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85. Christianity in Five Verses


Release Date: 02/21/2017

107. Godparents - What Are They For? show art 107. Godparents - What Are They For?


Andy answers questions about godparents. 

106. Sharing the Gospel with 21st Century Technology show art 106. Sharing the Gospel with 21st Century Technology


Andy interviews his pastor, Arthur Andrews from Hephatha Lutheran Church. Andy finds out why Pastor Andrews wants to start a podcast and explores other means by which Pastor Andrews has shared the Gospel using 21st century technology.

105. Lutheran Theology Part 6 show art 105. Lutheran Theology Part 6


Andy and Wes close the series on Lutheran Theology discussing worship, the Church, and ministry. Topics: Liturgy Contemporary Worship Invisible Church Visible Church Marks of the Church Luther's Two Kingdom Theory Priesthood of All Believers Office of the Public Ministry Office of the Keys

104. Thanksgiving Special 2017 show art 104. Thanksgiving Special 2017


First Reconnect Thanksgiving Special. Andy reads an article by Eric Metaxes that was published in 2015 in the Wall Street Journal entitled, "The Miracle of Squanto's Path to Plymouth". He also shares the top 7 Bible verses for Thanksgiving which are compiled and explained by Kristi Winkler of ShareFaith.

103. Luther's 95 Theses (Reaction!) show art 103. Luther's 95 Theses (Reaction!)


Andy is a Lutheran, meaning that he believes the Book of Concord (The Lutheran Confessions) accurately represent the teachings of Scripture. However, he has never read Martin Luther's 95 Theses that he posted on the church door in Wittenberg on Oct. 31st, 1517.

102. Lutheran Theology Part 5 show art 102. Lutheran Theology Part 5


Andy continues the series on Lutheran Theology. This time Wes is back and together they discuss the formal principle of Lutheran theology and the nature of Law and Gospel.

101. Are Scripture and Darwinian Evolution Compatible? show art 101. Are Scripture and Darwinian Evolution Compatible?


Sean Pino interviews Andy to see if he thinks Scripture and Darwinian Evolution are compatible. The literary nature of Genesis is discussed, the source and origin of physical death in creation, the interplay between scientific discovery and theory with Biblical interpretation, and why some Christians are adamant in their refusal to adapt Darwinian teaching into Christian Doctrine.

100. Songs of Protest and Apocalypse show art 100. Songs of Protest and Apocalypse


For episode 100 of Reconnect, Andy interviews Joe Joe Bongiorno, about his illustrated rock lyric book, Black Sabbath The Illustrated Lyrics, Vo1. 2: Songs of Protest and Apocalypse.  Bongiorno’s book explains the lyrics of Black Sabbaths’ 2nd album, Paranoid.  Some listeners might be shocked to hear about a Black Sabbath themed episode of a podcast dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and if that is the case, please go back to episode 68 where Andy interviewed Joe about Volume 1.  Bongiorno explains how Paranoid is a collection of songs that are “ultimately...

99. Lutheran Theology Part 4 show art 99. Lutheran Theology Part 4


Andy is joined by Wes, Jonathan, and Robby to continue the series on Lutheran Theology.  This time the focus is on the means of grace, a term that is particularly Lutheran, and is used to describe the Gospel, baptism, and communion.   You'll learn why Lutherans call baptism and communion a means of grace.  Not all Christians would do this, and many would deny that they are ways in which God delievers his grace to individuals.  Most Christians won't deny the Gospel being a means of grace, so the bulk of the episode is focused on baptism and communion.  Lutherans...

98. Sharing the Gospel with Kids show art 98. Sharing the Gospel with Kids


Dave, Tim, and Andy sit down to discuss how to go about sharing the Gospel with kids.

More Episodes

Aaron Puls shares the Doctrine of Justification with Andy Wrasman and Jonathan Rutherford, using Dr. Rod Rosenbladt’s sermon “Christianity in Five Verses” as a guide. 

Justification is God’s declaration that sinners are innocent on account of Christ’s death on the cross that atones for all of our sins.  This is pure gift!  We are declared innocent, though we are guilty.  Justice is still served, since the penalty for our sins were paid in full by Jesus of Nazareth. 

Objective Justification is a doctrine that states that Jesus died for all sins, past, present, and future, for all people.  Individual receives the benefits of Christ’s saving work through faith, which is the doctrine of Subjective Justification.  This means that though Jesus died for everyone only those who receive the grace he won for us through faith are saved. 

Another important doctrine is Sanctification.  Unlike Justification, which is instantons, and a declaration of innocence for the sinner, Sanctification is a process.  It is the process of becoming holy.  Though we are declared holy, it does not mean that we are now sinless.  In Justification, we are declared just though we are sinners.  At the exact moment of Justification, the process of Sanctification begins, and it carries on throughout the life of the believer, completed at death, at which time the sinful nature is gone for the believer, once and forever. 

Sadly, many Christians look to their Sanctification as the assurance of their Justification.  This is a mistake which plagues the believer with doubt of salvation, leading to utter despair or self-righteousness.  The mingling of Sanctification and Justification points the believer away from Christ’s work inward to each man’s own heart and works. 

Aaron plays video clips from John MacArthur, Francis Chan, N.T. Wright, and John Piper.  Do they get Justification right?  Or do they mingle Sanctification and Justification?  Do they point us to Christ for assurance of salvation, or do they point us to ourselves?