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The Plant Based Podcast S14 E04 - Chatting Gardening with Award Winning Garden Designer and New Author Manoj Malde

The Plant Based Podcast

Release Date: 02/18/2024

The Plant Based Podcast S17 E05 - Social and Therapeutic Horticulture with Dr. Richard Claxton show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 E05 - Social and Therapeutic Horticulture with Dr. Richard Claxton

The Plant Based Podcast

By now you have probably heard of social prescribing and perhaps even social and therapeutic horticulture and as gardeners we know that gardening makes us feel good, but what about everyone else? What about people with no access to green space, people with mental and physical health issues and what about those tasked with giving advice, support and suggestions to help - such as a medical professional.    In this episode guest Dr. Richard Claxton -a champion of promoting positive health and wellness through plants and gardens - tells us what and how gardening truly helps people stay...

The Plant Based Podcast S17 E04 - Meet the Editor of Amateur Gardening Magazine, Kim Stoddart show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 E04 - Meet the Editor of Amateur Gardening Magazine, Kim Stoddart

The Plant Based Podcast

On the podcast in this episode is the editor of one of the most popular gardening magazines in the UK, Amateur Gardening. The magazine was founded in 1884, but sadly stopped production back in late 2023… but thankfully resurrected just a few months later, with a whole new look, making a whole nation of gardeners of all ages very happy.   Editor and author Kim Stoddart is with and to talk all about editorial deadlines and of course, gardening!   Afterwards Michael and Ellen chat random stuff from travels to plants and everything in between.    Sponsors of series 17 are...

The Plant Based Podcast S17 E03 - Artist Beth Williams joins the podcast to discuss designing with living textiles. show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 E03 - Artist Beth Williams joins the podcast to discuss designing with living textiles.

The Plant Based Podcast

Todays podcast is with Beth Williams, multidisciplinary artist and fashion designer who creates living textiles with incredible designs based around plants and nature. Beth centres around an inaccessible world as well as the relationship between human and environmental sustainability.    Afterwards, and gossip separately with news of what they have been up to recently.    Sponsors of series 17 are Lava-Lite  - Naturally The Best Effortlessly nourish and protect your plants with a collection of totally non-toxic, environmentally friendly, sustainable, pH neutral,...

The Plant Based Podcast S17 Bonus - Swapping notes on new plants and trends with Nat show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 Bonus - Swapping notes on new plants and trends with Nat

The Plant Based Podcast

In this bonus episode, Michael is at the International Plant fair, the IPM Essen, and he’s having a gossip with his good friend Nat Porter! We think you’re gonna love this meeting of two crazy plant minds, as they chat about everything from bedding plants to sushi trains!

The Plant Based Podcast S17 E02 - Why do we need new plants with Garry Grueber show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 E02 - Why do we need new plants with Garry Grueber

The Plant Based Podcast

New plant breeding is big business, but often people ask why we even need new plants. In this episode and with Garry Grueber who is well known in the world of plant development, with over 40 years of experience. It's an insightful chat into the world of new plants. Afterwards, Michael and Ellen chat about plant catwalks, conveyor belts and the cold.    Sponsors of series 17 are Lava-Lite  - Naturally The Best Effortlessly nourish and protect your plants with a collection of totally non-toxic, environmentally friendly, sustainable, pH neutral, lightweight and 100% natural...

The Plant Based Podcast S17 E01 - Can plants be queer with ecologist Connor Butler. show art The Plant Based Podcast S17 E01 - Can plants be queer with ecologist Connor Butler.

The Plant Based Podcast

Plants don’t always follow the expected rules or genders, and it’s not a big deal for them, yet why is it for us? Connor Butler gives us some some truths about everything LGBTQ+ in the botanical world…and it’s fascinating!  Afterwards and have a new years gossip while driving to Heathrow about travel and of course plants, amongst other random things.    Sponsors of series 17 are Lava-Lite  - Naturally The Best Effortlessly nourish and protect your plants with a collection of totally non-toxic, environmentally friendly, sustainable, pH neutral, lightweight and...

