Rethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors William Tanksley and Darren Clark interview J. Webb Mealy about his book, The Bad Place. In this part 2 of their discussion, they discuss the application of Mealy's five principles for interpreting the Book of Revelation. Links: J. Webb Mealy's book The Bad Place: Or, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hell, but Were Afraid to Ask, on Amazon: Mealy's Amazon author's page: Mealy's presentation, "In Christ All Will Be Made Alive: Jesus Ransom Every Human Being from Death," given at the sixth annual Rethinking Hell Conference: Mealy's presentation, "Five...
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors William Tanksley and Darren Clark interview J. Webb Mealy about his book, The Bad Place. In this part 1 of their discussion, Mealy summarizes the chapters of his book and then outlines his five principles of interpreting the Book of Revelation. Links: J. Webb Mealy's book The Bad Place: Or, Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Hell, but Were Afraid to Ask, on Amazon: Mealy's Amazon author's page: Mealy's presentation, "In Christ All Will Be Made Alive: Jesus Ransom Every Human Being from Death," given at the sixth annual Rethinking Hell Conference: ...
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to continue a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this sixth episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris continue discussing how Slick insists upon conflating physicalism and "soul sleep" with conditional immortality and annihilationism to erect a straw man easily burned down, as they began to do in the previous episode. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to continue a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this fifth episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris begin discussing how Slick insists upon conflating physicalism and "soul sleep" with conditional immortality and annihilationism to erect a straw man easily burned down. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to continue a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this fourth episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris continue discussing how Slick misrepresents conditionalism and annihilationism in the definitions he offers of various terms and of our beliefs. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to continue a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this third episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris discuss how Slick misrepresents conditionalism and annihilationism in the definitions he offers of various terms and of our beliefs. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to continue a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this second episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris discuss some of the ways Slick misreads and misrepresents conditionalist literature in his critiques of annihilationism. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributors Peter Grice and Chris Date join Darren Clark to begin a series of podcast episodes responding to Matt Slick of In this first episode of the series, Darren, Peter, and Chris appeal to Slick for better interactions with conditionalists. Links: Matt Slick's annihilationism landing page at <a href=""></a>
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributor Chris Date interviews conditionalist Michael Zwaagstra on a course he recently taught at Steinbach Bible College on the three Christian views of hell. Links: The website for Michael's recent book, The Naked Man Flees: Timeless Truths from Obscure Parts of the Bible: Michael's book on Amazon: The website for Steinbach Bible College, at which Michael recently taught his course:
info_outlineRethinking Hell
Rethinking Hell contributor Chris Date interviews atheist Ed Atkinson on how abductive reasoning can inform the intramural Christian debate over hell. Links: Ed Atkinson's "Doubts Aloud" Podcast (iTunes): The Unbelievable? Christian and Skeptic Discussion Group London (Meetup):
info_outlineRethinking Hell contributors William Tanksley and Darren Clark join Chris Date to critique Greg Koukl and Tim Barnett's article series at Stand to Reason called "Hell Interrupted." This episode contains part 3 of their discussion; the next one or two episodes will contain the remainder of the series.
Part 1 of Koukl and Barnett's article series, "Hell Interrupted":
Part 2 of Koukl and Barnett's article series, "Hell Interrupted":
Part 3 of Koukl and Barnett's article series, "Hell Interrupted":
"Warned of Sin's Wages," article by Peter Grice:
"Annihilation in 2 Thessalonians 1:9 (Part 1)," article by Peter Grice:
"Annihilation in 2 Thessalonians 1:9 (Part 2)," article by Ronnie Demler and William Tanksley:
"Perish the Thought," article by Darren Clark:
"On the Meaning of Destruction in the Bible," article by Darren Clark:
"Exegesis Interrupted," article by Darren Clark:
"Biblical Theology Interrupted," article by Darren Clark:
"Psalm 37—A Song of Annihilation," article by Mark Corbett and William Tanksley:
"The Hermeneutics of Conditionalism," article by Chris Date: