Mulling It Over
MULLING IT OVER with host, Bob Houghtaling EPISODE 3: Bob Houghtaling discusses how kids learn whether it is while at play or in a classroom setting. Special emphasis is placed on knowledge gained, in and out of school, as well as some of the challenges which can impede or delay learning.
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Building Connections Episode 43: Hosts Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling interview Cameron Kadek Cameron Kadek, Title 1 Family Facilitator, discusses her work in the City of Warwick, supporting underprivileged children and their families. Special emphasis is placed on building relationships that assist and augment school efforts. Text or call: 401-291-8288
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Episode 2: Bob Houghtaling discusses how awareness of Mental Health has increased while also pointing to challenges that lay ahead. Emphasis is placed on the importance of creating allies as well as the value of seeing young people as wonderful advocates.
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MULLING IT OVERwith host, Bob Houghtaling Episode1: Bob Houghtaling discusses school shootings and how we need more than just police officers, social workers, buzzers/bells, and teachers with guns, to address this national plague. Special emphasis is placed on our responsibilities as well as the importance of hope, awe and possibility.
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Building Connections Episode 42: Hosts Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling interview Kaia Marinelli Kaia Marinelli discusses her prevention work with the Kent County Prevention Coalition inclusive of conferences, presentations, Sticker Shock and a myriad of other initiatives. Special emphasis was also placed on her school experience, at The Met School, as well as insight into young people and mental health.
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Building Connections Episode 41: Hosts Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling interview Emily Kendall Emily Kendall joins Building Connections to discuss her work with Sandy Hook Promise. Using her experience as a child, regarding a school shooting, she has become a powerful advocate for mental health and safety.
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Host, Bob Houghtaling with Ann Boulet A Journey Through Grief EPISODE 8: Ann Boulet discusses how the loss of her husband led to a journey and the writing of After Winter Comes Spring. Special emphasis is placed on how each individual has a unique grieving experience as well as how death is a topic which many have difficulty speaking of.
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Building Connections Episode 40: Hosts Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling interview Jen Stevens Jen Stevens joins Building Connections to discuss her work helping to bring RI Teen Institute back. Emphasis is placed on how T.I. influenced her life as well as ways young people can benefit from this incredible initiative. Teen Institute will be held in August of 2023 and promises to develop many talented and informed youth leaders. RI Teen Institute contacts: 401-244-7386 email: website:
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Episode 39: Hosts Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling interview Diana Gugliotta Diana Gugliotta, Director of Public Affairs for AAA, speaks to highway safety placing emphasis on impaired driving caused by alcohol and marijuana. Working closely with the court systems she looks to educate young people, helping them to make healthy and safe choices. 401-868-2000 ext. 2120
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Building Connections Episode 38: Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling with Elle and Xia Elle and Xia, representatives of the student-led club ASAPP, visit Building Connections to discuss mental health. Special emphasis is placed addressing eating disorders and those factors that help create them. ASAPP, and a middle school version ASAPP II, continue advocating for additional awareness regarding mental health in the East Greenwich community.
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Episode 36: Kathy Sullivan & Bob Houghtaling with guest Lindsey Miga
Lindsey Miga joins Building Connections to discuss transition to college, mental health, and her continuing work supporting young people. Special emphasis is placed on how Covid-19 and school distancing impacted the social emotional growth for many students.