The Plant Based Podcast S16 E06 - Behind the scenes at the Garden Centre with Boyd-Douglas Davis show art The Plant Based Podcast S16 E06 - Behind the scenes at the Garden Centre with Boyd-Douglas Davis

The Plant Based Podcast

If you're part of the garden centre world, you may have heard the name Boyd Douglas-Davies. Boyd has had a long year career in ther garden centre industry, most recently heading up the PR and Communications of the popular British Garden Centres brand. He is now working as a freelance consultant, and chair of Greenfingers Charity. Boyd has a wealth of knowledge about garden centres, so if you've ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes, this is the episode for you.   Afterwards, and gossip about naughty squirrels, midlife crisis and procrastination.   Series 16 is sponsored by...

The Plant Based Podcast S16 E05 - Winter garden colour and containers with professional gardener Benjamin Pope. show art The Plant Based Podcast S16 E05 - Winter garden colour and containers with professional gardener Benjamin Pope.

The Plant Based Podcast

If you need some winter garden inspiration, this is the episode for you. and chat with Benjamin Pope all about how to add plenty of winter interest to your garden. Not just in larger gardens, but even in containers. Ben provides some really exciting combinations to brighten up any patio pot for the colder months of the year. Plus hear all about Ben's career and exciting 'retirement' project.   Afterwards Michael chats with Julie Parker for the gossip, filling in for Ellen who was otherwise engaged!   Series 16 is sponsored by Grow This, Not That - the Substack about new plants,...

The Plant Based Podcast S16 E04 - Where is the houseplant trend going to next with The Plant Rescuer Sarah Gerrard-Jones and Urban Tropicana show art The Plant Based Podcast S16 E04 - Where is the houseplant trend going to next with The Plant Rescuer Sarah Gerrard-Jones and Urban Tropicana

The Plant Based Podcast

Houseplants have always been 'trendy' in our eyes but over recent years the boom hasn't slowed up. Or has it? and chat with the experts Sarah Gerrard Jone and Urban Jungle to find out what they think about the future of houseplants. From upcoming trends to favourite plants, it's a plant packed podcast episode.    Afterwards, Michael and Ellen gossip about whatever comes to mind in the moment from Michael's birthday (that he doesn't want to be mentioned) to bulb lasagnes.      Series 16 is sponsored by Grow This, Not That - the Substack about new plants, horticulture...

The Plant Based Podcast S16 E03 - What's happening in the social media world of horticulture from three influencers show art The Plant Based Podcast S16 E03 - What's happening in the social media world of horticulture from three influencers

The Plant Based Podcast

Do you get lost in the constant online stream of social media? Do you ever wonder how other people feel about it? Does it help or hinder horticulture? and catch up with and to get three different opinions and views on how to enjoy social media and how being in the garden community has benefits - mostly!    Afterwards, Michael and Ellen gossip about whatever comes to mind in the moment from creating textured containers in Japan to autumn colours in USA. 

More Episodes

Manoj Malde joins @mr_plantgeek and @ellenmarygardening in this weeks episode to talk about the joys of gardening, designing for RHS Chelsea Flower Show and getting married there along with his brand new book called Your Outdoor Room: How to design a garden you can live in which is due to be released soon.

Afterwards, Michael and Ellen gossip from opposite sides of the Atlantic, being sleepless in Seattle and Valentines Roses. 


Proud to announce Hydria as the new series 14 sponsors! Hydria™ is the world’s first all-in-one water fountain kit that fits any planter or pot. Perfect for patios, balconies and even indoors as a water feature with a difference. Not only can the water sound soothe you and look wonderful in your garden but the fountain is available with various colours, attachments and tiles so you can truly personalise your fountain to your own space. Find out more about Hydria when you listen to the podcast and via their website: https://www.hydrialife.com

Also check them out on socials: 

Instagram: @hydria_fountain
Facebook: @hydriafountain