Let's talk about how much time you should spend streaming.
info_outline Streaming SucksSTREAM RANTS
Tired of the same old stuff? Me too.
info_outline The Death of MixerSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses his time on Mixer and the end of the platform
info_outline Goals and FailureSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat rehashed 2019 and talks about personal goals using failure as a tool.
info_outline Content?STREAM RANTS
What is content? What is the next evolution for streaming?
info_outline DiscoverabilitySTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses discoverability and it's role for streamers.
info_outline Perspective and ReflectionSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat discusses the importance of looking back in order to go forward.
info_outline The long absence/ConsistencySTREAM RANTS
Mudcat talks consistency and some self evaluation
info_outline The Con Experience\ E3 RecapSTREAM RANTS
Mudcat Recaps E3 2019 and talks about the importance of going to conventions.
info_outline Support YourselfSTREAM RANTS
In episode 27 Mudcat encourages streamers to stop expecting support from others and instead focus on their own content.
info_outlineIn Episode 12 Mudcat is joined by his first guest, his wife, Becca Godsey. Together they discuss social media practices for streamers looking to connect and grow on various online platforms.
Follow Becca Godsey on Twitter: @Beccagodsey