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Ep # 25 Boundaries

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Release Date: 08/15/2019

Ep# 290 What Creates Trust show art Ep# 290 What Creates Trust

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

We don't get to decide we're trustworthy. Instead, others assess our trustiworthiness based on specific criteria and decide for themselves. What is that criteria? I'll share it with you in this episode plus how to increase your trustworthiness.  Want to learn more about my group Living A Life You Love for women veterinarians? More info .

Ep# 289 What Matters Most To People show art Ep# 289 What Matters Most To People

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

I've been in Europe this week and had an experience that reminded me what matters most. It's easy to get upset over politics right now with so much going on but I want to encourage you to remember that we are all just people who want most of the same things out of life. 

Ep# 288 Being In Service Energy show art Ep# 288 Being In Service Energy

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

We make things personal that often don't need to be. Most of that is actually just a nervous system response to something our body deems as a threat. This can get very confusing when it's in regard to others feedback and criticism but when you stay connected to who you serve and what your purpose is, you will find the space through. This energy can fuel you in such amazing ways and I call it "service energy". 

Ep# 287 Being a Great Co-Worker show art Ep# 287 Being a Great Co-Worker

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

This is one of the top 5 most downloaded episodes of the podcast! And that says alot about my listeners. It says that the people I attract care about how they show up at work and want to be the best versions of themselves. We may not be able to change others but we can choose the kind of co-worker we want to be. 

Ep#286 You Might Have Work-Life Balance All Wrong show art Ep#286 You Might Have Work-Life Balance All Wrong

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

This is an episode from the vault but I think it's one we all need to hear again and again. Work-life balance is the elusive thing we're all chasing and yet we've likely never even defined it. The reality is "work-life" balance means different things to different people and will mean different things depending on the season of your life. This is an episode to digest and share with others! 

Ep# 285 How Do You Know When You Should Quit? show art Ep# 285 How Do You Know When You Should Quit?

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

At one time or another we all are faced with the question "Is it time to quit this job?". I'm a big believer in routinely re-evaluating the choices we make, including where, for whom and what our work is. From there you can either decide to make a change or redecide what you're currently doing. You aren't stuck! Enjoy this little ditty from the vault! 

Ep# 284 Choosing Self-Care w/ Kelly Burich show art Ep# 284 Choosing Self-Care w/ Kelly Burich

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

My Gemini Girl Kelly Burich and I are back at it this week gabbing about all things self-care. This is the conversation you need to hear. It's part validation as to why self-care can feel so daunting and unacheivable while also part inspiration as we remind you of all of the choices you get to make about how you care for yourself. Listen in! 

Ep# 283 Lessons from Life Coaching show art Ep# 283 Lessons from Life Coaching

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

I've been coaching people who work with and for animals for almost 10 years now. This episode is from 2020 and I stand by all of these lessons still. As a matter of fact, even more so!

Ep#282 Making Time For Feelings show art Ep#282 Making Time For Feelings

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Perhaps the deepest self-care is making time to process your emotions. Compassion fatigue is what happens when we get so filled with the residue of repeatedly bearing witness to the trauma of others. There has to be an outlet for your emotions and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it isn't wine! 

Ep# 281 Summer Series: The Hustle for Worthiness show art Ep# 281 Summer Series: The Hustle for Worthiness

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

This episode is all about self-worth and is one of my absolute favorite messages! It would make a great keynote speech to remind anyone who has ever doubted themselves. This will remind you of what you already know but may've forgotten. 

More Episodes

Boundaries are an extremely important component of preventing compassion fatigue and as animal workers we often have a hard time creating and enforcing them. Essentially boundaries are about respect, self-protection and self-care. Listen to find out how more!