Yes? Awesome! My guest this week did just that! In this episode, I am joined by Dr. Tsavo Neil, the founder of, and the author of Productize Yourself. Tsavo first learned how to make money online when he was 19 and majored in history. Now, Tsavo is making history himself with his innovative contributions to digital entrepreneurship. In this episode, Tsavo takes us back to...
info_outlineThroughout our lives, we’ll find ourselves leaning on someone for guidance, advice, and support. It starts from our early years, where we initially depend on our parents and teachers to indoctrinate us to the ways of the world until we become full-fledged adults capable of making responsible choices, growing our net worth, and expanding our network. One thing I’ve come to realize is that while we will never really stop learning, we’ll also reach a point where we would also want to share the wisdom we’ve acquired throughout the years with others to help them in their own journey. For this reason, I got together with my fellow entrepreneur Omar Mo, the host of the podcast The Nomadic Executive and CEO of Nomads Cast, to talk about anything under the sun about entrepreneurship and the value of mentorship by the poolside.
In this episode, Omar and I dive right in about how mentorship has impacted our lives. We bounce off the qualities you should look for in a mentor for guaranteed success. Then, we get into detail about my upcoming mentorship program and why I decided to create it. Finally, Omar and I also share book recommendations that we know will give you tons of value and potentially even change your life! This poolside conversation will definitely give you a refreshing perspective towards entrepreneurship and mentorship!
Time Stamps
[2:02] What is a Mentor?
[2:22] Phil & Omar’s Mentorship Stories
[6:01] What’s “Dangling The Carrot” and Why Is It So Effective?
[7:58] What Makes A Good Mentor?
[19:46] Proactive Qualities You Should Look For In A Mentor
[27:07] Life-changing Book Recommendations from Phil & Omar