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Ep# 277 Summer Series: What Is Intentional Thinking?

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Release Date: 06/20/2024

Ep# 278 Summer Series: What Perfectionism is Really About show art Ep# 278 Summer Series: What Perfectionism is Really About

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Being a perfectionist may sound noble and like a virtue but it's actually anything but. What perfectionism really is may surprise you but understanding what it's based in will only help you grow.

Ep# 277 Summer Series: What Is Intentional Thinking? show art Ep# 277 Summer Series: What Is Intentional Thinking?

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Today I have a great episode about intentional thinking. Intentional thinking is the skill of deliberately and on purpose deciding what you want to think. Most people don't know they can do this and while it may be a skill that requires practice, it's a skill that will improve your life 100-fold. 

Ep# 276 Summer Series: The Invitation show art Ep# 276 Summer Series: The Invitation

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Ever listen to something at a different time in your life and it transforms you? To be honest, EVERY time I listen to what I'm sharing with you in this episode, I am transformed. Because it hits me differently each and every time I hear it. And I've heard it a lot over the past two decades.  So today I invite you to take a real listen and see how this lands with you with where you are in your life right now. And if it encourages you to shift, pivot or change your thinking about something in your life. It does for me, every damn time. 

Ep# 275 Geminis Unleashed: Resilience show art Ep# 275 Geminis Unleashed: Resilience

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Geminis Unleashed is what I'm calling the 6 monthly episodes I'm doing with fellow Gemini Soul Sister, Kelly Burich. Kelly is a favorite repeat guest on the pod and today we talk all about Resilience. What it is, how emotional labor impacts it, what the research says and what do we do to have more. Hit play! You won't want to miss this meeting of the Gemini minds!!

Ep# 274 My Summer Awakening show art Ep# 274 My Summer Awakening

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

In this episode I share with you what I'm calling my Summer Awakening or my Mid-Life Awakening. And I want to invite you to join me in it. It's a simple approach to summer that will result in an overall improvement in your wellbeing and mental health. 

Ep# 273 Lessons From My Mentor show art Ep# 273 Lessons From My Mentor

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

I've been thinking a lot about all the things I learned from my veterinary mentor Dr. Skip Leighton and wanted to share that with you. He's even partially responsible for the work I do today. Listen and find out how. 

Ep#272 Dysregulated Clients show art Ep#272 Dysregulated Clients

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Whether you serve veterinary clients, the general public or someone else, you need to be aware of how your policies and procedures may be creating (or adding to) nervous system dysregulation in others. What I'm about to say in this episode may not be agreed upon by everyone but hear me out. It just might have the potential to help!

Ep# 271 Motherless Daughters:A Heartfelt Chat with Kelly Burich show art Ep# 271 Motherless Daughters:A Heartfelt Chat with Kelly Burich

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

The "club" we never wanted to be in, being a motherless daughter. Join me as I welcome back to the pod, the fabulous, spunky and always witty dynamo Kelly Burich, for a conversation about love, loss and grief. In honor of Mother's Day, we talk about our beloved mom's Pamela and Nancy. You won't want to miss this as we laugh and cry about our mama's. 

Ep# 270 Best Of: The 5 Chapters of Your Life show art Ep# 270 Best Of: The 5 Chapters of Your Life

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

Today's episode is from the archives of 2022.  An Autobiography in Five Chapters by Portia Nelson Chapter 1 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost….I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter 2 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the side walk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. But it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. Chapter 3 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I...

Ep# 269 Conscious Compartmentalization show art Ep# 269 Conscious Compartmentalization

Rekindling: Compassion Fatigue Solutions for Animal Workers

"Compartmentalization is a defense mechanism in which people mentally separate conflicting thoughts, emotions, or experiences to avoid the discomfort of contradiction" according to Psychology Today. I believe compartmentalization can be an effective coping strategy for people who work in the emotionally charged fields of vet med, animal welfare and lab animal research. But it has to be conscious. Listen and learn what I mean by that. 

More Episodes

Today I have a great episode about intentional thinking. Intentional thinking is the skill of deliberately and on purpose deciding what you want to think. Most people don't know they can do this and while it may be a skill that requires practice, it's a skill that will improve your life 100-fold.