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151: How To Dominate Podcasting!

Podcasters' Roundtable

Release Date: 12/07/2020

Podcasters Don't Care About Live-Streaming show art Podcasters Don't Care About Live-Streaming

Podcasters' Roundtable

If you're a podcaster, do you also record your show live, as-in, do you live-stream? Why or why not? Do you even care about live? What's different about live vs time-shifted podcasts? 

The Money's in the Reruns! show art The Money's in the Reruns!

Podcasters' Roundtable

Nearly 50% of monthly podcast downloads come from older episodes. What are you going to do with that info!? 👀 Watch this episode: ✅ Subscribe via YouTube  

Did You Forget to Categorize Your Podcast? show art Did You Forget to Categorize Your Podcast?

Podcasters' Roundtable

If you only chose one category for your podcast when you submitted to Apple Podcasts (you DID submit to Apple Podcasts, right!?) you might be missing out on opportunities to be found. Watch this Round https://youtu.be/xyFFDPcRMfY

Ads for Everyone! show art Ads for Everyone!

Podcasters' Roundtable

Podcasts, no longer a word you have to explain to anyone. So, with everyone knowing what a podcasts is, are the advertisers flooding into the space to reach people who might not be listening to their messages elsewhere? Is it easier for you to get an advertiser for your podcast in 2021? How do you even start to look for an ad if you want them?  Roundtablers: , , , and . Get your podcast reviews at Watch this Round Join us via  

Should Your Plumber Have a Podcast? show art Should Your Plumber Have a Podcast?

Podcasters' Roundtable

You've heard that everyone has a podcast. Does that mean your plumber, local accountant, independent coffee shop, etc., should too? If you're a local business looking to get customers through your door, is a podcast a good use of your time? Guests: and Watch/sub on YouTube https://youtube.com/podcastersroundtable

Spending Money on Your Podcast show art Spending Money on Your Podcast

Podcasters' Roundtable

How much money have you spent on your podcast? Are you done? Are there more things you could improve by spending more money (gear, services, advertising...)? Watch on YouTube Optimize your titles How people find your podcast in apps - who indexes what Mike's guest video Using podcast ads to promote your own podcast

Is Video the #1 Way to Grow Your Podcast? show art Is Video the #1 Way to Grow Your Podcast?

Podcasters' Roundtable

Can video really be the number one way to grow your audio podcast? Our guests think so and we're going to find out why. 

155: Podcast Subscriptions - What Does That Even Mean Anymore? show art 155: Podcast Subscriptions - What Does That Even Mean Anymore?

Podcasters' Roundtable

Paid podcasts. There are many ways to get paid as a podcaster and now Apple and Spotify are launching their own avenues for podcasters to produce premium content. Beyond the differences like price setting, cost to the creator etc., all stuff bound to change over time, what does it really mean for your show? Join , , , , and to help figure out what works for your show, in terms of monetization and how you might begin to navigate premium podcasting.

154: Finding Untapped Podcast Fans show art 154: Finding Untapped Podcast Fans

Podcasters' Roundtable

What can you do beyond simply publishing a podcast to find more podcast listeners?  Join ,  , and to chat about communities for your podcast, outside of your podcast itself, virtual podcast events, Spotify's growing market share, podcast awards and more. Watch this Round: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WfUZupskmQ You can to get new Rounds delivered to your inbox automatically. , if you'd like to appear on a future Round. Thanks and I can't wait to see you at the Roundtable!

153: Who Pays for Podcasts? show art 153: Who Pays for Podcasts?

Podcasters' Roundtable

Does moving podcasts behind a paywall work? Will Apple be testing the waters? Join , , , and  to discuss subscription models for podcasts. Stories discussed on this Round Title: Apple Spotlight Main Takeaway: This sounds promising for the independent Podcaster, but will it work? url: Title: Apple Podcast Subscriptions Main Takeaway: Would this be a blessing or a curse for the Independent Podcaster? URL: Title: Is Spotify’s big bet on podcasts failing? Main Takeaway: The battle of converting music listeners to podcast listeners continues. Will it be worth...

