Let's talk about how much time you should spend streaming.
info_outline Streaming SucksSTREAM RANTS
Tired of the same old stuff? Me too.
info_outline The Death of MixerSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses his time on Mixer and the end of the platform
info_outline Goals and FailureSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat rehashed 2019 and talks about personal goals using failure as a tool.
info_outline Content?STREAM RANTS
What is content? What is the next evolution for streaming?
info_outline DiscoverabilitySTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses discoverability and it's role for streamers.
info_outline Perspective and ReflectionSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses the importance of looking back in order to go forward.
info_outline The long absence/ConsistencySTREAM RANTS
Mudcat talks consistency and some self evaluation
info_outline The Con Experience\ E3 RecapSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat Recaps E3 2019 and talks about the importance of going to conventions.
info_outline Support YourselfSTREAM RANTS
In episode 27 Mudcat encourages streamers to stop expecting support from others and instead focus on their own content.
info_outlineIn episode 11, Mudcat discusses reasons why your channel and community may not be growing and actions you can take to promote growth.