More Episodes

If you created 500, three episode, podcasts, would you be the number one podcaster? This seems to be Spotify's approach with Anchor but does it work? Is it valuable? Are they really 'dominating' podcasting? 

Join Ray Ortega, Dave Jackson, Angela Connor, and Zack Jackson to music podcasts, getting your show in shape and other stories in podcasting.

Title: Spotify says it’s dominating the podcasting market because of a million-plus tiny podcasts

Main Takeaway: I'm skeptical.

url: https://www.theverge.com/2020/12/2/21755151/spotify-podcasts-anchor-stats-data-wrapped-2020

Title: Text to Podcast Company Launches 

Main Takeaway: Does a service like this make podcasting a turn-key commodity? I wonder if by selecting a narrator and having content read and turned into podcasts if there is a real connection with listeners. Is this just a way to make podcasting the new “content marketing?”  This may be okay for brands I suppose. I just think a connection with hosts being “real people” can really make a difference. Their website mentions turning ebooks into podcasts, for instance. This is not to pick on the company or the idea - I’m just talking about authenticity with podcasts. Not content being read by a nameless male or female voice.  The call-to-action on their website is “Create podcasts from any content.” Really? Is that what podcasts should become? 

URL: https://podcastbusinessjournal.com/text-to-podcast-company-launches/

Title: Apple Podcasts Names NPR’s Code Switch as It’s First Ever “Show of the Year”

Main Takeaway: A podcast that focuses on one of the toughest topics for people to discuss, RACE, is named Podcast of the Year, which I think is phenomenal. I also started a podcast this year on a tough topic such as this - racial equality in the workplace - so this is something I’m excited to see happen. Also, the idea of “Show of the Year.” It’s the first but will it become Emmy and Grammy-like? What’s the criteria? Who decided? Was there a submission period? I didn’ t know this was happening and just think it’s worth discussing.  BTW, Code Switch is a really good podcast.  

URL: https://www.npr.org/about-npr/940135424/apple-podcasts-names-nprs-code-switch-as-its-first-ever-show-of-the-year

Title:  Why Carmakers Are Getting Into Podcasts and Audio Marketing

Main Takeaway: We’ve talked a lot about advertising in podcasting, and it’s usually driven by companies inserting their ads into podcasts and paying the content creators based on the number of impressions. That sort of advertising has been around since the days of the newspaper (maybe earlier), but Hyundai and Ford are bypassing podcasters all together and making their own podcasts that are thinly veiled ads instead. Hyundai created a podcast where they interview musicians and take a “virtual audio tour” of their home city. They’re integrating all kinds of musical playlists on Spotify and visual elements on their website too. More interestingly though is Ford. They’re bringing back the Bronco and are advertising it through an 8-part “investigative” series called “Bring Back Bronco: The Untold Story”. If this sort of thing works, will companies start hiring podcast producers instead of paying for ads on established podcasts? Should we start pitching corporate podcast ideas and get some of that sweet sweet cash? 

URL: https://www.adweek.com/media/why-carmakers-podcasts-audio-marketing/

Title:  Bill Gates teaming with actor and activist Rashida Jones for new podcast, ‘Ask Big Questions’

Main Takeaway: Can we just talk about how random this podcast is? From the article, “A mutual friend suggested the two might have a lot to talk about and the podcast idea was born.” I just started listening to the first episode, but I love Rashida Jones and I’m sure it’s fabulous. I love the idea of interesting people getting together and just creating something like this that is meant to be a limited run. With the pandemic, this seems easier than ever. Who else could we introduce? Kanye and the Pope? Jeff Bezos and the Dalai Lama? Who is your dream team? 

URL: https://www.geekwire.com/2020/bill-gates-teaming-actor-activist-rashida-jones-new-podcast-ask-big-questions/

Title:  I analyzed 20 million Apple Podcasts star ratings. Here’s what I learned

Main Takeaway: If you have more than four ratings you are better than 50% of the podcast. The average rating is 4.6

URL: https://blog.pacific-content.com/i-analyzed-20-million-apple-podcasts-star-ratings-heres-what-i-learned-d1599a5d0cec

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